Future Stake Dates, Daily Racing Form, 1909-07-03

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FUTURE STAKE DATES. Independence Steeplechase, Sheepshead Bay, N. Y July 5 Commonwealth Handicap. Sheepshead Bay. N. Y. July 5 Canadian Derby. Fort Erie, Out July 5 Mermaid Stakes. Sheepshead Bay, N. Y July 7 Advance Stakes, Sheepshead Bay, N. Y July S Vernal Stakes. Sheepshead Bay. N. Y July 10 Long Island Handicap. Sheepshead Bay. N. Y.Juiy 10 Country Club Selling Stakes. Victoria. B. C...July 10 Double Event second half. Sheepshead Bay. N. Y July 13 Lawrence Realization Stakes, Sheepshead Bay. N. Y. July 13 Jubilee High Weight Handicap. Victoria. B. C July 17 Cesarion Handicap, Victoria. B. C July 24 Exposition Selling Stakes, Victoria, B. C.July 31 Farewell Handicap, Victoria, B. C Aug. 7

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1909070301/drf1909070301_6_4
Local Identifier: drf1909070301_6_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800