Race Track Betting Not Sinful: Catholic Clergyman of British Columbia Gives Clear Headed Decision, Daily Racing Form, 1909-07-03


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RACE TRACK BETTING NOT SINFUL. Catholic Clergyman of British Columbia Gives Clear-Hcadcd Decision on Subject. Victoria. B. C. July 2. Race" track betting, which is meeting with opposition by local protestant, clergymen, has gained unexpected support from Roman Catholic authority. It lias been pronounced neither sinrul nor objectionable In itself by the Rev. Father OReillv. speaking for the Jesuit Society. Whether or not attendance at the races and patronage of the betting ring were regarded with disfavor by the Catholic as well as Protestant churches has been actively debated during ten days past. The matter was finally referred for a decision to the Jesuit Fathers, and after consideration of all the Issues Involved. Father OReilly handed down his answer. "Horse racing is not a sin." says the opinion, "nor is attendance at horse races. You may all go, to the races who like and enjoy them as Innocent relaxations and interesting sport. Nor Is betting upon a horse race, or betting generally, a sin in itself. Betting Is quite unobjectionable if a man risks only his own money which he does not especially require. There are many cranks in this world who see harm In everything. If you have which you do not especially require there is no harm In your wagering that money against another mans on a horse to see which will win. This form of amusement is not sinful. "Servant girls, however, stenographers and those in receipt of only small salaries should not bet. And betting may become a sin under certain circumstances. There are many contingent circumstances to be taken into account, if a man risks the wages needed for the support of his wife and family. It is wrong. And if you have the money with which to bet. there may be danger of acquiring a passion for gambling, the same as by going to a saloon there is danger of acquiring a passion for drink. If you think you are in danger of doing this it is wrong to bet. "Betting once in a while is not a sin. It is when risking money which belongs to the family or any ono else that It Is wrong. All depends upon what a man bets and where he gets his money. God never intended anyone Hot to enjoy innocent amusement."

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1909070301/drf1909070301_2_3
Local Identifier: drf1909070301_2_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800