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IMPROVEMENTS AT CHURCHILL DOWNS. Matt "Winn Tells of Them and Also Makes Interesting Statement Concerning Juarez Track. Cincinnati. ., July 2. Matt J. Winn, in discussing tlie fall meeting at Churchill Downs, hart this to say: "I look forward to splendid racing this fall. The spring meeting at Churchill Downs was the greatest in the history of the sport in Kentucky. Everywhere the friends of racing are still talking about it. I heard of it in New York. "The public is not aware that many costly improvements have been made at Churchill Downs since the races. The clubhouse and grandstand have been repainted and a new main entrance lias been built. This includes a canopy from the place where the street cars stop to the grandstand. New ticket olhces have been built. Other improvements have also been made looking to the comfort of patrons of the club." Colonel Winn incidentally remarked that although nil memberships in the New Louisville Jockey Club had expired, such memberships will be recognized this fall, as was done this spring. The membership list is limited to 200, and the present members will bo accorded first chance to renew memberships in 1910. Relative to the opening of the Jaurez meeting. Colonel Winn made this statement: "irainier and Co.. of Louisville, have the contract to furnish the steel work for the grandstand. .Stevens and Co., of Chicago, will put up the steel work, including the concrete work. James Murphv, of the firm of I. X. Murphy and Co., of Louisville, is now at Juarez superintending the work in general. About 400 men are at work on the plant. It is jMisitlve that everything will be ready by Thanksgiving Day. The El Paso Street Railway Company will build double tracks to the race track, and the time from El Paso to the course will be ten minutes. "The track will be a mile and an eighth and it will lie a duplicate of the Santa Anita course. The soil Is such that the course will he fast. We will not build a hotel at the track tills season, as planned, but will do so later. El Paso lias four or five good hotels. Juarez will see the greatest racing ever giveu on a foreign track by Americans."