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STATE FAIR OF TEXAS DALLAS Oct. 13 to 28, 1906. BEN E. C0BELL, M. M. PHIIMIMEY, Directors of Racing. JAMES M ARMEY, Pres. SYDNEY SMITH, Secretary. JOSEPH A. MURPHY, Judge and Racing Secretary. NO PURSE LESS THAN 00 THE HOME INDUSTRY STAKE "--Dallas Brewery. A sweepstake for two-year-olds, foals of 1904, to be bred in Texas by members of the Texas Thorough, bred Association. Subscription from Dallas Brewery. The State Fair of Texas to guarantee 81.0H cart: value, of which 00 to the second and 00 to the third. By subscription of 0 each. .r, additional to start. Non-winners of a race of the value of 00 allowed 5 lbs.; if maidens, 10 lbs.; if twice beaten and never second, 15 lbs. Five and One-half Furlongs. THE "BREEDERS STAKE." A sweepstake for three-year-olds and: upward, to be bred in Texas by members of the Texas Thoroughbred Association. The State Fair of Texas to guarantee ,000 cash value, of which 00 to the second and 00 to the third. By subscription of 0 each. 5 additional to start. 5 lbs. below the scae. Winner: of. a race of the value of ,000 to carry 10 lbs. penalty. Non-winners of a rae of the value of S500 allowed 10 lbs.; beaten maidens allowed 15 lbs. One Mile. . THE "NAVIGATION STAKE "-Trinity River. A sweepstake for two-year-olds, foals of 1!04. ,000 guaranteed, of which 00 to the sroiid and 00 to the third. 0 to nominate, with 5 additional to start. Weight for age: Noi-wlmiprs of six races allowed 2 lbs.; live races, 5 lbs.; four races, S lbs.; three races, 12 lbs.; two races, 17 lb.; maidens 22 lbs.; selling races not counted. six Furlongs THE "DALLAS STAKE "Handicap. A handlciip for three-year-olds and upward, ,000 guaranteed, of which 00 to the second and S100 to the third. 0 to nominate, with 5 additional to accept. Weights posted three days before tin nice. One and Miles. ENTRIES CLOSE AUGUST 1. TEXAS CIRCUIT: FORT WORTH, October 8 to J2. BOWJE, August 29 to September U DALLAS, October 13 to 28. ENNIS, September iS to 22. SAN ANTONIO, Oct. 3!-Nov. 1 1. GREENVILLE, September 24 to 29. HOUSTON, Nov. 12 to J 7. DENISON, October 2 to 6. SHREVEPORT, LA, Nov. 17-25. ADDRESS ALL, COMMUNICATIONS TO STATE FAIR OF TEXAS, DALLAS, TEXAS. TEXAS RACING CIRCUIT SAN ANTONIO INTERNATIONAL FAIR, . . . SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS. . . . Dates: October 30-November 11, inclusive. 5,000 PURSES AND STAKES 5,000 HARNESS STAKES: RUNNING STAKES : EDGEWOOD DISTILLING CO. STAKE TEXAS BREEDERS STAKE 5 furlongs .,000.00 Trotting, 2 :35 class ,000.00 For 2-yoar-olds, bred by members of THE INTERNATIONAL STAKE ovi hocles 0?TSreTiatU- Pacing, 2:20 class 1,000.00 T Sf BREWING CO STAKE THE ALAMO STAKE For 3-year-oids and upwards". Trotting, 3:18 class 1,000.00 SAN ANTONIO BREWING ASSOCIA- THE MISSION STAKE TI,N STAKE 6 furlongs 1,000.00 Pacing, 2:12 class 1,000.00 x.uuu.uu FiZie!?, ds dr. FREDERICK J. FIELDING STAKE Purses 00 for 2:08, 2:25 and 2:15 class pacing. 1 1-16 miles i ooo 00 Purses 00 for 2 :12, 2 :2-l and 2 :10 class trotting. For three-year olds and upwards". M. N. MAC FAR LAN, Presiding Judge. STAKES CLOSE AUGUST 1. WRITE FOR ENTRY BLANKS. RUNNING PURSES, 36-O0.00 EACH. J. M. VANCE, Secretary, San Antonio, Texas. riTV OF TPfllAFPCF DA,LY excursions Will lr f Arllr JLff on lake Michigan. iMnIaVeBo",TS. !? foot of East V at 1:15 P- ln- touching at Government pier off South Chicago nt 2:.0. taking on passengers from 02d St. S. S. Lena Knobloch leaves 55th St nlcr it 2-W transferring passengers to Traverse off that point. Patrons who cannot take passage on the Traverse at 1:15 down town or the Lena Knobloch at 55th St. at 2:00, may reach the Traverse later br taking the HETraVTRwmhf; S?Uth C,"aS0 fr ovcrameI1t pIpr- at whlch Traverse will touch aboSt: JS? N ,if S , V be ma,e ns f""s: s- b- Lpna Knobloch will debark passengers for .r.5th St. nier mJ3? an,2,aSter las,t,rac? mkns second trip to 55th St. The Traverse will touch at the Government pier at 5:00, from which launches will transfer passengers speedily to 02d St.. South Chicago. lowing last race. Traverse will proceed to her dock down town as heretofore. ROUND TRIP 50 CENTS, covcrinc full passage at 11 points. Bus line lias been established between corner Randolph St. and Wabash A and Barrys dock. Service every ten minutes, last bus leaving at 1:00 p. m. sharp. WHICH? Do you prefer paying for something in advance-that never materializes or get my information on a basis which Involves NO ADVANCE FEE! I know of many good tilings that will be pulled off during the present Brighton meeting, so communicate with me at once. If you follow me throughout Brighton and Saratoga Ill make you big money. GEO. F. SCHULTZ, 111 Nassau Street New York. ..iitV THE ILLINOIS WS Room 628, 885 Dearborn St Tel. Harrison 1S76 NANNIE HODGE 7-5 WON DISHABILLE ....6-1 3rd July 11 Hamburg Felle. 15 won, Kiamcsha scratched July 10-Frank Fiesher.. 10-1 3rd, Frank Lord -l 2nd July 9 Rims Horn.... l-l won, Dolly Spanker... 1-5 won 2 SPECIFIED SPECIALS GUARANTEED $ SATURDAY, BRIGHTON HANDICAP 10-1 THE WINNER 10-1 yu can be absolutely confident of cashing your ticket. "HI simply tow-rope the bunch, run around the field and win in a gallop We jrave Tokalon :0-l for the Brooklyn. G yetween 8-1 for the Suburban both won. Here is another, just as sure plunge to the limit take a chance with your roll. The race ia all over bat the shouting Kemlt your order In at once .00. The Info. Is worth live times the amount to any man. Come on, boys; get in right. We will deliver the goods SUKK. NATIONAL RACING REVIEW. Room 37, 71 Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111. Friday Special Colorado, Jtbhty, Mlrutc, Sn allow. Yesterdays 6ptclal. MAHSHAL KEY, ll-O, Slid Our 3-horna dailr wire. S5.00 cr week. WINS EVERY DAY. 1 SUBSCRIBE TOR DAILY RACING FORM. I Established 1890. REYNOLDS Su CO. Before the public Horse Owners and Expert every day. Handicappers. 510, 114 DEAHBOItN 8T. Yesterday CHICAGO. our one best bet was: NANNIE HODGE. . 7-5 til. KIAMESHA..scratched Wednesday: FRANK LORD .... 6-1 SOMNUS 3-1 We Never MUre- 50 per cent, winners at tbo rc8ept- I New York tracks this year. TERMS, including one best bet, SI daily, SB weekly. Turf Exchange YPSILANTI. MICH. Trains leave MICHIGAN CENTRAL DEPOT. Detroit, at i:OQ and 1140 p. m. YESTERDAYS TURF REPORTERS SPECIAL was: HEINE 8-6 WON 07.00 im tbo winninjr of a 0.00 straight bet on all our special since June 1st 26 racing days. Can you afford to misa this class ot information! Its cost is .00 per month; 25 cents per copy Friday Special 87-96-83 83-G3-80-19 109-59. Entry Llt-S09-ll-850-8f2, T. C. WOOD and CO., Pub. Room 31!, 59 Dearborn St., Chicago. Phone, Central 5825. nip lIIIIandIO t takrt Placo on Satnr-Dlll III LLI till day, July 14. I sunran-UIU IIIand.L.II1U tee this horsQ TO WIN- PRICE, .00. Call SATURDAY from 10 to 1. GEORGE EDWARDS, 3146 Wabash A v., Chicago.