Tampa to Have 100 Days Racing, Daily Racing Form, 1909-07-25


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TAMPA TO HAVE 100 DAYS RACING. Buffalo. N. Y., July 24. AW H. Fizer received notification today from J. IT. Strode, who is now In Tampa. Fla.T that negotiations for the building of the mile track in AVest Tampa had leen finally completed and that the work of construction will be started on Monday next. The lease of the land on which the plant will !bo built was signed and recorded yesterday. The lease covers a period of ten years. At the preliminary meeting of directors yesterday it was decided to begin racing on Deeem-lier 1 and to race continuously for 100 days. iMany owners Iw-re have already signified their intention of shipping to the new track, and with Jacksonville also racing for 120 days It begins to look as if Florida will be the Mecca for horsemen next winter.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1909072501/drf1909072501_1_16
Local Identifier: drf1909072501_1_16
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800