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GUY FISHERS STAKE RACE DEFEATS ARONDACK FOR THE WOODSTOCK PLATE THROUGH A GOOD RIDE. Flying Squirrel Succumbs to Turf Star and Megantic in the Victoria Stakes — Another Great .1 Outpouring at Woodbine. Toiontn. Mil.. May N.— Mo was Victoria Dav. It was a national holiday in t !■ ■ Dominion, wliieli meant that every Canadian with a drop of sporting ihlnod in liis veins took advantage of the fact to par tieipate in seine sort of outdoor apart. A tremendous •crowd, whieh r quail d in i»oint of numbers thai of the opening day. Inriied out at Woodbine. It was a gala occasion aihl Secretary Frascr had done Ins part by offering a splendiil program. Resides tlie rich Woodstock Plate, there were offered as attraetions the Victoria Stakes, the Soarlmio Steeplechase and the Queeaf Hotel Cup. All four of the events furnished stirring contests and one of the hest days sport ever run off at Woodbine was witnessed. 1". T. Chinii saddled the winners ill two of the events, in Qvy Fisher and Joe Oalteaa. The former ran in the colors of the Idlchrook Stahle and showed a splendi I performance. He was ridden by Mentrv. was a heavily hacked favorite and won in handsome fashion nfter a stirring finish whieh lasted the length of the homestretch. Arondack. the nnmer-up. might have won liad she been as judiciously ridden as was the •winner. Xlentry. on tiny Fisher, took him ha; k when Hiiichcliffe lushed Arondack to the front and in the lust quarter, when the latter began to tire. Guv richer wore her down and. gctllag up in the last fifty yards, won going away. Two favorites won. tie successful choices heiatt Joe Caitens and Guy Kislier. Turf Star heat a hand of the liest two-year-olds on the ground when she captured the Victoria Stakes. This fixture lias been run consecutively for seventeen years and hsis beea one of the hest attractions of the ■Bring meeting at Woodbine. Pagan Hey proved an easy winner of the steeplechase, although the finish was close, less than a hall length separating the first two at tie end. Wilson held lagan Bey under stont restraint until in the last quarter iMfore making a move, and when he got to the front in the last furlong be again took hold and had Ills mount under restraint at the end. Secretary Kraser received a cablegram during the afternoon from Lord Minto which read as follows: "Simla. May 24. 10:19. — Hearty congratulations to Hendrie. Best wishes to all old friends. "Lord Minto." Lord Minto Is the present viceroy of India and Mas formerly of Canada. In Ii i -younger day- he was a famous gentleman rider in England and lie frequently rode against licensed locki vs. I hi one occasion at Lincoln he rod, live winners, which is something of a record in itself. Judging by the cass of people who are patronising the races at Woodbine, the sport in this section ie s«fe for many years. The vcrv best families in Toronto were present this afternoon and the assem blage was certainly a brilliant one. Karl Giev again drove to the course in state and his visit was one of tlie popular features of the nay. He was received witli vociferous cheers from the large crowd and. bulging by the enthusiasm displayed, any on-nosition to tlie sport in this part of the world will meet with weak support. Charles Bowman reports that Jockey Keogh is on his way from California, mid is due here in a leu davs. Wiliam Garth has disposed of the contract he held on .iockcv J. Mclnryrc to ."ohn K. Madden. Garth i making an effort to secure Scoville for the Woodbine meeting. lie? tig arrived this morning and will ride for R. L. Thomas for the remainder of the season. Secretary A. It. Loudon of the Hamilton Jockey Club was a visitor at Woodbine this afternoon. He reports many improvements have beep made at tie Hamilton course and that the coming meeting at that point would lie the greatest ever held since the present management came into control.