Fashion Plate Good Racer: Manner in Which He Won Yesterday Impresses New Yorkers, Daily Racing Form, 1909-07-03


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FASHION PLATE GOOD RACER MANNER IN WHICH HE WON YESTERDAY IMPRESSES NEW YORKERS. Colored Rider Who Shared Honors with tho Horse -Has Close Call Later in Day King James Doing Well. New York. July 2. The Oneck Stables colt. Fashion Plate, and the.eolored rider. Henry Smith, made a winning combination in "the Sir Walter Handicap at Sheepshead Bay today. Horse and rider covered themselves with" glory and 8,000 spectators bestowed on them generous, applause. The Woolsthorpe three-year-old made .important weight concessions to tlie quartet of good horses of more mature age opposed to him and vanquished them, so rtecisivelj that, racegoers are ready to acclaim him a horse of stake caliber. It Is now conceded that had Fashion Plate not been pulled up at the -start he might have placed in the Suburban. Messrs. Knapp and Karrick.. re spectively owner and trainer of the colt, were the happiest men at the track, and were particularly anxious that no one should overlook the really remarkable ride put up by Smith. The colored boys day of triumph terminated inauspiciously when Coonskln. a starter in tlie last race, reared, fell and rolled over him while on her way to the post. The attending physician announced that beyond a few minor bruises Smith escaped injury, hut It looked like a close call. This was an extra day of racing witli a special overnight card that filled well. Tile weather conditions were Ideal, the track was exceedingly fast and the biggest off-day crowd of the year was in attendance. Results were somewhat awry from a form viewpoint. Black Mate, at 40 to 1. inaugurating a series of upsets with tlie first race. The other winning outsiders were Tim Pippin. Evening Song and Beauclcrc. The sudden recovery of speed by tlie last-named, coincident with heavy backing, created some surprise. In none of ills previous races this summer had Beauclere been able to raise a respectable gallop. The unseating of II. Smith by Coon-skin caused a delay of ten minutes In the starting of the last race. J. Creevy was finally substituted. Betting shifted materially luring this, interval, the closing odds against Niagara, the winner and probably a, real clinker, receding to 3 to 1, while St. Dunstan was backed down to S to 5. It is rumored that Eddie Dugan will go to Canada to ride In tlie near future. S. C. Hildreth stated today that King James has fully recovered and is in grand form, but will be reserved for the Saratoga meeting. - Seventeen racers in training, belonging, to. the SIN verbrook Stable, at present in charge of Thomas Welsh, have-been turned over to R. Miller to train. W. S. Fansiiawe is tho owner of this big racing establishment.

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Local Identifier: drf1909070301_1_4
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