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v FOURTEEN NAMED TO START IN THE FUTURITY TOMORROW AFTERNOON All speculation ns to the Futurity winner of l!tu will cease tomorrow. The Mulshing loiiehes of training have been lint on all the candidates, owners have declared their Intended starters ami, with fourteen named to go, only the running of the richest American race for two-year-olds remains to be disposed of. ltocky Oltrlen. Sweep and llarleylhorpe will light their Hopeful Slakes battle over again at a change of weights favorable to Sweep and against Hit chances or the other two. Recently, bv an error of calculation. It was staled In Daily Hacliig Colin that Sweep ami ltocky Oltrlen would carry l.IO pounds. This wii.i true as lo the latter, but Incorrect as to Sweep. Ills weight Is 1-li pounds, four less Hum he carried in the Hopeful, while Kiwky Oltrlen carries eight pounds more than he did then and linrli-vthorpi- seven pounds more. It Is it feature of Hie race that live of Its probable contestants are maidens, Cnnillcbcrrv. Perry Johnson, Slicker, Naughty ltoy and .Malitlne, something attesting the obviously open character of the nice. The named starlets, their owners, sex, pedigree, weights, riders, overnight prices mnl their best performances at or iienrcst It the Futurity distance me as follows: Nearest Owner. Sex, Horse ami Pedigree. Wt. Jockey. Odds. Record. J. U. ICeeues br. e. Sweep, bv Ken llrush--Pluk Doinlli lLli ltutwell "N-.-. l:l"i .1. 1!. Keenes eh. c. .irnsniero. by .Meddler -Kotha 11 1JU Seovlllt S-.ri 1:111 lanies Oalfneys eh. e, Itarleythorpe, by Woolsthnrpe -Freilerlca I-U Cllbert :t-l 1:07; .Montpeller Stables b. e. Cnuilloherrv. by Hen Itriish Caudle I!" Mitsgrnve ..... I. Me.Manus eh. c. Rocky Oltrlen. bv .Meddler -Sillsun KiO Rettlg 10-1 l:i:SJ T. W. Oltrlens b. g. Perry Johnson. bv Methller Itelle lloyl Il l A. Walsh tlO-l . T. W. Oltrlens b. f. Cleninideaue. by Solitaire II. The Peeress 110 .1. ltutlet- f 141-1 1:075 A. ltelmouts eh. e, Dullcare. by Hastings- -Sunlisli 110 K. Dugan :;i.l 1;I7S F. Johnsons b. f. Sticker, bv Yutike- Courtplnster Ill Metnhey 0-1 II. li. Itrmulfs br. e. Itlg Stick, bv Ogdeu Oudurdis 110 McOco an :r, S. Lnzarus b. f. Malitlne. by Maey Callatine li t C. Cranil -lO-l J. V.. Miuldens br. e. Naughty liny, by Ogden -Imp 117 McCarthy -10-1 It. .1. Mackenzies b. e. The Jen. Armstrong, bv ItcuStromc Privateer. 117 Page 100-1 1 :oj Chelsea Stables b. e. Lothario, by Orlando Ilopcmcnt -Jl Nlcol ....100-1 :Tu t Coupled price.