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SpRE SPOTS IN PRESENT-DAY RACING. ThMTC is trouble over racing at Salt Lake City. A se-ealled racing war is developing in Florida. The l*1, -riii Park racing is a sore spot in Canada that the n,i !an Racing Associations intend to extir pate. While the situations differ in details the main feature is the same. Rapacious promoters Sri .o :n. not imbued with Hie slightest regard for i acini; as a noble sport and whose sole aim is to Rather, il amassed dollars arc in each case respou siuie for the disagreeable friction. Salt [sunt City is a thriving and attractive place and there i.s not lacking evidence that a healtliv race meeting there would be popular and well patronised if developed by its own people and of such moderate duration as the population of the city would Seem to call for. But the meeting there is cnuclucted by outsiders, against whom a bitter light is going on. Tbe ant i racing faction, as usual, lias used unfair weapons, and its printed missiles have been bitterly untrue. Whatever the faults of Sail Lake racing may he. the horses taking part in it have nm in the main truly and honestly. As a result of all this turmoil the president of the State Fair Association has served notice on the officials of the I "tali Jockey Club, lessor of the State Fair Grounds, terminating their lease June 25. The proh alile outcome will be the enactment of a law when the next session of the tali legislature arrives that will srlne out racing in Utah altogether. Such racing as lias lieen carried on in Florid. i has been by self-invited promoters from other states in conjunction with some natives. It chanced that the ■Willis, at Jacksonville brought about by "Curly Brown and his associates lastspring proved profitable. This appealed to the cupidity of anothi r set of outsiders anil, determined to share in the .lai -k-uuivile g pod thing, these men have secured I tract across the St. Johns river, opposite Jackson lilte. ami propose constructing another racing plaul. I lii-v gave out a statement that a division of time had been agreed upon, but Ibis is st reiiuoiisly denied by BrVWB, who iit.sisls there will be war to tie limit il the new faction persists in ils invasion 1 what be considers his own domain by right of ili--I over . The can only he disgust ing to those whi have iln prosperity of racing at lent and can see that, by reason of its being a great winter tourist stale Florida is a legitimate held for winter rilling. If i-ondiuli-d temperately and with due regard to all of the proprieties involved. The trouble lure. a in I l.ih. is lhat lie- roorl has not been developed bj the citizens of tie state, and ils prolits are not lea pill by tlielll a lone. The DnfTeiln Park ca.-e j, different in that II I* racing conducted by Canadian gambler! in same sillon lo organized Canadian racing under the coin 1 -I ol 1 -Hindus IhsI citizens. There is 110 adequale n .1 sou 01 jnstllicalioii for racing al Duffel in Park. It Ik for gambli-ig pure and simple. If Is carried on |nitl an old lime charter which the Canadian Itaclug ssnciatloiis .111 endeavoring lo have ic w.l... I I! th*J -nc.-eil In doing Ihls th itliorltics ot : .- l-i-oilnce id Ontario will ceriainlv suppre.s the Diifferiu Park niceling. I.ul It iniisl be sail that llrcrc i» plenty of moiii-v and Rftl behind the Velllille. ;,|, I the effol I lo lepoal ils charter will I.. fought il.-tcriiii II. ami .il.h. Ill lie- I he Cumuli. 1 11 KiKllie --"i.i lions lav.- a r.-allv dllllcnll blent to hoIvc. hut lii the long run arc likely lo succeed.