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RESERVATIONS FOR BUTTE MEETING. Butte. Mont. June 15. — A special train will leave Salt Lake June 25. villi the first iMallmcnt of horses for the race neeting which will open here early in July. Following is a list of owners who l.ave engaged stabling accommodations at the Butte track: Barney Schreiber. 20 horses: G. II. Keeue. 13: Charles Henshall. 4: Mrs. Harry Stover. 11: A. Goodin. 5: G. W. Robinson. 3: E. E. Beatty. ■.: C. E. Baldwin. 6: C. C. West. 4: Fred Foster. 4; C. Clow. 4: L. C. Williams. t : F. Merckel. 2: II. W. Hoag. 2: P. Albcrtson. 9: Dr. H. B. Rowell. 10; W. L. Stanfield. 7: W. T. Anderson. 7: J. F. Moore. 4: W. P. Fine. 7: William H.iwke. 9: -I. B. Goodman. 4: C. P. Dve. 4: Phil King. 5: George llm ; -than. ::-. T. I.vnn. 1: M. T. Ar.erberry. 2: I. M. Crane. "4: J. D. Brown. 1: L. T. Lee and Son. 5; Parker and McDonald. 2: C. E. Faut. 5; II. II. Jur-gens. 1: O. F. Hume. :J: .1. ft. Holder. 2: I.. Stone. 2: Geane Mill— 1: W. M. Mallory. 2: B. Dealy. 4: H. Elston. 2: W. C. Weant, 4: O. P. Roinigli. 1: L. OI.earv. 1: A. I . Worlev. :.: T. O. Webber. .!: J. M. Blanton. 2: S. .1. Kelly. O: Han ington Ac Co.. :S: D. S. Fountain. 5; K. .1. RaiiiM-v. It: Irwin Bros., ti: Frank I.irquhar. "•: J. I.arncs. 5; W. A. McKiiinev. 2: .1. ioffey. 2: L. If. Lester. ::: W. K. Cotton. 5: G. Durker. 5: W. P. Maxwell. 12: W. A. Sarding. 1: L. Ezcll. 1: W. St. Vincent. 11: Robert Warm. 2.