Ascot Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1906-01-16

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ASCOT PARK FORM CHART. LOS ANGELES, CAL., January 15, 1906. Fortieth day. Los Angeles Jockey Club. Winter Meeting 90 days. Weather cloudy; track sloppy. Presiding Judge, A. W. Hamilton. Starter, Richard Dwyer. Secretary, Edward Jasper. Racing starts at 1;40 p. m. No recall flag used. W Indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. p Qr7pr FIRST RACE Short Course. Steeplechase. Purse 00. 4-year-olds nnd upward. O.t0 I J . JIandlcap. Net value to winner 25. Ind Horses AWtPPSt 1 3 5 7 StrFln Jockeys Owners 0JIGP S .r.937fiADAMS w 4143 2 4 4 4 35 ll 2 l1 Tully 15 Schreiber 8-5 2 9-5 7-101-5" 59475 ALLEGIANCE ws 8 132 4 3 2 2 1 21 1" 2 Welnmn II I Marshall 3 4J 4J 2 1 59370DECIMO ws C 15S 5 2 3 ?, 2s 3S0 3S 3 Dayton . II Stover 21 35 35 1 1-2 5S7S9 LADY USK W 5 129.VC 6 5 5 4 4 4 4 Suthland Flashlight Stable 15 2D 20 S 3 r,9376 CAZADOR w C ,130 15 ll ll Ran out. Donovan Mrs C V Tupper 0 C 3J C-5 3-5 C937G TIZEN w 5 123 3 1 Ran out. Narvaez El Rio Stable 10 12 12 5 2 Time, 3:00. Winner Ch. g, by Balgowan Theresla trained by F. Whiiloek. Went to post at 1:40. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won handily; second easily. Adams took kindly to the going, was reserved in the early stages, then joined Allegiance and, after n long drive, won going away. Allegiance fenced well, ran. to his best form and finished resolutely. Declmo was well up in the early running, but tired badly, nt the end. Lady Usk showed poor form as a jumper. Overweights Lady Usk, 4- pounds. pr f f F7 f SECOND RACE Futurity Course. 200 feet less than 3-4 mile. Purse .00. 4-year- O Xj O I Q olds and Upward. Selling. Net valiie to winner 25. Ind Horses AWt PPSt StrFln Jockeys Owners 0IIG PS 59252 RADIUM W 5 97 1 5 .1 5 35 1" C Ross- C A Ross 20 30 12 5 2 E9D27 TATTENHAM. . w 5 10.1 11 9 7 75 7l 2 Hogg MrsJPMcCnrthy 10 15 15 C 3 59500 COEUR DE LION. ..w 4 iq?. 4 0 8 Sl OU 3 F Sullivan Mrs L Curtis S S S 3 8-3 59527 MYRTLE WHITE 5 102 11 4 4 45 4and 41 R MeDanlAllen and Hensley 3 31 35 9-5 9-10 59327 TEHERO ws 5 107 9 11 10 10 .Sl 5l Breedin J J Conway 30 50 50 20 12 59227 EL DONOSO wn 5 107 13 12 ti G1 95 Gl Horner H Horn S-5 14-51 4-50-5 2-5 59276, PETTI JOHN Wli 6 104 3 14 13 13 10and 7s Palms S Y Mills 13 15 12 5 21 59531 TENDER CREST 5 102 5 1 2l 2and 25 S Swain II Scott 4 S 8 3 9-3 593S1: JENNIE F. ws 5 102 12 7 31 15 11 9l Dorsey OVonBnandSon 10 15 15 6 3 59327 LEONADO wsu 5 10S1 8 10 12 91 11 10U Doyle C E Rogers and Co20 50 50 20 12 555S1 PEARL WATERS wn 4 103 2 3 14 14 12 11 Kunz Mrs O F Waters S 15 15 6 3 59332 ANNIE DARLING ws 4 102510 13 llh llh 13 12 E Lang AVllls and Day 50 CO 60 20 12 5927G PEDESIA w 4 93 6 8 9 12 14 135 C Grand It M Hennessey 30 GO CO 23 12 59133 WHITE STONE ws 4 107 7 2 15 35 5" 14 A W BkerOlIveGroveSblo 10 12 12 C 3 tRan previously as Tehro. Time, 1:14. Winner B. m, by Russell Sllverstone trained by C. A. Ross. Went to post at 2:10. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second the same. Radium was much favored by the going, ran In a good position to the stretch, where he came on fast and. finishing gamely, outstayed Tattenham. The latter also ran in suddenly improved form and barely failed to win. Ooeur de Llou elosed u big gap and Uulshed fast. Myrtle White was out well and failed to Improve hec position. El Donoso tired and ran poorly. Tender Crest, White Stone and Jennie P. showed early speed, but all failed to stay. Overweights Leonado, 4 pounds; Pearl Waters, 5; Annie Darling, 4j; White Stone, 4. T Q rT rT THIRD RACE 1 Mile. Pnrse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. UtU I I Xet value to winner 25. Ind Horses AWt PPSt A StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C PS E9601 AZORA lf3 83 2 1 4 3 3 3 In Notter G J Long 21 16-516-59-101-3 f92S3J. F. DONOHUE w 3 95 4 4 5 41 4 4 2b Swain R H Harris 4 10 10 8-5 2-5 C9303 RETROPAW ws 3 90 5 5 23 22 la lb 35 R McDanlH B Wittenberg 9-106-5 6-5 9-20out 59G29 ELIZABETH F. B 3 32 1 2 l1 1J 2 2 4 Wiley C E Durnell 4 4 21 4-5 1-3 C9S31 CHERIPE ws 5 95 3 3 31 5 S 5 5 M Preston R W Nellson 15 50 50 12 3 Time, 25, 50, 1:10, 1:43. Winner It. f, by Falsetto Selika trained by J. S. Rothert. Went to iost at 2:40. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won driving; second the same. Azora ran close up under mild restraint until well into the homestretch, then moved up and, standing a hard drive jrauiely, won in the final stride. J. F. Donohue ran a good race and finished with a rush. Retropaw ran into the lead on the Inst turn and appeared the winner in the stretch, but tired in the final drive, although smuggling on gamely. Elizabeth F. showed speed, but tired and did not run to her true form. Scratched 5902S2GilpIn, 110. Corrected weights J. F. Donohue, 95. 7CrAr7Q I,t,KTHRTcEFuturity Course. 200 feet less than 3-4 mile. Pnrse 00. 4-year- 0 Q I O olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 25. Ind Horses AWt PPSt j 34 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 59620 PRINCE MAGNET WB 4 103 5 2 33 2 21?. P Kunz I H Miller and Co 4 G G 2 1 E9500 EDINBOROUGH s 9 107 C 1 l2?. Ink lh l A W BkerH Stover 2 16-51C-511-101-2 G9G30 FULL SWAY ws 4 98 2 6 45 5 35 3 Swain Denny Bros C G 6 2 1 59331 E. C. RUNTE w 5 104 3 7 5i 4b 4", 41 F Sullivan SchlmlandJensen 10 30 30 8 3 D9G552ST. WINIFRIDE w G 102 8 8 S G1 C 51 R McDanlG W Robinson 2 31 31 G-5 3-5 59331 GONDOLUS w G 104 4 3 6n 72 7a 6 Pico Rowe and Donion 10 25 25 8 3 E95S1 LADY KLSPAR w 4 98 1 5 7 8 8 74 L Nichols W D Millard C 7 G 2 1 CS93S2INTERLUDE w 5 104 7 4 2 3 5 8 Kent J Wolf 6 7 5 2 1 . Time, 1:12?. Winner B. c, by Magnet Yerlia Ruena trained by J. H. Miller. Went to post at 3:10. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won easily; second handily. Prince Magnet went well In the going, ran close up to the stretch, where he drew out with a rush and won cantering. Edinborough ran in decidedly Improved form and finished gamely. Full Sway was always close up and was helped by the going. K. C. Runte went fairly well. Lady Klspar ran a poor race. Interlude showed early speed, but quit badly in the stretch. Scratched 59531 Beautiful and Best. 107; 59382 Huachuea, 104; 54009W. I. Palmer, 104; 54208 My Surprise, 104; 50500 Salario, 100; 59005 Bessie Welfly, 102. Overweights Lady Klspar, 5 pounds. PtCTi?rr5 FH?TH RACEriTlTMiles. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. O I J Xet value to winner 25. 1 nd Jlorses AWt PPSt StrFin Jockey3 Owners O H C P S r.S502DCTiFlTL WI1 5 112 3 1 1 ll 1?. 2l Ink W Davis H E Milling 8-5 9-5 8-5 4-5 2-5 f.SCOI THE UORGIAN w 4 104 1 3 2" 22i 21 1 2- Swain H Scott 8 10 10 4 2 ntG2G3EMBARRASSMENT WS G 1081 7 8 C 31 3s 3 38 Doyle R H Wright 8-5 14-514-5G-5 3-5 .r.SC272ClIlCKADEE W 7 100 4 G 5 4nk 5 42 4 W Fischer J A Wernberg G 9 9 3 G-5 Ii9C292WYEFIELD wn G 102 2 4 73i G3 C0 7 5 Hogg MrsJFMcCarthy G 12 12 4 2 f.G30 COTILLION W 4 90 8 7 8 8 7" Ck C If Moore L A Bonsack 8 12 12 5 21 C9C043LUCIAN SB 5 10C G 5 3 5 4b 53 7" A W BkerH Walker 8 8 5 8-5 4-5 69G04 KINGSTELLE WB 8 93 5 2 42 7h 8 8 8 C Ross C A Ross 20 50 50 20 7 Time, 25, 50, 1:10, 1:433, 1:50 j. Winner Cr. g, by Faraday Slipaloug trained by E. F. Riley. Went to post at 3:40. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won driving; second the same. Dutiful was off well and set the early pace, was passed at the head of the stretch and appeared beaten, but rallied under a skillful ride and overcame The Borgian in the last two strides. The Borgian was always a resolute contender and ran to his best form. Embarrassment ran a good race and finished gamely and should win presently. The others were beaten off. Scratched 5932S2Fortunatus, 109; 59C04Red Light, 102; 59027 Mauser, 92. Overweights Embarrassment, 3 pounds. pr t QY SIXTHrTcE 34Mile. Purse 00r3-year-olds and upwardSelllng; OtfUOU Net value to winner 25. JndHorses AWt PPSt A StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C PS R303 VALENCIA ws 3 90 7 1 1 l2 Is U Swain Denny Bros S-5 8-5 8-5 3-5 out 5S4S0 RODOLFO WB 5 110 2 8 3 2 2 21 Doyle F W Davis in 30 30 8 4 5SC30 STOESSEL ws 3 991 S 9 8 d 3 H Jackson W Walker 4 S 4 8-5 7-10 5942S PACHUCA WS 5 10C 5 7 S5 61 5b 4and Palms E G Switzer 20 50 30 10 5 r, C:!0GOLDEN BUCK 4 106 3 2 7 9 71 5 B Powell J Guthrie 4 5 41 8-5 4-5 59G55JUDGE DENTON w 5 111 9 0 21 331 3 6 H Moore L A Bonsack 2 31 35 1 1-2 G345S PIQUET W 5 107?. 6 3 6 71 8 71 Holcomb OliveGroveStable 30 50 50 20 10 55530 SUN MARK w 4 104 4 4 5 5 9 8 W Fischer J A Wernberg 6 12 12 35 7-5 andM27 VIONA W 5 106 1 5 4b 41 41 9 R McDanlH R Schaffer 8 20 20 6 21 Time, 245, 49J, l:lGj. Winner B. f, by Woolsthorpe Senorlta trained by A. L. Denny. Went to iKst at 4:05. At post 1 minute. Start fair. Won driving; second handily. Valencia went out in the lead at once and set the pace throughout, but was tiring at the end and had to be ridden out. Itodolfo showed a liking for the going, ran well and finished gaining steadily. Stoessel closed a big jjap and finished fast. Judge Denton showed early speed, but quit and ran one of his bad races. Golden Buck finished well, but ran below his true form. Scratched 590553Parvo, 90; 59552 Ossian, 97; 59555 Seasick, 99; 59055 Anona, 104; Avontellus, 102. Corrected weights Judge Denton, 111. Overweights Itodolfo, 4 pounds; Stoessel, 4; Piquet, 1.

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