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UNCERTAINTY OVER LEXINGTON MEETING. Lexington, Ky.. August 2S. There is no one here tvliO can at this time definitely answer the question: "Will the Kentucky Association give a rail meeting?" A week ago the general expectation was that there would- be a meeting about the third week in October. At that time the impression was prevalent that the New Louisville Jockey Club would race the first thirteen days in October at Churchill Dowus and hat Lexington would follow with six or seven days and immediately precede the Latonia meeting. Since then, however. Secretary Davis has made the announcement that Louisville will ask for the dates from September 25 to October !. and Secretary Dillon lias said that Latonia will open October 11 and close November . Lexington could, of course, fol-low Latonia. and that, it now appears, will have to be done if there is to be a meeting, lint there are revcral members of the board of directors of the Kentucky Association who are not in favor of giving n meeting, at all and especially in the month of November. Among these is President J. N. Camden, and they argue that at such a time the weather would not be propitious. That is rather more of a guess than a certainty, however. There has been racing here in years past as late as Thanksgiving Day and in some of those years the weather was delightful, while. in others it was disagreeable. Another argument is that in recent years no fall meeting here lias paid. Last fall the association was out of pocket all that It made in Hie spring. There were several untoward conditions contributory to that loss; conditions which are not apt to recur within a dozen years or more. The majority of the members of the directorate of the Kentucky Association will be in New York the mining week to attend I lie yearling sales at Sheepshead Bay and It is understood that they are to get together and discuss the. situation while there in order to come to some definite conclusion at a meeting to be held In this city alxiut September 10.