Crescent Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1906-01-16

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CRESCENT PARK FORM CHART. , NEW ORLEANS, LA., January 15, 1906. Fortieth day. Crescent City Jockey Club. Winter Meeting 100 days. Weather cloudy; track good. Presiding Judge, Clarence McDowell. Starter, A. B. Dade. Secretary, Martin Xathanson. . Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Xo recall flag used. W Indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. KCkifa FIRST RACE 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. OtDO Xet value to winner S2.50. - Ind Horses AWt PPSt Vj StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 57287 FANCY DRESS WB 4107 12 Is l3 1 1 Sewell S W StreettandCo 3 7 5 2 1 59290PHOEBUS w 4 117 4 3 7l 73 7 2n J Johnson.T OBrien 8 10 10 4 2 594402MART GENTRY w 4 109 10 6 0 4 4 3 Manders P King 7 15 12 4 8-5 59393 FAIR CALYPSO W 4 109 8 4 4b 3 3b 4k Freeman E Smith 10 10 8 3 3-2 59617 SEA VOYAGE w 4 107 2 7 52 61 51 51 Moreland M D Miller 10 20 20 8 4 5t5883WHORLER WB 6 112 9 5 3b 5b Gl 6 F Green W H SnyderandCo 2 2 8-5 3-5 1-3 59637 GLEN GALLANT ws 5 120 7 1 2 21 2b 7" Johansn H D Bellew and ColO 12 12 5 2 59593 BENORA ws 5 1161 5 9 8 8 8 8 J WlnkfldMrs W Perkins 8 10 8 3 3-2 57S21 SHIPSHAPE w 5 108 6 8 Broke down. Noone R Bauer 20 50 40 15 8 59394 KICKSHAW WB 6 112 3 Left att he post. Bedell T Licalzi 20 30 30 15 6 Time, 251, 501, 1:171. Winner Br. f, by Ben Brush Costume trained by II. Randolph. Went to post at 1:59. At p6st 5 minutes. Start Ijad. Won easily; second driving. Fancy Dress was quickest iu motion at the start, opened a winning lead In the first quarter and increased her advantage when called on. Phoebus, poorly handled, ran a surprisingly good race and finished fast. Mart Gentry miished well and showed improvement. Fair Calypso tired in the last furlong. Sea Voyage was in close quarters through the stretch. Whorler, away In a tangle, was badly ridden and forced to pull up in the stretch to keep from going down. With clear sailing lie would have been second. Glen Gallant ran a good half and retired. Scratched 59C372Budwelser, 112; 59C37 Loricate, 125. Overweights Benora, 1 pounds. f Q SECOND RACE 5-8 Mile. Pnrse 00. 3-year-olds. Allowances. OOOO Net value to winner 00. Ind Horses AWt PPSt M StrFin Jockeys Ownera PH C P 8 5948SGUIDING STAR w 112 10 2 11 ll 11 lj F ONeill N Bennington 7-104-5 7-101-3 out 59045 HIGH CHANCE WB 100 G 3 3 2 21 2i Perrine S C Hildreth 6 7, 6 8-5 7-10 596163BITTER HAND WB 97 2 4 7 5 33 32 Perkins J C Cahn 20 40 30 8 "3 594C03STONER HILL w 10S 8 1 2 4 5 42 Sewell J Everman and Co 7 7 5 8-5 3-5 5961C2JOE COLSON w 97 4 5 42 3 41 5 S Dickson G B Watkins 15 15 12 4 6-5 59513 USURY WB 95 3 10 10 7 6 6 F Green W H SnyderandCo 15 15 12 4 3-2 ES424SWELL GIRL w 100 5 8 81 8 7 72 Moesel R E Watkins 30 40 40 12 4 54000 BILLIE GANNON w 97 9 6 5 61 93 82 Dennison J W Wood 100 200,100 30 15 59513 ROMANCITA w 93 1 9 9l 92 8 93 Moreland F Hulse and Co 100 200 200 50 20 LITTLE THERESIA W 93 7 7 Gl 10 10 10 Keyes D Henry 100 200 200 50 20 Time, 24s, 492, 1:02J. Winner B. c, by Gerolstein Samoa trained by F. Burlew. Went to post at 2:48. At post 12 minutes. Start fair. Won easily; second the same. Guiding Star, away forwardly, ran In a contending position to the stretch turn, where he saved ground and came away fast. High Chance ran a good race and hung on gamely under a hard drive. Bitter Hand lagged badly in the first part of the race, but responded well to punishment and finished gamely. Stoner Hill was an early contender, but lost much ground by going wide into the stretch. Joe Colson displayed a brief flash of speed, but tired liadly after going a half. Usury got away poorly and had scant chance. Scratched 59392 Cousin Kate, 107: 557CS2 Haughty, 95; 59C10Deuxtemps, 102; 58948 The Ram, 100; 59488 Lady Chlswlck, 95. Ckd d A THIRD RACE 3-8 Mile. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. OjLf OOtg Xet value to winner 00. . Ind Horses AWt PPSt A StrFin Jockeys Owners 0HC P8 5S514 RUNSUM w 107 3 2 1 11 Sewell T E Cassln 12 15 13 4 8-5 59390 SALVISA w 101 2 6 32 W Hayes E A Chlnn 20 30 15 6 3 593902LITTLE WANDA w 107 5 4 8 31 R Macey G Macey and Co 6 8 8 2 4-3 595143OUR OWN w 103 9 3 61 41 L Smith W H SnyderandCo 4 10 10 3 1 59590 DOROTHY M. w 1041 8 10 10 C Bell S Murray 30 60 60 20 8 59514 RODSY W 1051 1 1 21 62 D Vltitoe B C Watkins 40 60 60 20 10 59514 D. OF MONTEBELLO w 101 6 7 5l 72 White G B Hill 40 60 CO 20 10 E95903MISS CUSTIS w 105 10 9 93 S3 McCabe Mrs R W Walden3 4 4 1 1-2 59514 HELEN LUCAS w 110 7 5 7 92 F ONeill Mrs M Goldblatt 4-5 1 4-5 1-3 out 5S514 NISHNABOTNA w 101 4 S 4b 10 McClain JASeckingtonandCo 40 60 CO 20 10 Time, 13, 25, 371. Winner B. f, by Kingston Hattle Trowbridge trained by T. E. Cassin. Went to post at 3:13. At post 2 minutes. Start bad. Won driving; second the same. Runsum. away clear of interference, showed much speed, saved ground on the turns and lasted well in the final drive. Salvlsa was in close quarters In the last furlong, ran a good race and, with clear sailing, might have won. Little Wanda lost much ground on the stretch turn. Our Own finished with a rush. Helen Lucas was repeatedly interfered with. Miss Custis was almost thrown at the start and ran a good race. Scratched 594C5 Sanscrit, 101; 59G3S May Gilmore, 101; Bobs Pet, 107; Salnzella, 107. Overweights Dorothy M., 35 pounds; Rodsy, 4L PQrtn pr FOU RTH RACE 1 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. O t?000 Xet value to winner 50. Ind Horses AWt PPSt StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 3 59640LIEBER wb 3 100 3 1 2l 2 Ink 11. i Sewell A Shields 3-2 11-52 2-5 out 59366HALLOWMAS w 3 90 5 3 1 1 2 22 21 J Johnson JohnsonandDodson 6 6 5 6-5 1-3 I595151PHIL FINCH w 5 128 4 2 3l 3b 32 3 33 Perrine W S Williams 1 1 4-5 1-3 out 59313 DR. HEARD w 3 S7 2 5 4 4s 4 48 41 Manders C T Gardner 12 30 30 G 3-2 594173TORCHELLO WB 4 1045 1 4 5 5 5 5 5 Bell D R Hyner 30 75 60 10 21 Time, 251, 51g, 1:175, 1:43s. Winner Br. c, by Lieber Karl The Mecca trained by J. McLaughlin, Jr.. Went to post at 3:42. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won handily; second driving. Lieber, well ridden, ran In close pursuit of the leader to the lower turn, where he Bashed Into the lead and, standing a hard drive well, outgamed Hallowmas. The latter showed line speed and hung on well through the last -quarter. Phil Finch, probably best, was kept under choking restraint for the first three-quarters and lost much ground by being forced to go wide on the turns, finished gamely and ran a good race. Dr. Heard moved up. with a rush after passing the half, only to be sharply cut off and nearlv thrown on the turn. Scratched 57andJ7 Dont Ask Me, 104; 59539 Charley Thompson, 100; 590142Goldsmlth, 109; 59039 Peter Paul. 10G; 59041 Falrbury, 10G; 59C39 Jungle Imp, 101. Corrected weights Lieber. 100. Overweights Torchello, 31 pounds. fTOftfift FIFTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. UtUDO Xet value to winner 12.50. , Ind Horses AWt PPSt StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 59588 BONEBRAKE W 4 107 10 6 3b lb 11 15 Freeman C B Campbell G 8 6 21 6-5 59613 FRANK GREEN WB 4 106 15 13 71 62 3 2b W Hayes E A Chlnn 12 20 20 8 4 593SS GOTOWIN WB 4 113 5 2 CI 5 52 3 F ONeill A C McCafferty 21 3 2 1 1-2 59313 SIMPLICITY WB 4 103 7 1 22 32 21 42 Sewell Mrs H Dernham 3 4 4 3-2 7-10 59338 OGONTZ wsb 5 113 6 12 9 82 63 5nk Dennison E L Talley and Co20 60 50 20 10 59312 MY GEM w 5 108 9 15 10 132 12s 6 R Macey G Macey and Co 15 30 30 10 5 58691 COTTAGE MAID w 6 110 1 4 5b 92 92 71 Coane H Callahan 15 30 20 8 4 59538 ST. BONNIE - Ws 4 106 14 14 11 ll2 ll2 83 Moreland B Kaufman and Co2J 25 23 8 4 5S512 BLUE AND ORNGEws 6 111 11 10 8 7b 71 9l White G B Hill 25 60 40 15 8 59293 GHATS wb 5 110 13 9 14 10 10 10b Garwood L Marion and Co 25 40 40 12 6 59119 ATLAS w 5 10S 4 8 13 14 82 11 Johansn C Schawacker 15 30 30 12 6 596133MORDELLA w 5 113 2 3 U 2b 4 122 Perkins J C Cahn 7 12 12 5 2 54364 SIGMUND w G 110 12 7 12 12 132 133 Keyes D Henry GO 100 100 30 15 59G373BAYWOOD w 5 10S 3 5 4 4b 142 143 Livgston C DeWitt and Co 8 8 6 2 4-5 59343 MODERATOR ws 7 113 8 11 15 15 15 15 McCthy. MrsMCLylesandCo 20 50 40 10 5 Time, 25, 502, 1:18. Winner B. g, by Bonnie Joe Wampezo trained by J. C. Cray. Went to post at 4:14. t post 4 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second the same. Boncbrake, showing suddenly Improved form, was lucky in avoiding interference, showed fair speed and held his opponents safe in the final drive. Frank Green was a smart factor for the entire trip and outgamed Jotowin in the final strides. The latter was crowded back on the stretch turn and finished fast. Simplicity suffered from interference. Ogontz finished weil. My Oem was knocked back to last place at the start and closed a big gap, although going extremely wide, finished fust and ran a winning race. Bay-wood quit badly. Mordella showed speed. K CkCtd. T SIXTirUACE lMilel Pnrse 003-year-oldsand upward.SeIllng" " 0 J OO I Xet value to winner 75. Ind Horses AWt PPSt StrFin Jockey3 Owners O H G P S 59392 RAVIANA ws 4 9S 1 11 C1 62 21 32 f3 Moreland M D Miller 30 GO 55 20 10- 59289 NUTCRACKER wn 5 115 5 2 2 22 31 2 2o Feicht W Lederer 10 12 10 4 2 59G42 ARABO WB 6 113 6 3 1 l2 1 11 32 Bell T D Sullivan 8 25 25 8 4 59365 HENRY O. w 4 100 10 5 72 S 102 85 4nk Freeman S Louis 15 15 15 6 3 5S5933PNCE SALM SALM WB 5 1091 4 12 81 92 92 G2 5b Bedell T Licalzi 15 25 "0 8 4 592443JOE LESSER w 8 115 11 6 5 51 5b 92 Gb F ONeill C E Patterson 21 3 21 6-5 3-5 59G172COLONlST W 6 113 3 13 11 133 62 7 71 Dennison E L Talley and Coo 15 15 6 3 59487 LADY RAY w 5 108 9 9 12b 10 ft 4b 8 Chandler W Watkins 12 20 20 8 4 f95912DOLINDA WB 5 110 13 7 4b 4b 42 51 9 Perkins J C Cahn 3 4 31 6-5 3-5 59317 PONCA w 6 105 8 10 132 12b 132 10 102 Manders S T White 20 30 30 1" 6 59492 ARSENAL wsb 7 105 7 1 10 11 ll2 13 ll2 -Coane E Peters 1" 30 30 10 5 595S9DONT YOU DARE ws 7 113 12 14 14 14 14 14 123 McDmt J H Boyd and Co 20 30 30 12 6 59593 PASSIVE w 4 103 2 4 3b 3b 12 ll2 13 W Hayes C Schawacker 30 40 40 15 8 59342LETTY WB 3 90 14 8 9b 71 7b 12b 14 Noone F J Pons 3 3 2 1 3-5 Time, 25. 50s, 1:171, 1:45. Winner B. f, by Ravelston Floriana traii-ed by M. D. Miller. Went to post at 4:41. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won cantering; second driving. Ravlana, much the best. Hashed Into a long lead on the stretch turn and won with her rider looking back. Nutcracker ran prominently for the entire trip and outgamed Aralxj at the end. The latter was away running, 1 an In improved form and showed much sliced, tiring only in the last few strides. Henry O. began slowly and finished going fast after overcoming mueh interference. Joe Lesser ran a dull race. Dollnda tired. Letty is overrated and ran a bad race. Prince Salm Salm closed a big gap and ran a good race. Passive run well to the stretch, then tired badly. Scratched 59407 Menoken, 95. Overweights Prince Salm Salm, 4 pounds. t

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