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THE FIELD QUESTION TO THE FORE. New York. May 24. —Pressure is being brought to bear on the Westchester Racing Association to open the field on Decoration Day. Monday. Mai 31. at a one-dollar late of admission. The hold question has been very generally argued by the officials of the several racing asso, ialioiis and some of tile Belmont Park member are in favor of its being opened at that course if peculation can be restricted so that the law is obeyed. Others hay- opposed the idea strongly and believe tiiat Belmont Park s getting fair patronage without the field and is far better oil with that em loMire as it is The popu-ktrtty of the sport is not confined to anv class hut the bapiieiiings ot last season ill that modest portiixi ol the grounds are calculated to make the conservative racing man think twice.