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JACKSONVILLE ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather dear; track good. Km i i li-r slarls at 2:28 p. in. Chicago lime. 2:39.1 ■ Buns well ill mud. ©Superior mud ruuner. First Race — 5-8 Mile, o-y ear olds. Allowances. Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A. Wt. Hdcp. 80038* Alice Bll 1:01* 107..X725 7S03C, lakahira lis 1:00 103..X720 SKMo1 Belle of the Ball... 107 71.". swill Bon Astur 100 715 81011 Kitty Fisher 107..X710 Mill:!* Dispute 108 1:015 112..X710 K09U5 Sister Ollie loo 1 £S] 100. . X71l 81062 Cohno 10." 1 :i."i 112 IBS 80017 Iinlon 91 Itttf 107..X70."i 80428 M. L. Dawson 102 " •"■ 81011 Rose Arkle IBS Long 100 701 SIOIO I. C. Kill 110 1:02 112..X7IH Second Race — 3-4 Mile. 3-year olds ami upward. Selling. 80888 Rarls Court lol 1:14 4. .lOS. . X72." 8101S* Camel 8.. 08.; X 728 SHi:a; Miss K. O. B HM 1:181 .".. . HHI. . X 71.". slolo llawksllight 06 1:13 :!.. 90..X7L". 80002 Trej of Spades !»s 1:141 4. .KM!. . X 71.. 81038 Don Hamilton lol 1:131 0. .11:;. .©71". Stole. Anna Smith lo7 1:1X1 li. .107. . X7L". iSllKHJi Boselioro 112 1:198 C..112 710 mo.;7 No Quarter 98 1:14] 5. .109. . x7io SHUoi Mi rise 10.". •!.. 91 710 8O780I Malvlaa 100 1:171 7..1oo..x7lO SliCtii Nioless 107 1 :17S 5.. 102 70.". sin.a;- Variation •"... 89... .TK sooso- Hoscrrian 108 1:13] 5.. 115.. ©700 83888 Hitter Hand 92 1:14r 0. .107. . X700 Third Race — 1 Mile, ".year-olds and upward. Handicap. 89893 Youthful 102 1:40 4..10K..Y725 SH7S7 Siskin !isi:4»i .". . 110 72o so!iKi Koseburg II S7 1 :4M B..1M..X719 81014 Heart of Hyacinth. K 7 1:411 C... 99..X71.". sn:i:;p Monsignor 80 1:38] r...H4 71 181003 Sail] Ireslon 100 1:40s ." . . 112. . X7I: sops:- lioserrian .".. .107. .©7o.". sio.!7 Melange 183 1:421 4. -MB. . X70GS slmc; Ben lhuible 97 1:40? 5.. 102 700 Fourth Race — 5 1-8 Furlorurs. .!-year-olds and upward. Selling. BBfM Scotih Lass 114 1:i:i? ;5. . 90 725 SHII2 Bisk 109 LOS 4..10S 7J0 81012 Kale Carney 83 1:181 4. .11M. . v 7 LI 80901 Malta 99 1 :0Si! 3. .104. . X71". SWI41 Tilekilns 94 1MM 4..WK» 71". sosiU L Amour 103 1:081! 5. .111 710 81041* Beside lol 1 :07* B..M8..X7M siKiill Aunt Tabitha 0.. 99 710 SICU7 Daiay Shine 4. .100. . X70."i 10086 Jordon Lee 4. .10;!. . . .70.". 81012 Hig Hand 5..100 7 ." 80804 loinocliichi 109 1:111! 0..111..X70O SM82 P. J. McCarthy ... !L . 97 700 80086 Dona II 109 1:09! 4. . WHi. . x7oo SI03IJ Sam Clay 100 1:10* B. .106. . X 700 Fifth Race — 1 1-8 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. SOiHini Water Iike 0. .110. .©72.". 80964= Spring Frog 94 2:01* t. .81 720 sioi:: Klvsium :L . 82. . X7I". 80030s Belle Scott 97 2:00 8. . 109. . X71". 810663 Malediction 112 1 :." 7 7. .103. . x 71.". sooc.4 Jeanette M 91 2:01 •.. 97 710 SIOW- Caul 107 1:" 7». 7. .113. . X703 81O301 Galllleo 107 1:59 4. .104 7:».. 81064 leeta II 4.. 102 70." ISKKtll Countermand 110 2:00 4. . 109. . . 7Ki SIIHH; Joe Fallert 5. .111 .. ©7no Sixth Race— 3-4 Mile. 4 vear-olds and upward. Selling. soilll Mvstitier M*Jtl:M] 4 .107. . ©7:" 86837 Sudden Start 91:13?. 4..1 »7 720 81064* Vendor O..H4..X7I5 81016 It. If. Mcl.eod 100 1 :.!0 .".. .1 14. . X71". 61606 Colonel Craig 4. .110. .. .71". slix;.-,» Grace George 101 1:181 7.. 112. .X 710 simile Tackle 1111:1.".* 4. .107. .©710 81041* Charlie Lusk .HI 1:17 5.. 114 7P." slo41 Havniark-t 107 1:19* 5. .114. . X703 81661* J. 8. McAlister . . 1W 1 :20- 4..1O7..X70O Sim;.". 103 1:1.-.=. 5. .1 14. . ©700 80824 Darling Dan 4. .107. . X 70. 81039 Sir Vagrant 104 1:15 3. .117. . X»WH» Slot. Martins 113 1:13 8. .114. . a0".K Seventh Race — 1 Mile. 8 y.-ar olds and upward. Selling. 81013 St Aulaire 90 1:52 .. . 9C..X725 S1041 81 Dorado 88 1:43 5. .110. .©720 810,W St. Valentine 100 1:30 S. .110. . ■ 7i." so Mil Moscow Belle 10O 1 :4:!i! 4.. IB.. 71". 80O22 Mr. Knapp 5..107..X71O 81040 M.ilecon ■„ 91.. X 705 siiisy Wine Merchant ...99 1:42? 4. .103. . X705 81064* Lose F 5.. 105 700 61813 Hand-me-down 97 1:43*. 4. .103. . X70" The figures under "Rec." in above entries show the best time made by the horse at the distance, with weight carried, since January 1. 1900. This lime is not necessarily made by a wiuuer. It may be the estimated time of a losing performance.