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STATE FAIR OF TEXAS D A L LA3 Oct. 13 to 28, 1906. BEN E. C0BELL, M. M. PHINNEY, Directors of Racing. JAMES MARMEY, Pres. SYDNEY SMITH, Secretary. JOSEPH A. MURPHY, Judge and Racing Secretary. NO PURSE LESS THAN 00 THE "HOME INDUSTRY STAKE "--Dallas Brewery. A sweepstake for two-year-olds, foals of 19W, to he bred in Texas by members of the Texas Thoroughbred Association. Subscription from Dallas Brewery. The State Fair of Texas to guarantee S1.000 cash value, of which 00 to the second and 5100 to the third. By subscription of ?10 each. 15 additional to start. Non-winners of a race of the value of 400 allowed 5 lbs.; if maidens, 10 lbs.; if twice beaten and never second, 15 lbs. Five and One-half Furlongs. THE "BREEDERS STAKE." A sweepstake for three-year-olds and upward, to he bred in Texas by members of the Texas Thoroughbred Association. The State Fair of Texas to guarantee ,000 cash value, of which 00 to the second and ?100 to the third. By subscription of 0 each. 5 additional to start. 5 lbs. below the scale. Winners of a race of the value of ,000 to carry 10 lbs. penalty. Non-winners of a race of the value of 00 allowed 10 lbs.; beaten maidens allowed 15 lbs. One Mile. THE "NAVIGATION STAKE" -Trinity Riven A sweepstake for two-year-olds, foals oflOOl. ,000 guaranteed, of which 00 to the second and 00 to the third. 0 to nominate, with 5 additional to start. Weight for age: Non-winners of six races allowed 2 lbs.; live races, 5 lbs.; four races, 8 lbs.; three races, 12 lbs.; two races, 17 Ihs .; maidens, 22 lbs.; selling races not counted. six Furlongs. THE "DALLAS STAKE "-Handicap. A handicap for three-year-olds and upward, ,000 guaranteed, of which 00 to the second and 00 to the third. 0 to nominate, with 5 additional to accept. Weights posted three days before the race. One and One-sixteenth Miles, ENTRIES CLOSE AUGUST 1. TEXAS CIRCUIT: FORT WORTH, October 8 to J2. BOWIE, August 29 to September U DALLAS, October 13 to 28. ENNIS, September J 8 to 22. SAN ANTONIO, Oct. 3I-Nov. I U GREENVILLE, September 24 to 29. HOUSTON, Nov. 12 to J7. DENISON, October 2 to 6. SHREVEPORT, LA, Nov. 17-25. ADDRESS ALL, COMMUNICATIONS TO STATE FAIR OF TEXAS, DALLAS, TEXAS. CITY OF TRAVERSE ON LAKE MICHIGAN. Leave Barrys dock, foot of Kast Michigan St.. at 1:15 p. m., touching at Government pier off South Uilcago at 2:J0, taking on passengers from 02d St. S. S. Lena Knobloch leaves 55th St. pier at 1:45. transferring passengers to Traverse off that point. Patrons who cannot take passage on the Traverse at l:l. down town or the Lena Knobloch at 55th St. at 1:45, may reach the Traverse later hv taking the SVUiJ5- ,V,rl.dse S?uth Cago, for Government pier, at which Traverse will touch about "2:30. BP TRIES will be made as follows: S. S. Lena Knobloch will debark passengers for 55th St. pier ? ?naS,cr las.t,r?c?- making a second trip to 55th St. The Traverse will touch at the Government pier at 5:00, from which launches will transfer passengers speedily to 92d St.. South Chicago. Following last race, Traverse will proceed to her dock down town as heretofore. ROUND TRIP 50 CENTS, covering run passage at all points. Bus line has been established between corner Randolph St. and Wabash Av. and Barrys dock. Service every ten minutes, last bus leaving at 1:00 p. m. sharp. WHICH? Do you prefer paying for something in advance that never materializes or get my Information on a basis which Involves NO ADVANCE FEE! I know of many good things that will be pulled off during the present Brighton meeting, so communicate with me at once. If you follow me throughout Brighton and Saratoga Ill make you big money. GEO. F. SCHULTZ, 111 Nassau Street New York. YESTERDAYS TURF REPORTERS SPECIAL was: JOHN CARROLL ... 5-2 WON 2 7.00 is the winning of a 0 00 Hat bet on all our specials since June 1. can you afford to miss this class ot Information! Its cost is .00 per month; !5 cents per copv. Tursdnin Bneolal-37-11 Si 4I-31-2G-S-22 17-32 29. Kntry List 9OO-901-00i-W5-9l7-8 930-039 9i T. C. WOOD and CO., Pub. Room 312. 59 Dearborn St.. Chicago. Phone. Central 5825. THE AMERICAN RACING MANUAL. 60c IN LEATHER, 30c. IN PAPEB. DAILY RACING FORM TUBLISHING CO., lii FiTth Are., Chicago, HI, THE ILLINOIS "KE:Y Boom 688, 235 Dearborn St Tel. Iforrlnon 1876 PLUNGE ON TODAYS SPECIALS Can positively bank cn them winning good odds. July 16 McCarter scratched, Kohnoflaw scratched July 14 Itamsllorn.... 6-1 won, Fountainblue.... 1-5 won July 13 Frank Lord 7-2 won, Ethel Day. 4.5 won July 12 Nannie Hodge.. 7-5 won. Dishabille. 6-1 3rd July 11 Hamburg Belle. 4 5 won, Klamesba scratched July 10 Frank Flesher..l0-1 3rd, Frank Lord 61 2nd July 9 Rams Horn -l won, Dolly Spanker... 15 won 2 SPECIFIED SPECIALS GUARANTEED 84 TUESDAYS GOOD THWG 84 Here la your chance all over hut the shouting Owner will stand a tap and says hell win in a romp. Get in line with your subscription for Wednesdays peach another just as good and sure as Rams Horn odds not less than 8-1, pof sibly 15-1 and as good as srold. A GRAND OPPORTUNITY 3t!? Uey ..t- Havlncr only a limited number of my lV;AIim!leiip fjstems left, prior to my new 16 TVRV t III! ION tliat will be ready in September. I will reduce tho price for July and August l rom 5 to 8. This MVHTEM has no equal far LONG SHOTS and shorter-priced horses, and can iperate with small or large capital. Not complicated, and one can handicap any race in S minutes time. Circular and testimonials will be sent If decired. Cth yer. 1. A. THURSTON, lablisher. Dept. C. Suite 7-8 Bennett Bldg.. Detroit. Mich NATIONAL RACING REVIEWS SPECIAL NO. 305 Room 37, 71 Dearborn Street. Chicago, 111, Yesterdays Special was: LA LONDE 2-1 Second. 3-horso wire, .00 per week, WINS EVERY DAY. .00 PEE MONTH. 25 CENTS PES C0P7.