Brighton Beach Will Get Dates: Its Obligations to Horsemen Must be Discharged as Necessary, Daily Racing Form, 1909-07-03


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BRIGHTON BEACH WILL GET. DATES. Its Obligations to Horsemen Must Be Discharged as Necessary Preliminary. However. New York. July 2. Will there be a fall meeting at Brighton Beach race track? The fences have been torn down, the field stand and stables have been carted away and a part of the infield has been filled in. preparatory to tlie laying out of building lots. Tlie big steel grandstand, tlie comparatively new clubhouse and the paddock, with its stalls and jockey buildings, are intact. The track, covered with grass and weeds, simply needs the harrows. . "In ten days the Brighton track can be made ready for racing." said a man close to William A. Engeman yesterday. "We can put up new fences and harrow tlie course without much trouble and expense. But you can say that the Brighton Beach Racing Association has not decided yet whether there will be a meeting tills year or not. It is simply a question of policy. We havent made, a definite application , to the Jockej". Club-for fall dates, but the other track owners have been" informed that Brighton has not been wiped off the racing map and that under certain circumstances a meeting at the Beach can be easily arranged. "Theres just another thing that cuts a figure. The Brighton Beach Racing Association is in better financial shape now than it was a year ago. Of the 5,000 owed to the horsemen at-the end of last summers meeting, the greater part has been paid and tlie entire debt will soon lie wiped out. There was never a thought of not making good all obligations to the horsemen who won purses at Brighton. Other good work has been done since last year, and it begins to look better for the old track every day. But. as I said before, nothing has been positively decided." Tne race track owners have, been discussing dates for the fail meetings for a week past. From what lias been learned a harmonious policy will prevail, and if Brighton really wants to race, the once popular track will receive an allotment. But all obligations to tlie horsemen must be made, good first. "When tho season closed last fall." said a prominent race track owner. "Mr. Engeman doubtless believed that there would be no more racing, so he proceeded to dismantle his track at Brighton, with the idea of cutting the property into building lots. Then came several court decisions which have given a new lease of life to the racing game, anrt as the sport is going along smoothly now with most encouraging prospects for the future. Mr. Engeman probably feels that it is a mistake to withdraw Brighton from tlie circuit. In years gone by Brighton Beach was a big money-maker. Which Mr. Engeman has not forgotten." It is said that the schedule of fall dates will be announced shortly and that, if necessary, the season will be extended to November 15, the last legal day of racing in the State of New York.

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