Tuesday to be an off Day: New York Race-Goers to Have Five Days of the Sport next Week, Daily Racing Form, 1909-07-03


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TUESDAY JO BE AN OFF DAY. New York Racc-Goers to Have Five Days of the Sport Next Week. New York, July 2. Next week will again see five days of racing at Sheepshead Bay. Tuesday will be tlie off day. When the season liegan on the metropolitan tracks three days a week were considered good enough, but the Jockey Club promised to add extra days If the patronage instilled it. The patronage has justified it. and iMr. Belmont and his associates have made good their promise. There is no mistaking the TMpularity of the sport as now conducted. The week-day crowds compare favorably with those of the open betting ring regime, tlie enthusiasm is just, as great and the sport just as thoroughly enjoyed. With Empire City following with six days a week, and a full four-weeks sport at Saratoga, the game promises to lie as successful as in any previous year. Furthermore. It. T. Wilson. Jr.s recent purchase of twenty yearlings, the get of Ogden. Planndes and Yankee, is" regarded not only as the biggest transaction of its kind in years, but as an exceedingly good sign of the times. The terms were private, hut it is known that the amount involved was large. This deal is an evidence of the confidence that the president of tlie Saratoga Association has in tha rehabilitation of racing.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1909070301/drf1909070301_1_13
Local Identifier: drf1909070301_1_13
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800