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SARATOGAS MEETING ENDS OLAMHALA EASILY DEFEATS WINTERGREEN 1 IN THE HISTORIC SARATOGA CUP. Chickasaw Triumphs in the Grand Union Hotel Stakes Almost a Record Attendance Views the Closing Days Sport. Saratoga, N. Y., August US. It. T. Wilsons Olainliala, tpinlcil nl odds-on, wnii tint Saratoga Cil today with ridiculous imk in llii! I nick record time of 2;?S, which mark wns created li.v A tricniiiler August iJ, 100,i. There wen iml.v four starters in no historic flake, Olamhnla, Wlnlcrgrccn, Plus an I Needles illiil Euciitll. Wliilc nut actually III- lender 111 he early running, it wiin apparent llial the victor controlled tint ran from I lie stall mill lllilt Kllt-iull whs pacemaker mi sniff mine nuly tor Hit Mist hlv furlongs, utlii which olniuhnlu gallop il In tin trout iiinl I liiJ -;i 1 1 it lii-lil sway in 1 1 1 1 r a pull. It wax 11 splendid ai!ii- t-iii.iit anil horsemen voiced tllifir regrets that llu great Oriuis roll was lint ridden mil Im a record. Kxp-rts declined alter the rari t lilt t iiilripialrly ixiced In could liavt run two or even three seconds taster than tin time displayed. Winlorgrc luilpalil.v until tit go tin distance. Mulshed a ilislaut sotonil in n courageous, high class effort. Tin- Kentucky Derby victor up IM-an-il big nuil high alongside hiN liin-ly ilrawn n ml rangy opponent nuil i li.ii dissimilarity in type was very pronounced, Wlntcrgroon ran a gom race Im- a mill, or ns far ns his condition permitted him lo go, mid todays effort wns only a k 1 qualifying work-out for Hulling distance races scheduled iii tin metropolitan I l in ks later on mnl in whlrh hi promises In In u conspicuous factor, IShie mnl Whiti-. tin ilaui nf Olainliala, was bought when lu foal liv his breeder fur tin iiisignlticuul sum or !fl..0. This wns It, T. Wilson, .Ir.s llrst cult victory mnl a more popular oni roulil mil In Imagined at this particular jinn-tun. Illiiiuliala has Ik-i-ii a singularlv unlink horse in .Mr. Wilsons colors, as hi slioulii have won both of his previous starts at this meeting, lusloat. o iduyiug Mironil thhllc ii. nidi Inferior horses an Attllfllou ami Wise .Mason. There were I wo other luiiiiirtmit stake lixlures decided during tlu arti-rnoou, tin lteverwyck Slccplt-cliuse mnl tin Cninil Inlon Hotel Slakes, for two-year ollls. Ill tin former tin unlucky Waterwiiy. again a Hip heavy Invnrlte, en to grief Just wl en Hie winning goal was in sight. II was reniarkeil tliat Hurrv HI one, his Jockey, was Inviting disaster bv keening- Ills niiuiut in too Huso i ir I in 1 1 v to the leader timl ultimate winner. Sir Wooster. f,. Uhen tile latter Jumped, Waterway iiieeliiiuleallv anil simultaneously illil the saint, with the result Hull he look oft ton fur Just once list often ami fell. Mr, Chct-lnnil h iii-couiiillslied cross-country gelding showed tremendous linproveiiienl and seems to lie In luilte his lies! spriiu; form. There was general surprise when Hiillncalla was addeil. He cut no lliiure in " ri In;:, however, ami his race was not taken seriously. The two star steeplechasers were turned over to i. It. Tompkins to train hefore tin race. Hie irauil tluh.ii had a IiIk Held, iucliiiliue; an mlded starter lu .Medallion, The lopsv-t urvv two-year-old form of the present season was further Illustrated by Us runnliu;. Shannon astounded everv-lxxly liy takiuir the lend ami maintaining his ail-vnntiiKe lo within one hundred yards of the Mulsh, where holh Chickasaw mid Amelia .lenks headed him. In a rousing Mulsh the former prevailed liv a head. hlcknsaw was a wi ll hai kccl favorite mid his success was greeted with enthusiasm. The hrown son of routine- Clotho was one of six vearllugs priced to John Croker for Canadian racing. Then .lames Caftrey, his present owner, came along and look hint. According to Sheriff Unidley, no violation of the Hart Aguevv anll-liettlng law has taken place dining the four weeks of the meeting which closed today. "A prominent puhlle man, a close friend of iov-eruoi- Hughes, has written me a letter fniuplliuciil-Ing me on the way 1 have handled the sllimllun." remarked .Mr. Hrailley. The weather the past week has heen perfect and the sport of such good class Hint the alleudaiico on the last Saturday of the Saratoga Associations long drawn out meeting proved a record-breaking one. .1. W. 43oll acquired Irelly .Mlclnil recently mid the mare ran in his name and colors In todays steeplechase. Thomas Clyde acted ns one of the stewards while the Jumping race was being run. Cnnilleberry was shinped to New York tonight. The other .Mniitpcllcr Stables horses leave Sunday. W. 11. Yanke of California wns the winning plunger developed at Saratoga. It Is said that Yanke won 11,000 in backing a number of long shots.