Oakland Entries and Past Performances for Tuesday, Jan.16, Daily Racing Form, 1906-01-16

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Oakland Entries and Past Performances for Tuesday, Jan. 16. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK HEAVY. r FIRST RACE Futurity Course. 170 feet less than 3-4 Mile. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Selling. Index Course Wt Dist Tck TimeSt StrFin Jockeys Best Company. B1kUEN,THAL Wk,V.h 5 by Sain Contest L. H. Ezell. Weight todav 107 rnTcioi E chr4y Kancocas Red Nellie Hall and Marshall. Weight todav 103 Hi "mm i ar3 A7SaASE t. h Deceiver Fable Ctuinlan tc Wilson. Weight todav 107 584 InesPrie ,7? S,l0W ,1:?Jt ? 2 1 2 2k 4" E KobinsnLucrece. Bountiful, VigorW P7 107 53186 In Psbln 107 ?ii Sl,P V Sl 2 S fi 7" 7" T Clark Procrastinate. Mrs. Bob, .1. Hunt. J-4 slow TkSJ . 1:17 5 5 7 3 12!,1P Phillips M. Hogan, Procrastinate, Mrs. Bob -i V. ? ch e 8 h? Principal Minerva P. L. T. Lee tc Son. Weieht todav 107 S naJ F.C B?d i:J?S i ? - P PllIlliPs t:r Clandestine BuLllc? iilin tB, 192 loo 3-4 slow 1:152 3 1 3 31 2 P Phillips Birdie P. Duelist Distributor 65112 Inglesido 119 5-8 mud 1:031 2 5 4 5 61 P Phillips Yo San, rbuwllc Forc. Ec?SCrATE ,V m 8. by Russell Edith S. A. Hoppas. Weight todav 105 rS Jj,?,1c8,dI J06 G 1-2 f fast 1:08118 10 11 11 11 .T McBride Clandestine .T Ward T Housr-ibont S?San JS FC slow 1:131 2 3 5 7 7" O ChandlerRcvo t. To to St "Ctre 63837 Oakland 126 3-4 fast 1:14312 13 13 13 13" O ChandlerOlynipian, Funny Side. TotS Gratiot BERTOLA.b. f, 3, by Albert-Bonnie Ola B. Schreiber. height todaJ 82 S2n?nnRC8K0 W5 5 1-2 f slow 1:101 5 8 3 11 11 Radtke The Trojan, Sea Lau S-uita ll.v a9012 Inglesido 10S G-8 fast 1:022 8 5 5 5J 51T Clark Sugarmaid invnrn Vi i J" 5SS19 Oakland 110 3-4 fast 1:13 4 4 3 4J 5" T Clark Randearo.l Queen rV LovvMary RE,E,DM.00,R b s 6 Foul shot or Service Marie Foster D. OKeefe. Weieht todav m 52"? InBlesido 119 5-S mud 1:031 5 3 5 8 9 II Smith Yo San. Bucolic Forerunner j3II?Sa t an,I n" PCfast l:10J5 1 2 4h 9 Connell MySurp rise, Flor . p issTi Hoots 42601 Oakland 96 5 1-2 f slow 1:10 5 2 1 112 C Smith Ananias. GiKldessof Night Goiidoius TRYCONNEL, b. c, 3. by Griffon Margaret E. T. K. Stevens and Son. Weieht todav q? ?SF,?ak,ant! 110 5 1-2 f fast 1:071 7 7 7 8 S" Hayes Tavora. Abo Mover Tom Roberts 56313 Memphis 113 4 1-2 f fast 571 2 1 1 4H Battisto B.GrassLad.BessCIianey Tomblchi 55821 Memphis 102 4 1-2 f hvy 57 4 4 4 4JMcMulln Dr. Gardner, Osee, Fa?go? AUNT POLLY, ch. m, 11, by Brandywino Laura Kcene McCarty and Flaherty. Weieht todav 105 59558 Oakland 106 F C fast 1:11 8 1110 9 8" T Stewart David Bolaml. Soundl". Kutw Nous : rPiV- 0aHIam, 1 9 cood 1:10J 8 8 9 9 8: L, FountainGosslpcr II.. Clandestine. Bi.colic. 59014 Inglesido 107 1 fast 1:43 4 2 3 3 6 9UT Clark Esherin, Warte Nlcht Hilee 5Sand64 Ingleside 103 3-4 fast 1:16 3 4 3 3 2s T Clark Peter J., Hlpponax, K. Chlliuahua. NO REMARK, ch, g. 4, by Scottish Chieftain Marietta R. OGrady. Weieht today 107. 59481 Oakland 109 1 fast 1:421 8 6 6 8 10 10JE Hayes Mocorito, Meistersinger, Marie J 59311 Ingleside 100 1 slop 1:43110 7 S 11 11"1138 E Hayes Gossiper II.. lid Sheridan, Forerunner 58920 Oakland 107 1 1-16 fast 1:47 1 4 5 6 6 6 Loague Firm Foot. H. McGowan. W. Cure. Ea7mEK.,,ch h,8ty Belvidere La Diva J. J. Coalter. Weight today 110. 593o9 Ingleside 110 3-4 slop l:ic C C C 6 630 T Stewart Procrastinate, Laura F. M., Esherin KrK ns es d,e ln-ZU? ,I,BOoa, 1:0822 7 7 7 7"T Stewart A. B. CikiIc. P. Wheeler. Uomaine. 59111 Ingleside 10, 1 1-1C mud 1:321 3 2 C C G C T Stewart Buchanan, Bird of Passage, Briers SEQUELch. m, C, by Uncle Jess Minnie II. Weight today 105. MASTER, b. e, C, by Bassetlaw Maestra A. W. Ream. Weieht today 107. SKSf lns es 2e J?i61"2f s,op, ;:2!, 3 1 2 Vl 5"L Fountain Distributor, Bountiful, Duelist. I" , i Kootl 5 7 8 10 8 7 L, Fountain Olympian, Loves Labor, Leash. 4?101 Oakland 107 3-1 fast 1:15 1 6 8 8 9 Stuart Ulnma, Resigned, Puss iu Boots. SECOND RACE 3-4, Mile. 3-year-olds. Maidens. Fillies. Selling. SANTA RAY, ch. f, 3, by St. Avonicus Ray of Gold J. F. Clifford. Weight today 109. 59360 Oakland 90 7-8 fast 1:262 2 8 7 8 8 8" St Butler Itoiiurlne, Instructor. UnnilockRelle 59311 Oakland 100 3-4 fast 1:135 1 6 6 7 JJE RobinsnT. McGrath, T. Trojan. K. Tuatclier 59388 Oakland 102 F C slow 1:12 1 2 2 2J 2 I, Fountain!. McGrath, R.d.Mundo, C.Wlttman NETTIE HICKS, ch. f, 3, by Rubicon Lulu R. G. Burger and Co.. Weight today 101. 59258 Ingleside 106 5 1-2 f slop 1:10 10 5 3J 3 Graham Queen Ree. Avonella. Surtvlta. 59158 Inglesido 97 5-8 hvy 1:041 1 1 1 2J 4" Graham Bakersllehl. Melior, Swagger. 59085 Inglesido 106 G 1-2 f mud 1:11 6 2 2 5 SGraham Tavora, Red Ruby II., Chlspa. PELF, br. f, 3, by Ducat Negress Jones tc Lusk. Weight today 109. 5940S Oakland 105 7-S faRt 1:293 4 8 7 6 7nt 6JLj WllliamsUotrou. Watchful. Atkins. 59334 Ingleside 107 5 1-2 f hvy 1:121 9 6 6 4"t 4 I. Williams Legal Form, Chief Wittnian. Tavora 5SS92 Oakland 109 5-S fast 1:001 9 9 9 81 8"JTreubcl St. Francis, Grasscutter, Jillett. LOVEY MARY", b. f, 3, by St. Carlo Mamie G. J. D. Millin. Weight today 109. 5940S Oakland 105 7-S fast 1:293 8 3 3 4 2 4 Radtke Rotrou. Watchful. Atkins. 59182 Inglesido 106 5 1-2 f slow 1:101 2 6 6 7l 7 J McBride The Trojan, Sea Lad. Santa Kay. 590S5 Ingleside 112 5 1-2 f mud 1:11 2 9 9 9 714 Grccnfld Tavora, Red Ruby II., Chlspa. MISS TOPSY, b. f, 3. by Top Gallant Brandoietto W. H. Hammond. Weight today 109. T95S6 Oakland SO lm 50y fast 1:4317 Pulled up Lendwlg Northwest. Gateway. Havllaml. 5910S Oakland 105 7-8 fast 1:29J11 7 6 7 9 9lGdchiId Rotrou. Watchful. Atkins. 53793 Oakland 106 3-8 slow 361 8 7 6J Tooman Telepathy, Yolo Girl, Tenordalc. CHISPA, gr. f, 3, by Faraday Dare Vela J. P. Jones Se Co.. Weight today 109. E940S Oakland 103 7-S fast 1:292 2 9 8 9 S1 E ItobinsnUolrou, Watchful. Atkins. 59182 Ingleside 105 G 1-2 f slow 1:10111 11 11 9s 9" Graham The Trojan, Sea Lad. Santa Bay. 590S5 Ingleside 106 G 1-2 f mud 1:11 8 8 S d 31 E RobinsnTavora, Red Ruby II., Suavit.i. OLEANDER, ch.xf, 3. by Mazagan Serena N. S. Hand. Weight today 103. 5923S Inglesido 109 5 1-2 f slop 1:10 6 3 9 11" Reed Queen Rec, Avonella, Net. Hicks. SUAVITA, ch. f, 3, by St. Leonards Atala J. W. Blalock. Weight today 101. 5925S Inglesido 112 5 1-2 f slop 1:10-4 1 4i 41 Battisto Queen Ree. Avonella. Net. Hicks. 590S5 Inglesido 112 5 1-2 f mud 1:11 1 1 1 2i 4 Adams Tavora, Red Ruby II., Chlspa. 53012 Inglesido 10S 5-8 Tast 1:022 5 Fell F Battisto Sugarmaid, Tavora, Santa Ray. TONY GIRL, b f, 3. by Eddie Jones Bit of Fashion J. Rcavey tc Co.. Weight today 109. 593S1 Oakland 99 F C fast 1:101 7 R 8 10 9"1W Smith Sugarmaid. RevdelMundo.lirasseutr 59012 Ingleside 10S G-8 fast 1:02? 7 Fell .Reed Sugarmaid. Tavora, Santa Rav. 54414 Oakland 107 1-2 fast 43 6 4 Ss 8" J Jones South. Lady, L.Klng. Legal Form. NIOTA, b. f, 3, by Foul Shot Ravelue. Weight today 109. 5!307 Ingleside . 110 5-S slop 1:04 7 7 5 61 S M Dickson L.Toddlngton, M.Spokane.Santaltay 59258 Inglesido 108 5 1-2 f slop 1:10 8 7 6 5"1M Dickson Queen Rec, Avonella, Net. lllcks. ESTMERE, br. f, 2. by Kismet Play Toy C. Kerr. Weight today 104. 59012 Ingleside 10S 5-S fast 1:022 2 6 6 S1 71W Knapp Sugarmaid, Tavora, Santa Ray. SAINTOLAT, b. f, 3. by Sain Astolat B. Schrcibor. Weight today 101. EFS3S Delmar Park 107 4 1-2 f slow 581 4 4 3i 2 Battisto Angelic. Tavora. Caroline W. 66661 Delmar Park 103 C-S fast 1:0-1 9 9 D 71 39 Scliadc T. B. Zero, Angelic, Peafowl. THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile. 4-ycar-olds and upward. Selling. MOCORITO, ch. m, 11, by Amigo Santa Monica J. Ryan. Weight today 103. 59607 Oakland 102 7-8 good 1:281 1 4 5 5 G 21 1. FountainOcyrolie. Bountiful. Silver Heels. 594S1 Oakland 107 1 fast 1:421 2 5 1 1 1 1 J McBride Meistersinger,. Marie J., Gil Bias. 5920S Ingleside 106 3-4 slow 1:15211 7 10 8 8 U Taylor Birdie P., Jake Ward, Duelist. ROCKLAND, blk, h, 5, by Albert Emeutc K. A. Blute. Weight today 100. 59635 Oakland 105 7-8 slop 1:281 7 5 5 0 6 6 E RobinsnGossIper II.. Trajan. Bucolic. 59535 Oakland 100 1 fast 1:401 3 2 5 9 9 9:4lCarroll Ki kersall. Fisher Boy. Fastoso. 5930S Oakland 96 3-4 fast 1:131 6 G 3 3 4 Carroll Instructor, Romaine. Fisher Boy. MY ORDER, b. g, 4. by Order Mollie B. B. H. E. Rowell. Weight today 101. 596S3 See Oakland chart in this paper. 5935S Inglesido 122 3-4 slop 1:1S 8 4 t 45 4 Radtko Blumenthal. Y.Pilgrim. T.OSliauter 59309 Inglesido 103 3-4 slop 1:1S 4 3 3 2 2t Radtke Bucolic, Yellowstone, Sacreiius. TAM OSHANTER, b. g, 6. by Kingston Ben-My-Chree Jones and Co.. Weight today 101. 59433 Oakland 101 7-S good 1:272 1 S 7 7 9s 5i .1 McBride Distributor. Slierrv. Standard 59358 Inglesido 126 3-4 slop 1:18 3 3 3 3 3 F Kelly Blumenthal. Y. Pilgrim, My Order. 59138 Ingleside 107 3-4 slop 1:17 7 8 4 41 4"! Tullett Bountiful, Matt Hogan. Albemarle. EMMA REUBOLD, br. m, 6, by Hamilton II. Lulu R. G. Burger tc Co.. Weight today 94. 592S4 Ingleside 102 3-4 slop 1:161 9 3 4 5 6 Graham Procrastinate. .Mrs. Bob, J. Hunt. 54378 Oakland 100 3-4 fast 1:142 5 2 2 23 4 Graham Doublet, SuburbanQueen.HavenKun. 54062 Oakland 126 5 1-2 f fast 1:08 S 5 3 3k P Graham Toto Gratiot, Revolt, Olympian. DR. SHERMAN, b. g. 8, by Gorman Dolly S. A. Hoppas. Weight today 105. 59433 Oakland 104 7-S good 1:272 4 6 4 3 31 41 T Stewart Distributor. Slierrr, Standard. 59333 Inglesido 107 3-4 hvy 1:173 1 6 6 5s 5 J McBride Mrs. Bob, Distributor. Alice Carr. 592S4 Ingleside 110 3-4 slop 1:16 3 4 3 3 4UI1J McBride Procrastinate, Mrs. Boh, J. Hunt. JERRY HUNT, b. g, 10, by Servitor Innocence B. Schreiber. Weight today 9C. 59336 Inglesido 103 1 hvy 1:46 2 1 1 1 21 3s Radtke Possart. Ray, Maud Muller. 592S4 Ingleside 107 3-4 slop 1:161 4 5 5 4 3 E RobinsnProcrastinate, Mrs. Boh. Dr.Sliermau 59109 Inglesido 104 3-4 mud 1:171 3 111 2" Radtke Chestnut, .May Holladay. Lerida. BEAR HUNTER, b. g. 4, by Russell May Gooderson R. R. Rice, Jr. Weight today 101. 59409 Oakland 103 5-8 fast 1:011 9 10 10 9 9 J Kelly Angleta. Soundlv, Bonnie Reg 562S4 Ingleside 104 3-4 slop 1:161 8 10 10 10 10"5L WilliamsProcrastinate. Mrs. Bob. J. Hunt. 59212 Ingleside 97 5-8 slow 1:02 8 S 9 9 9ojRlce Bell Reed, Titus II., Bucolic. SIR CHRISTOPHER, br. g. 10 by Pontiac Calypso Beebe tc Willis. Weight today 101. 591SG Ingleside 103 3-4 slow 1:17 3 2 6 81 H20lRettig M. Hogan. Procrastinate. Mrs. Bob 5SS71 Oakland 104 6 1-2 f fast 1:201 2 1 3 4 41 Rettig Mafaldn. Yellowstone. Bountiful. 58821 Oakland 102 5 1-2 f fast 1:0SJ 1 2 3 32 22 Rettig Jake Ward, Distributor, Silicate. GRENORE, ch. g, 4, by Rubicon Anita B. J. Davis. Weight today 101. 53611 Oakland 107 1 fast 1:43310 5 G 10 11 11 Tooman Baker. Golden Buck. Macene. 53512 Oakland 9S 6 1-2 f fast 1:21210. S S 10 10 10 Wright Bailey, Edrodun, EdgeciifT. GALVANIC, b. c. 3. by Galore Rose Thorn W. W. Fawcett. Weight today 101. 55064 Fair Grounds 103 3-4 fast 1:15S 4 2 3 4 61 Gross Alencon, Nine. Butwell. 54677 Fair Grounds 109 3-1 good 1:174 3 3 4 101 11" Fcicht Raviana, Sandalwood, Mrs. .1. Doian LADY NINORA, b. f, 4, by Yo el Rey Alcyone J. B. Harris. Weight today 94. 5?336 Ascot Park 115 Si C good 1:111 4 3 5 6 9" W Dugan Seasick. Sun Mark, Cholk Hcdrlck. 53340 Ascot Park 100 Si C fast 1:102 3 5 5 6 6U Crwaito Sjiortsmau, Seasick, Kiugthorpe. FOURTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds. Selling. TAVORA, b. f, 3, by Balgowan Nance ONoil H. Mack. Weight today 105. 5960T Oakland 85 7-8 good 1:2S1 2 S S 6 61 6UCapeII Ocyrohe, Mocorito. Bountiful. 59533 Oakland 103 5 1-2 f fast 1:071 2 1 1 B U .1 McBride A lie Mever. T. Roberts. Kosi Nl Ni. 53334 Ingleside 107 5 1-2 f hvy 1:121 1 2 3 3 31 Radtke Legal Form, Chief Wittnian, Pelf.. PROMINENCE, b. f, 3. by Dr. Rice Miss C. C. Stubenbord, Jr.. Weight today 100. 59659 Oakland S3 fi 1-2 f slop 1:20J 5 5 S " 7"iRUsscll T.McGrath, PcessTltania. Red Leaf 59611 Oakland S7 F C good 1:11 2 3 3 31 3i Harty The Mist, Gorgalete, Grasscutter. 59110 Oakland 100 3-4 fast 1:142 3 2 2 21 R Harty Grasscutter, LegalForm, Busy Bee. GRASSCUTTER, ch. f, 3, by St. Carlo Miss Brummel D. A. Ross. Weight today 100. 596H Oakland S7 F C good 1:11 4 1 1 2 4i Brussel The Mist. Gorgalete. Prominence. 59384 Oakland 102 F C fast 1:101 S 5 4 53 3i I. FountainSugarmald. ReydclMundo. Sea Lad. 59410 Oakland 105 3-4 fast 1:142 1 1 1 12 2 J McBride Prominence, LegalForm, Busy Bee. ABE MEYER, ch. g, 3, by Tyrant Location L. I. Coggins. Weight today 102. 59333OakIand 103 5 1-2 f fast 1:071 3 2 2 3 2J L FountainTavora, Tom Roberts, Rosi Ni Ni. 59 IS5 Oakland 107 5 1-2 f fast 1:072 5 8 7 635 J McBride Jillett. Itosi Ni Ni, Atkins. 5903C Inglesido 103 5 1-2 f good 1:09 G 5 5 41 21 Hoffman Prominence, Rotrou, J. K. F. KIZIL, ch. c, 3, by Goodrich The Red Filly W. W. Elliott. Weight today 102. 59333 Oakland 98 5 1-2 f fast 1:071 6 4 5 5 551 Downing Tavora, Abe Meyer, Tom Roberts. G94S5 Oakland 102 5 1-2 f fast 1:07310 9 8 9 9" Downing Jillett. Rosi Ni Ni. Abe Merer. 59388 Oakland 101 F C slow 1:12 4 4 6 6 615 Downing T. McGrath, S. Raj-, R. d. Mundo. YOUTH, b. c, 3, by Henry Young Miss Richmond H. Robinson. Weight todv 105. 5S019 Latonia 10S 5 1-2 f fast 1 :07g S S 8 41 Allen Calabash, Miltiades, Granada. 57971 Louisville 3S 7-S fast 1-.28J 6 1 3 3 31 2i W Allen Lota Duffy, Belden, Yazd. 57933 Louisville 107 7-S good 1:30A12 9 7 8 8l 9" Trcubel Theo Case, Sherrill, Belden. BELLONA, b. f, 3, by Beau Ormonde Spinach H. W. Hoag tc Co. Weight todav 100. 59533 Oakland 103 5 1-2 f fast 1:071 9 8 S 9 9 L. WilliamsTavora, Abe Meyer, Tom Roberts. 58910 Ingleside 105 5 1-2 f fast 1.091 7 4 3 4J 41 Loague Iron Watson, Ramus, Tom Roberts. 5SS68 Oakland 107 5 1T2 f fast 1:0S1 1 1 1 Im Loaguo Legal Form, Ramus, Cli, WUtmaii. RUSTIC LADY, b. f, T, by Russell Madamo Hindoo J. O. Keono. Weight today 100. 55754 Highland Pk 91 4 1-2 f fast 55 6 G 7 7 Radtko Cock Sure, Tichiiningo, Carew. 55332 Union Park 96 G-8 fast 1:02J 6 6 7 81 7" Radtko I. Kearnev. Id. Girl, Sw. Flavin. 54962 Union Fark 110 4 1-2 f mud 57jt 0 9 Si 71 Radtke Armistice," Sweet Flavia. It. Devils. FULLETTA, ch. c, 3. by Mirthful Etta M. H. Tichenor and Co.. Weight today 105. 59329 Ascot Park 91 1 fast 1:411 7 S S S fi 5" R McDanIKI Ofros, Skeptic. Sals. 59154 Ascot Tarlc 101 3-4 fast 1 :141 1 2 2 21 4"! W IVbananSllver Sue, Bribery, Bantam. 5910 Ascot Park 105 3-4 fast 1:141 2 1 1 1 1 W Miller Search Me, Secret, Henchman. SYPHON GIRL, br. f. 3, by First Tenor Shasta Water H. E. Rowoll. Weight today 100. 59337 Ingleside 107 F C slop 1:142 3 2 3 4 - 6" W Knapp Succeed. Avonella. Spring Ban. 543.9 Oak and 109 4 1-2 f fast 542 4 4 4 Otis Grasscuttor,R.l.Mund. Arestallator 54017 Oakland 103 3 1-2 f fast 42 9 T- 5 McClecs St. Francis, Coin. F.astland. L.Form ROSEARO, b. f, 3, by Figaro Sweet Rose W. R. Engstrom. Weight today 100. 59557 Oakland 108 3-4 fast 1:15 9 6 5 91 10ilMindcr FrankFllttner. St. Volma, Fr.Beut. P.a C an! 19. B-s fast 1:0i 4 c fil 5-iPrior St. Francis, Grasscutter. Jillett. ESS19 Oakland 110 3-1 fast 1:15 3 1 1 1 1 Prior Queen Rec, Lovey Mary, Petaluma. FIFTH RACE 1 Mile. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Allowances. LADY ATHELING, ch. m, 5. by Atheling Pilgrimage T. E. McLaughlin. Weight today 100. 9ak,laV,1 21 7"S Kood 1:"72 339 9 8" McLhlin Distributor. Slierrv. Standard. 5Ho InKcs!I0 19 1 hvy 1:46 5 3 4 3 41 GG McLhlinPossart. Rav. Jerrr Hunt. 59208 Inglesido 102 3-4 slow 1:152 5 8 6 51 7"lRadtke Birdie P., Jake Ward, Duelist. S,?R-A::b;,T; 7by EfB.lc P1,umo Fr,oila J- Ryan weight today 100. r!8. See Oakland hurt in this paper. Oaklanrt 100 lm 50y slop. 1:471 7 9 9 9 8 8" McRac BHICurtis, HollyBerry. Yellowstone. ro,a am 1- 7-8 Bpott 1:27211 5 S 8 89SMcRae Distributor. Sherry, Standard. 59383 Oakland 9j 7-8 slow 1:31 C 4 7 6 10 10 McRae Lucrece, Bountiful. Vigoroso. S???0 ,JAMES,Vbr: e 5 by Lamplighter Louisiana W. E. Applegate and Co.. Weight today 102. rlt7. 9aU1" ,m 1 MB S001 1:4S 7 3 5 5 fib 5"1E RobinsnKtliel Abbott, M. Teniiy, Tarrigan. Ing eside 102 1 1-8 hvy 2:001 4 4 7 S fik S E RobinsnMay Holladay. Bxpedient, Ray. B9037 Inglesido 101 1 good 1:441 9 10 12 12 12 12 E RobinsnOIympian, Loves Labor, Leash. SERENITY, br. m, 5. by Lamplighter Serene Sierra Nevada Stable. Weight todav 105. 59638 Oakland 106 lm 50y slop 1:461 8 10 8 8 8 S C Miller Hooligan, Chief Bush. Lerida 53611 Oakland 106 F C good 1:11 5 6 6 fi 5" C Miller The .Mist. Gorgalete Prominence 55535 Oakland 106 1 fast 1:401 4 5 7 7 71 S41G Miller . Eckersall, Fisher Roy, Fastoso. " BIRDIE P., ch. m, 5, by Claudius or Midlothian Marie D. S. Fountain. Weight todav 105 35536 Oakland 104 1 1-16 fast 1:47 6 4 2 3 3 22 L Fountains. Sheridan, K. Abbott II MHW-m 39453 Oakland 107 1 fast 1:421 0 4 4 2 3 3 L, FountainMoiitanaPress. SunRoso Kiev- IWk 533S3 Oakland 104 7-S slow 1:31 9 0 3 1 3U 9" L FountainLucrece, Bountiful, Vigoroso. ESTRAZA, b. m, 6, by Amigo Magdalena V. Chlopck. Weight tnrtav in: 59423 Oakland 101 7-S good 1:27210 11 11 11 llll"lRettig Distributor, Slierrv SHnd-i"d 59260 Inglesido 106 3-4 slop 1:151 2 2 2 21 J McBrido Smlthv Kane, Kl Piloto Broiinu 58710 Oakland 107 7-S slow 1:292 8 4 3 4 GGnRadtke Kth. Abbott. You You Clocho dOt? CONGER, br. g. 6, by Foul Shot Virgfc D. J. J. Ellerd. Weieht todav in7 51319 Ascot Park HU 7-S fast 1:271 3 5 7 7 7 7 Herbert LeniReed Gol.lenUH t The mw 51217 Ascot Park 100 1 slow 1:41 1 5 4 3 2-1 1" Herbert Lilierto. 11, 1 ADIRONDACK, b. g. 6, by Altamax Duckling H. L. Shannon. Wn.Vhf n,i m-r 59I3S Oakland 109 1 1-16 fast 1:471 5 3 3 5 5 6UP Phillips Inherit, l.l w,n.M E V , ?r 7 59286 Ingleside Inglesido 106 lm 20y slop 1:43 6 5 6 " 5 5 4s I Philliiis 8 Cbilfi 1M-he d iVnr Or, n V arteMcht. vi 1 V "n Buchanan r . "lc 59184 103 1 slow 1 -4". 7 7 3 -t u 7 7 rt "1 pi-i7- 6-lGraham 1 tr 1 S10W,K4" Lone Wolf, Ethel Abbott. IsabeiiU EL mrV, PILOTO, br. g, 8, v by Gano Clodomira H. W. Hoag tc Co.. w,Vu , s assss. $ o 1-2 j x 10 it i n lbdo ftr., vr SiV Tb SV5 - 2 tt-r.U br- eih yi iEidsToPJoin4riSh38t3 Tat" 4?i and , x , yeisht ,tod,ay io7- , 109 1 fast 2 4 4 4 4i 41 L, FountainMelodions, Angelica, Del Coronado. s 4 ?T, His Highness Lerete Davis tc Co.. -cf-?7? i i t Weieht todav 109 WaoSdana ln,50yslop 1:461 fi 3 2 2 V K RoWnsnllooiigan. Chief Busfltav. uaKlanil 101 1 fast 1:42 7 3 5 4 4 59S Rice Critleil Tt-,- Vi,..,.n .., 593S3 Qakland 93 7-S slow 1:31 1 1 4 4 6 H Ulcl Lucr42e, Bountm.T," vigoroso. ?y i1?11" 5V,ty Montana What Not G. H. Thomas. Weight today 105. rSnn J ?, lm MV ?lon V5 I 7 S 4 45 F-ountainBllICurtls.. Holly Berr.v, Yellowstone. rnio5 RaI alui i1?. . . 1 fnst 1:42 88 7 8 6 P Phillips Critical, Ray. Angelica 59387 Oakland 107 1 1-XG alow 1:134-1 7 1 S 4J 0 II Smith . Duchuuiu, VmI Lad, Ed SherlUaa, SIXTH RACE 1 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling:. OUR BAILIE, rn. m. 5. by Oakwood Queen Enid P. G. Lynch. Weight today 93. 69113 Oakland 07 1 1-16 fast 1:4S1 6 8 S S X 7" E Lynch Hi Col Cap. Royalty. II. McGowan. 55339 Union Park 101 1m 70v fast 1:478 0 10 9 it S S5 W Kelly Inquis. Girl, Ranqiooza, Fourleaf 0. 55070 Union Park 101 1 1-S fast 1:56 3 3 4 5 9 95 J Kelly Morendo, G. American, Lady Fonse JACKFULL, ch. g, 6. hy Mirthful Blissful G. P. McNeil. Weight today 98. 59561 Oakland 104 lmlOOy fast 1:4711 111 11 41 T Sullivan Ililee, Ksherin, Tnrrigan. 59460 Oakland 9S 1 fast 1:403 4 3 3 5 7 9" T Sullivan T.Lieutcnant, ChristlneA., Buchanan 59263 Ingleside 105 1 slop 1:443 6 5 5 2 2s 24 T Sullivan Bob Ragon, Byronerdale, Hllee. CHIEF BUSH, ch. c, 4, hv Yo El Hey Eileena D. A. Brollier. Weight today 98. 5963S Oakland 105 lm 50y slop 1:4614 111 ll 22 Radtke Hooligan, Lerhla. Ray, 6933S Ingleside 125 3-4 slop 1:18 1 9 9 9 9.JA. Wright Blumenthal, Y.Pilgrim. T.OShanter 5SS93 Oakland 104 lm 20y fast 1:421 9 11 11 11 11 111L WHIiamsDixie Lad, Angelica, Fastoso. LONE WOLF, br. c, 3. by Prince Plenty Tootie Nichols R. R. Rice, Jr.. Weight today 100. 69CG0 Oakland 96 lm 50y slop 1:44?. 9 S S 7 Ci 618 Rice .Massa, Funny Side, Bannock Belle. r.!t..S3 Oakland 107 1 fast 1:402 S 7 S 8 S 81J Kelly Phalanx. Fastoso, Alderman Batt. 69533 Oakland 102 1 fast 1:401 8 9 9 8 S 74 J Kelly Eckersall, Fisher Boy, Fastoso. MAJOR TENNY, h. g. 7, hy Tenny Rose H. Green. Weight today 100. r.9033 Oakland 107 1 1-S slop 1:57 3 1 1 1 1 E RobinsnTarrigan, Invlctus. F.dgeclilT. T.OCOS Oakland 109 1 1-16 good 1:49310 2 2 3 5s 5"JB RobinsnAngeliea. Kay. Bird if Passage. 59437 Oakland 104 1 1-16 good 1:48 8 2 2 2 2s 21 Radtke F.thel Abliott, Tarrigan. Expedient. CATALINE, ch. g, 5, hy Sir Dixon Oatalina II. J. W. Blalock. Weight today 101. 57744 Toronto 104 1 1-S fast 1:53114 14 1 14 14 1434iBattiste Arrah Gownn, Scalar, Labor. D7C0S Fort Erie 109 1 1-16 hvy 1:55? 2 2 2 2 21 4 Rh MphyKeonomist. Lady Mistake. Allopath. 57526 Fort Erie 104 1 1-S slow 1:562 C 7 C 5 2 2t Hy JksonLemonGirl, B.Waddell, Red Light. TRAJAN, b. g, 4, by Ornament Trianna F. H. Bell. Weight today 101. 59635 Oakland 10C 7-S slop 1:281 1 2 2 2 2 21 W Knapp Gosslper II.. Bucolic. Cloche dOr. 59O08 Ascot Park 101 3-4 fast 1:131 1 4 4 4 441R McDanlRubric, La Londe, Workman. 5S962 Ascot Park 106 3-4 fast 1:14 10 7 5 9 GlWiley Confessor, Tramotor, Del Coronado. BOUNTIFUL, b. g, 5. by Lucky Dog Nina Louise C. F. Tanner and Co.. Weight today 103. 5SC07 Oakland 107 7-S good 1:25! 3 6 4 3 31 3s Loague Opyrohe, Mocorito, Silver Heels. 593S3 Oakland 107 7-S slow 1:31 5 5 5 5 In 25 Radtke Lucrece, Vigoroso, Albemarle. 6930S Ingleside 109 C 1-2 f slop 1:24 S 4 1 23 21 Radtke Distributor, Duelist, El Piloto. ED SHERIDAN, b. c. 4. by Sain Laura Agnes T. A. Davies and Co.. Weight today 104. 5SG09 Oakland 100 1 1-1C good 1:481 4 3 3 1 1 11 E Robinsnili Col Cap, Byronerdale, B.Curtis. 59536 Oakland 96 1 1-16 fast 1:47 7 3 4 2 lt 13 W Smith Birdie P., E. Abbott. II. McOowan. D943S Oakland 99 1 1-16 fast 1:471 4 4 4 4 31 21 W Smith Esherln, Water Cure, Cloche dOr. BILL CURTIS, b. g. 5. hy Plaudit Strathreel K. A. Blute. Weight today 105. 5S657 Oakland 107 lm 50y slop 1:4711 111 13 lJW Knapp Hol.Berry, Yellowstone, Dusty .Miller 69C09 Oakland 103 1 1-1G good l:4Si 111 4 46 441 W Knapp KdSberldan. HiColCap, Byronerdale. 59279 Ascot Park 100 1 fast 1:42 6 5 5 5 i" 4 J Carroll M. Burns, Firm Foot, Workman. EDNA SULLIVAN, br. f, 4, by Volante La Bocca P. Sullivan. Weight today 108. 535SC Oakland 105 7-S fast 1:2S3 4 9 9 7 7 69 W Knapp MIst.of Rolls, Angelica, Auto Hood. 52140 Oakland 103 5-8 mud 1:023 Pulled up. W Knapp Sun Hose, Gloomy Gus, Velna. HAINAULT, br. g, 7, by St. Carlo Libbertiflihbet J. Reavey and Co. Weight today 106. 69362 Ingleside 106 7-S slop 1:31 3 3 5 C G C19 J McBride Bob Ragon, Instructor, Critical. 6441S Oakland 110 lm 70y fast 1:443 4 2 1 1 l 41 L Fountainll. McGowan, Cotillion, Siti. Belle. 3979 Oakland 111 7-S slow 1:272 C C 5 5 0 5 W TravcrsWhoa Bill, Trapsetter, E. Abliott.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1906011601/drf1906011601_4_3
Local Identifier: drf1906011601_4_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800