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ELIGIBLES TO SARATOGA SPECIAL. 1 Interest In the Bjg Jack Pot Will Be In- r. creased After the Brighton Junior. ; i Between now and the running of tlic Futurity, ; which will lie the feature of the opening day of the 1 Coney Island Jockey Clubs fall meeting at Sheens- bead llity, August 111, four stakes for two-year- olds having each a gross value of 0,000 or more, are to be decided. They are the Brighton Junior, sit Brighton Beach next Saturday, the Saratoga Special August 10, Grand Union Hotel Stakes August II and the United States Hotel Stakes August -1. The last three named are, of course, to be run at Saratoga. The distance of eacli is three-quarters j of a mile and the entries are pretty much the same . for the four races. That is, the seasons present stars are all eligible. The Brighton Junior lias a guaranteed gross value of ."i,000 and the last named two are fixed to be worth 0,000 each. The value of the Saratoga Special is problematical, but it will lie worth not less than -,i00 and not more than ,500. It is a "jack pot" stakes, that is, tlie winner takes it all. This year ninteen subscriptions : were taken at ?1,000, half forfeit. For each subscription three horses were named May 1. There can be but one starter for each subscription. Say nine go to the post; that will be ?!,000, and the other ten subscriptions not represented in the race will bring the sum up to 1,000. To this the ; Saratoga Association adds a piece of plate valued at !riOO. There Is already great interest in the probabilities of the Saratoga Special, but after the Brighton Junior, which will furnish a better line on the result than can be bad at this time, the day of the race will lie awaited with increased anxiety. Probably nine out of ten people scanning the list of eiigibles would say off-band that Colin will duplicate Sy-sonbys victory In the race ot 1001 for James B. Keene, but the best observers of racing would say that the element of uncertainty is intensified by the lack of knowledge as to the qualities of those that have not appeared under silks as yet. The most talked of among the youngsters that have not started is II. P. Whitneys Burgher. It is said that trainer Bogcrs lias no doubt about his ability to take Collns measure the first time they meet, but lie lias not said that lie intends to start the son of Hamburg Ilurly Burly in this race. Some good guessers say he is saving him for the Futurity. The Saratoga Special bad its first running in 1901, and W. C. Whitney won it with Goldsmith. That race was wortli -1,500. In 11HK! Irish Lad brought Whitney and Duryea S,000 for his victory. The nixt year John E. Madden s Aristocracy was the winner and the value of the race was 1,500. Then came Sysonbys success in 1901, -which iirought Mr. Keene 1,000. In 1903 Mohawk II. won for the Messrs. Stanford and the value was 0,500. Last year Salvidcre, named by the late Captain S. S. Brown, but running for Thomas Hitchcock, Jr., was the winner and his pot was .",000. Following is the list of subscribers and eligible horses, together with the performances of those that have started: Belmont, August- Sts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Unp. Won. Six Oclock 4 0 0 1 V, $ 100 ltaymond 2 0 0 0 2- Black Oak 2 0 1 0 1 200 Brownleigh Park Stable King Cobalt ... C. 0 .". O V, T.25 Goshen Chief ... 1 0 0 1 King Sol 0 0 0 1 0 100 Burlew, Fred. Chapultepec C 1 2 it : G,::20 I.ajeunesse 1 O 0 -1 070 Ella ONeill ...10 2 2 2 1 0,0;;0 Hitchcock. F. It. Smoker 7 1 2 0 -1 4.-120 Stokes, b. c, by Ogden Nahma. Beckon 9 3 2 1 3 S.7G0 Keene, James, I!, first subscription Masque 0 2 1 3 1,873 Incognito 2 0 0 1 1 100 Colin 4 4 0 0 0 3S.S01 Keene, James K. second subscription Besom 2 0 1 0 1 200 Aiionyma. b. f, by Disguise Optime. Peter Quince, eh. e. by Commando Fair Vision. Madden, J. 13. first subscription Senator Barrett. 5 1 1 0 3 430 Lady Winifred .8 3 2 1 2 11,115 Dead Cone 12 2 O 19 1,393 Madden, J. E. second subscription Uncle 2 1 0 1 0 930 King James ...10 1 0 4 5 11,325 Coppers, b. c, by Ogden Ida Pickwick. Newcastle Stable Wave Crest 9 2 0 2 5 1.SG3 I?ig Chief, ch. c, by Pontiac Madclaine. Cosmopolitan, b. e, by Woolsthorpe Kosino. Oneck Stable-Bellwether 4 0 0 1 3 50 Sheepskin, ch. e, by Woolsthorpe Truth. Cohort li 3 1 1 1 21,115 Stanford. John Chief Brandt, ch. e, by ClifTord Ballyroe. Fort Johnson, b. c, by Cliuctanuuda White Frost. Ouatossa. ch. c, by Isidor Itockwater. Schreilier, B. Chief Desmond . 7 1 0 1 5 375 Banridge 2 0 0 0 2 Seymour l!eutler.l2 3 4 1 4 1,535 Schwartz, M. L. "Bonnie Alan, 1. e, by AlIan-a-Dale Bonnie Blue. Triumph, br. c, by Plaudit Dossie. Lady Corinnc. ch. f, by Allan-a-Dale Katie Ellerslie. Tevis. John Lady Adelia. ch. f. by Kesolute II. Chamade. . . lir. f, by Henry i-oung Aunt Laura. Lady Caroline II. 7 1 1 2 3 500 Thomas, E. U. Ben Fleet 5 1 1 1 3 2.G3S Desirous 1 0 0 0 r Field Marshal ..2 O 0 0 2 Whitney. II. I, first, subscription Angelas 2 O O it 2 Stamina 3 1 O it 2 7.700 , Adriana 5 1 1 1 2 2,000 i Whitnev. H. P. second subscription Jersey Lightning, ch. f. by Hamburg Daisy F. Burgher, b. c, by Hamburg Hurlv Burly. Bar None 3 0 2 1 0 2,150 i ilson. K. T., Jr. Bcaueoup 4 0 2 1 1 1,-100 Rock-cress 2 O 0 O 2 Falcada 7 1 0,2 4 1,155 Ziegler. II. M. Wise Child, b. c, by Bute or Bendoran Surface. Allegory, b. c, by Gallantry Aliegra. Smilinda, b. f, by Woolsthorpe Toinmic Bell. Has not raced.