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TIA JUANA RACE TRACK CONCESSION. City of Mexico. Has., June 15. — Nothing is known here as to a report sent out from Los Angeli-s. Cal.. to the effect that the Mexican government has invoked the concession for a race track at Tia Juan.i. Lower California. Harry Brolaski. who holds the concession, signed by the Mexican authorities, declared today that he had not been Informed of anything tending to intimate that the Mexican govern nient had revoked the concession, aud branded the rojiorts sent out as incorrect. An investigation of the interior department of panels and documents of matters pertaining to Lower California shows that the only mention of the revocation of concessions at Tia Juana was in April when two concessions wen1 withdrawn. These were for a shooting gallery and a gambling club which were closed he Bangs of complaints of swin dling made by tourists.