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HAGGINS POOR SALE IN ENGLAND. At the Newmarket. England, sales of July 13 a number of broodmares, the property of J. B. Haggin. were sold at prices that could hardly have paid the expense of their transportation to England. The mares would have brought more at auction in this country. Mr. Iiaggiu, in sending them to a foreign market, was entirely within his rights as an owner, but at the same time his lack of consideration for the thoroughbred interests of his own country is obvious. The mares are needed in this country and should have been offered to his own countrymen. At the least, the-could not have sold for lower prices, than they did in England, and would have remained here to assist in the maintenance of racing in future. The marcs sold and prices were: Jinny Carve, by Sir Modred Isletta. with fillv foal by Goldfinch: T. B. Miller . ;00 Albina, by Bathampton Albertina, with filly foal by Dieudonno; Mr. AVaterhouse 175 Uose of Shannon, by Nomad Shannon Hose, with colt foal by Dleudonne; J. Butters 175 Ready Money, by Pursebearer Bengaline, with colt foal by McChesney; Mr. Court..... 150 French, by Salvator Boulo do Neige, with filly .. foal by AATaterboy: Mr. Lacy.......... 85 Glencara, by Sir Modred Glendora: Mr. Carolin. 70 Calcis, by Torso Limekiln; Mr. Carolin 80 Falling Star, by Tenny Starlight: Mr. Lloyd... 50 Gianetta, by Salvator Condole; Mr. Lloyd 50 At the same time a batch of youngsters were sold as the property of "a gentleman," but their breed showed them to be a part of the Haggin consignment. They were: B. f, 2, by Kinley Mack Sparklet: Mr. Wright. 50 Ch. c, 2, by Dieudonui Jovita; A. Sadler, Jr.. 501 B. c, 2, by Goldfinch Minerva 125 Ch. f. 2, by Dleudonne Star Chime; T. Jennings ... 100