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MARTIN NATHANSON ADDS HIS DENIAL. Martin Nathanson. writing from Butte, where lie is tilling the position of racing secretary, liandl-eapper and associate judge during the summer meeting of the Butte Jockev Club, takes occasion to deny that there is a scintilla of truth in the published report, already denied by II. G. Bedwell. that lie was; arranging to enter into a co-partnership with Bedwell in a racing stable. Mr. Nathanson writes that the Butte meeting has opened auspiciously and bids fair to be the most successful in the history of racing in Montana. The attendance on Monday last exceeded 7.000. Incidentally, it may be stated that the Butte press Is overflowing with pleasing appreciation of .Mr. Natliansous ability In his particular line, in which he is admittedly without a superior on the American turf.