Noted Turf Rendezvous Abolished, Daily Racing Form, 1906-01-16


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NOTED TTJRF RENDEZVOUS ABOLISHED. The Hoffman House "Paddock" has been abolished by the management of the hotel.- For several winters horsemen have made a practice of meeting in the lobby every afternoon between .1 and 2 oclock to talk racing and old times. At lirst this crowd was made up of the more prominent turfmen, but in time an undesirable element appeared, which was a source of much annoyance. The lunch counter became a strong magnet, and the presence of several well known touts and small handbook operators caused the management to decide to call a halt. Several days ago the police were called upon to clear out the rabble, with the result that a new-rendezvous must bo. hunted up. While Danny Maher, who is a part owner of the Itossmore, further up Broadway, is anxious o meet turfmen, it is said that he will not allow the Hoffman House outlaws to make a lounging place of his resort. New York Sun.

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Local Identifier: drf1906011601_4_5
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