untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1909-07-25


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HMMM The Ontario Jockey Club; J: TORONTO .... CANADA jj ; I Autumn Meeting! SEPTEMBER 18 to 25 : j STAKES CLOSING Thursday, August 12 i: For Three-Year-Olds and Upward. :: o Toronto Autumn Cup, Handicap, ,500 Added. FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD. By subscription of 0 each, half forfeit, to the winner, with ,500 added, of wliich G0 to second horse and 50 to third. Weights announced i t Thursday, September ICth. One Mile and a Quarter, i , TO BE RUN SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18TH. i l Ontario Jockey Club Cup, Handicap, ,500 Added. FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD. By subscription of 0 each, half forfeit, to the , y winner, witli ,500 added, of which $.00 to second horse. 00 to third and 0 to fourth. Weights 4 announced Wednesday; September 22nd, at 5 p. m. AVinners after announcement to carry 5 lbs. 4 y t k extra. A piece of Plate will be presented b the Club to the winner. Two Miles and a Quarter, j TO BE RUN SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25TH. Dominion Handicap, ,500 Added. FOR Til REE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD. FOALED IN CANADA. By subscription of 0 O each, half forfeit, to the Tvlhner. with ,500 added, of which 00 to second horse and 00 to o !. third. Weights: announced Thursday,, September ICth. Winners after announcement to carry 5 ills. extra. One Mile. ik TO BE RUN MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20TH. The Durham Cup, ,500 Added. 5 A Challenge Cup Presented by the Earl of Durham.. FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND. UPWARD, FOALED IN CANADA, to which is added a Sweepstakes of 0 each, half forfeit, to the winner, with the sum of ,500, of which S.iOO to . second horse and 00 to third. Winners of ,500 in 1909 to carry 5 lbs. extra. Non-winners of O ! 00 in 1909 allowed 5 lbs. Non-winners in 1909 allowed 5 lbs. additional. o J TO BE RUN WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22ND. One Mile and Three-Quarters. Voltigeur Plate, Selling, ,000 Added. , FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD. By subscription of 0 each, half forfeit, to the 4 . I winner, with ,000 added, of which 00 to second horse and 00 to third. The winner to lie sold ! by auirtion for ;000. If entered to be sold for less than $:S,0OO, 1 lb. allowed for each 00 down to 00. Selling price "to be. stated through the entry box at the course at 12 oclock noon on the 4 dav before the race, or to be sold for ,000. . One Mile and a Furlong. . TO BE RUN WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22ND. i For All Ages. 0 " - Mlnoru Plate, ,500 Added. I FOR ALL AGES. By subscription of 0 each, lialf forfeit, to the winner, with ,500 added. 4 of which 00 to second-horse and 00 to third. Weight for age. Horses which have not won . ,000 in 1909 allowed 5. lbs One Mile. TO BE RUN THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23RD. t Epsom Handicap, ,200 Added. FOR ALL AGES. By subscription of 0 each, half forfeit, to the winner, with ,200 added, A of which 00 to second horse and 00 to third. Weights announced Tuesday, September 21st, at ! 5 p. m. Six Furlongs, y TO BE RUN THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 23RD. I 1 For Two-Year-Olds. l Michaelmas Handicap, ,500 Added. W FOR TWO-YEAR-OLDS. By subscriptlUli.Of 0 each, half forfeit, to the winner, with ,500 t added, of which 00 to second horse and 00 to third. Weights announced Monday. September O O 20th. at 8 a. in. Six Furlongs, n TO BE RUN TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21ST. 1 The Grey Stakes, ,500 Added. FOR TWO-YEAR-OLDS. By subscription of 0 each, half forfeit, to the winner, with ,500 it 0 added, of which 00 to second horse and 00 to third. At 7 lbs. below stake weight. Winners of i ,000 since July 15th to carry 5 lbs. extra. Winners of two races of ,000. or one of ,500. 7 o .t lbs. extra. Non-winners of 00 allowed 5 lbs. Maidens allowed 7 lbs. additional. One Mile. J I TO BE RUN SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25TH. t Steeplechases. y The HendrlevSteeplechase, a Challenge Cup, Handicap, ,000 Added. J 4 FOR FOUR-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD. A Challenge Cup, presented in memory of tlie late 4 William Hendrie, Esq., I13- his son, JIajor William Hendrie, to which is added the sum of ,000, 4 1 J and a Sweepstakes of 0 eacli, half forfeit, to tlie winner, with $"i00 to second horse and 00 to 4 . ; ? third. Weights announced AVednesday, September 22nd, at 5 p. m. Winners after announcement to . . carry 5 lbs. extra: A souvenir will be presented to the rider of the winner by the Ontario Jockey Club. . .. . 1 TO BE RUN SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25TH. o Woodbine Autumn Steeplechase, ,500 Added. o FOR FOUR-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD. By subscription of 0 each, half forfeit, to the winner, with" ,500 added, of which 50 to second horse and 50 to third. Four-year-olds to 0 carry 155 His.: iive-vear-oids, ICS lbs.; six-year-olds and upward, 155 lbs. Winners of a Steeple- 1 chase of the value of 00 in 1909 to carry 3 lba. extra; of twj of 00, or one of ,000. 5 lbs. i O extra; of one of ,500, 7 lbs. extra. Non-winners ot a Steeplechase of the value of 00. which O liave not Won three Steeplechases this year, allowed 5 lbs., and non-winners of a Steeplechase in o , 1908 or 1909 allowed 10 lbs. 4 TO BE RUN SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18TH. Two Miles. ! 1 The overnight events include purses of the value of 00; l 00 being the lowest value of any purse. Entrance money o in all cases to the winner. o t THE FOLLOWING OVERNIGHT STEEPLECHASES WILL BE RUN DURING THE MEETING: o Monday, Septemher 20th Sefton Steeplechase : 00 added 0 Tuesday. September 21st Roysterer Steeplechase 800 added 1 y Wednesday, September 22rid Coventry Steeplechase 800 added I ,k Thursday, September 23rd Brockenhurst Steeplechase 800 added Friday. September 24th Ringwood . Steeplechase ; 800 added 4t and Novice Steeplechase FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS . 4 short course 600 added W. P. FRASER, Secretary - Treasurer 30-1 PARLAY GOES SATURDAY, JULY 31. t So well do we think of this parlay that we wJU make tlie following EXCEPTIONAL GUARANTEE ! ! ! W will guarantee it to WIN AND WIN ONLY, and, furthermore, will guarantee price to be 30-1 or better or will give three Canada Occasionals free. This "is the strongest guarantee ever made by us and ousht to show you what we tldnk of it. PRICE .00. Rush your subscriptions In at once. " X SPECIAL SCRATCHED on account of treacherous track conditions. It will go tomorrow MONDAY. Yesterdays Two-Horse Wire gave a second and a scratch. Yesterdays Form Special lost. MONDAYS FORM SPECIAL: Gray Saturday 55-41-83-95-58-87-54-87-89-52-96. . The Turf Reporter Room 312 :: 69 Dearborn St. :: Chicago, IH. THE I Coney Island Jockey Club RACE COURSE: OFFICE: J Sheepshead Bay, New York 571 Fifth Avenue, New York J EVENTS TO CLOSE $ Tuesday, August 3, 1909, FOR THE Autumn Meeting, 1909 t August 30 September 13. For Three-Year-Olds and Upward. X THE TWIN CITY . . . ,000. j W FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD, HANDICAP. By subscription of 50 each: starters 0 additional. Guaranteed gross value ,000, of which 00 to tlie second and 00 to the third. Weights to be announced three days before the race. Winners after announce- X meni o weights 5 lbs. extra. One Mile and a Quarter. J THE OCEAN ,500. X JL FOR THREE:YEAR-OLIS AND UPWARD; HANDICAP. By subscription of 0 each; J starters 0 additional. Guaranteed gross value ,.r00, of which 50 to the second and 50 X to the third. Weights to be announced three days before tlie race. Winners after announce- 4 ment of weights 5 lbs. extra. . One Mile. t THE OMNIUM .... ,500. W FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD, HANDICAP. By subscription of 0 each: starters 0 additional. Guaranteed gross value ,500, of which 50 to the second and 50 A 4 to tlie third. Weights to be announced three days before the race. Winners after announce- 4y ment of weights 5 lbs. extra One Mile and a Furlong. THE RUSSET .... ,500. FOR TnREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD, SELLING. By subscription of 0 each: Jk starters 0 additional. Guaranteed gross value ,500, of wliich 50 to the second and 50 to the third. The winner to be sold by auction for ,500. If entered to lie sold for ,500. J allowed 5 lbs.; then 1 lb. allowed for each 00 down to 00. Winners at tlie Autumn Meet- 1909, of the Coney Island Jockey Club, not to be entered to be sold for less than ,000. ting, One Mile and a Half, Turf Course. J " THE TURF ,500. FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD. SELLING. By subscription of 0 each: 4 starters 0 additional.- Guaranteed gross value ,500, of which 50 to the second and 50 to the third. The winner to be sold by auction for ,000. If entered to be sold for ,500. J . allowed 5 lbs.; then I lb. allowed for each 00 down to 00. 4f One Mile and a Quarter, Turf Course, 4 . " For Three-Year-Old$. 1 THE FLYING ,500. X FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS, HANDICAP. By subscription of 0 each; starters 0 addi- tlonal. Guaranteed gross value ,500, of wliich 50 to the second and 50 to the third. 4 Weights to be annouriced three days before the race. Winners after announcement of weights 5 lbs. extra; , Six and a Half Furlongs, Main Course. X 1 For Two-Year-Olds and Upward. THE FALL ,500. X 4j FOR TWO-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD, HANDICAP. By subscription of 0 each: starters 0 additional. Guaranteed gross value ,500. of wliich 50 to tlie second and 50 to the third.. Weights to be announced three days before tlie race. Winners after announce- W ment of weights 5 lbs. extra. Six and a Half Furlongs, Main Course. 4Mb t THE FLIGHT . . . . ,500. X FOK TWO-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD. By subscription of 0 each; starters 0 addi- tlonal. -Guaranteed gross value ,500, of which 50 to -the second and 50 to tlie third. 4 Two-year-olds; 95 lbs.; three-year-olds, US lbs.; four-year-olds and upward, 125 lbs. Win- ners in 1909 of raes amounting in the aggregate to 0,000 or more, if three-year-olds or X . under, 10 .lbs.; if four-j-ear-olds- or upward, 7 lbs. extra. Other horses never having won ,000 and which have not won at the. Autumn Meeting, 1909, of tlie Coney Island Jockey Club, if non-winners in 1909 of ,500, allowed, if three-year-olds or under, 5 lbs.; if four-year-olds or upward, 10 lbs.; of ,000, if three-year-olds or under, 10 lbs.: if four-year-olds or upward, 15 lbs.. .. Seven Furlongs, Main Course, For Two-Year-Olds. X X THE FLATBUSH . . . ,000. 1 FOR TWO-YEAR-OLDS. By subscription of 5 each; starters 0 additional. Gnaran- teed gross value ,000, of which 50 to tlie second and 50 to the third. Weights 7 lbs. below the scale. -. Winners after August 15th of ,000, 5 lbs. extra; maidens allowed 10 lbs. 4 Seven Furlongs, Main Course, f . THE GREAT EASTERN . ,000. FOR TWO-YEAR-OLDS, HANDICAP. By subscription of . 5 each; starters 0 addi- tlonal. guaranteed gross value. ,000, of which 50 to tlie second and 50 to tlie third. fc Weights ,to be announced three lays before the race. Winners after announcement of weights ; 5 lbs. extra. , Six Furlongs, Futurity Course. X THE SAPPHIRE .... ,500. i 4 FOR TWO-YEAR-OLDS, SELLING. By subscription of 0 each; starters 0 additional. Guaranteed" gross value ,500, of which 50 to the second and 50 to the third. The winner X to be sold by auction for ,000. If entered to be sold for ,500. allowed 5 lbs.; then 1 lb. allowed for each 00 down to 00. Winners at tlie Autumn Meeting of the Coney Island k 4 Jockey Club, 5 lbs. extra. Five and a Half Furlongs, Futurity Course. X Steeplechases. X THE GREAT AUTUMN .. 00 ADDED. 4 FOR FOUR-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD. HANDICAP STEEPLECHASE. By subscrip- 4 tlon of 0 each, starters 5 additional, for horses nominated by August 3rd; or 5 each, starters 5 additional, Sor horses nominated by August 25th, when this event shall close: with t 00 added.- of which 00 to the second and 00 to the third. Weights to be announced live days1 before the race. Winners after announcement of weights 5 lbs. extra. About Two Miles and a Half. t THE WESTBURY 00 ADDED. FOR FOUR-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD, HANDICAP STEEPLECHASE. By subscrip- 4 4 tion of 0 each, starters 5 additional, for horses nominated by August 3rd; or 5 each, starters 5 additional, for horses nominated by August 25th, when this event shall close; with -added, of which 00 to the second and 00 to the third. Weights to be announced five days before therace. Winners after announcement of weights 5 lbs. extra. 4 4 About Two Miles and a Half. THE LABOR DAY . , 00 ADDED. 4 FOR FOUR-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD. SELLING STEEPLECHASE. By subscription 4J of 0 each; starters 0 additional; with 00 added, of which 25 to the second and 5 to the third. Four-year-olds, 145 lbs.; five-year-olds and upward, 150 lbs. The winner to be sold A by auction for 000 . If entered to lie sold for less, 1 lb. allowed for each 00 down to 00. W Winners at the Autumn Meeting, 1909, of tlie Coney Island Jockey Club, 7 lbs. extra. 4 About Two Miles. I The Coney Island. Jockey Club reserves the right to cancel any or all of these events, with- out notice, -at any time prior to the actual running thereof, without liability, except for re- 4 turn of the entrance money. t FOR ENTRY BLANKS ADDRESS X THOMAS H. SMITH, Racing Secretary, X 5 The Coney Island Jockey Club, 571 Fifth Avenue, New York

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1909072501/drf1909072501_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1909072501_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800