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ANSWERS TO QUERIES. [Communications without names and addresses of senders will not lie answered or noticed: uor will any answers be sent by mail. I P. J., tnncinnati. 0. Do not send iNXiks. Have plenty of them now. R. F. P... St. Louis, Mo. It was not possible The race was not over at 4:35. It. It.. Hamilton. Out. In justice you should, but the lKMtkmakers do not look at it that way. A. o.. Hamilton. Ont. Workbox prices correct as published. It was a three-horse race so far as prices were coni-erned. F A. S.. Cincinnati. O. The bet was in time and would, no doubt, luive been paid without question if the horse had won. 11. G. A . Cincinnati. O. The principal racing aetata in South America are iu Buenos Ayres. Argentina, and Montevideo. Uruguay, on the east eaaatt, and Valparaiso and Santiago, ISiili. and Lima. Peru, on the west coast. The Jockey clubs of thus-cities can inform you.