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RECORD-BREAKING RACING ERRATIC GRETNA GREEN MAKES A NEW AMERICAN RECORD AT FORT ERIE. Doubt and Lady Esther Make New Track and Canadian Records in Their Races Jockey Flynn Out of Danger Taplin Exonerated. Buffalo, N. Y. August US. .lfiliu W. Schorrs erratic jletna Crceii clcctrlllct the spectators at Fort Crlc by a sensational performance in the feature race, when In ran a mile anil a sixteenth In I : IM. establishing a new American record. The former best mark for tin distance was luiule-by Itoyal Tourist at Oakland, Cat., November II. IIIO.H. when he carried 101 pounds and ran the distance lu 1:1IA. Iretna liven in todays race was allied to a considerable extent in reducing Hit- time by Hit! grout pace that Centre Shot set during ho llrst three-ipiarlers mid the active contention olfi-rctl near tilt-end by All Itetl. Centre Shol took a long leatl soon after the stint, with Tom llayward mid Creel her closest followers. After going Ihrcc-iputrtcrs slut retired mid ir.tua irceu raced with Tom llayward ami Creel. until reaching the stretch, where he moved auaj. only to be challenged resolutely In Hie next sixteenth by All Red. He shook lilni off in the Inst seventy yards and won going away. Tom Haywaril outstayed the others for third place. Tin- tabled history of Hie Canadian Sportsman Handicap Is as follows: Year. Winner. A. Wt. Jockey. Val. Time. P.IOI War Whoop . ,:t !Mi ltouiniielll ..1.10 1 : 17 IlKir. linns Wagner, ti, 11:! I. Roland.. I,l.r0 1:l7 limit John Carroll.. -I Hit Fischer . . , . l.l.rO 1 :l!t 1007 Peter Sterling. I 1I.1 A. Ilrown.. 1.1.10 l;ir, F.MIS Minnie Adnms.5 10N Nlcol 1,1.10 IMC, WOO Cretan Creen.,r Klo 1. Ituris .... 1.1.10 1 M.tjj Sinsalloinil spurt resulted front todays good 4fiinl mid Hie big attendance present manifested the keenest interest ami enthusiasm In the racing. In adili Hon to the Canadian Sportsman Handicap, won by Cri-tiut Creen. two other handicaps wen decided. One was for sprinters at three-ipiarlers anil one for two-year -old at a similar distance. The sprint hanilleiin was a girt for the Iledwell pair. Pajarolta and Prince Ahmed. The owner had declared Willi the former and it took- Hums hardest effort to restrain Prince Ahmed from running over his stable companion. He succeeded near the end In keeping him hack sulllclently to enable Pajarolta to win liy a nose, Little Osage taking, third place. The two-year-oltlH furnished a rattling conlest for about a half inlh:. then John W. Schorrs Peim drew away to win by a comfortable inarMln front llellu Clem. There was a nilx-up at the start In this race, because of the failure ot the harrier tu work- priinerly. The afternoons sport wns inaugurated with a thrilling Mulsh between Hyperion 11.. WissIIIije and Ceorge W. Lebolt, Hie trio Mulshing liends apart, after it gruelling s tret eh drive. King Solomon was put to a hard drive to-heat F.ngllsh Ksther out liy a small margin. Tin tulle ami a half race wns closely contested for a mile and a ipiarlcr. but thereafter Doubt inaiiageil to draw out to win handily from Colonel Zeb, tin early pacemaker. The closing race, u mile and an eighth dash, wan .taken In handy style by Lady Ksther from Ozana, Willi The Wrestler following Hit pair. In addition to the record established liy Cretnn Creen. Doubt made a new mile and a half track record mid cipiiilcil Hit Canadian mark made some time ago by Cave Adsiiiu. Lady Esthers 1:151 for a mll- mid mi eighth sets a new Canadian murk for the distance as well as a track record. Hefore the racing began the Judges rescinded their ruling of suspension against Jockey Taplin. It developed through competent testimony that the little rider was in no wise responsible for the falling of Flynn mnl Ramsey In yesterdays llflh nut. Jockey "Skeets lamer nrrlvctl today from Saratoga ami will ride for James Johnson If granted a Canadian license. Jockey T. Rice was suspended for three days by the starler for disobedience at the post. reel and Trenuirgo were u pair that started during the afternoon that pulled up lame. Word was received at the track today that tin good colt. Star Wave, owned by John Dyment, will probably not be raced again this season on account of a spread foot, sustained while being worked out Ihreo-ipiartcrs at top speed. Today The leneral Armstrong was announced a positive starter in the Futurity. Ills owners think in has a great chance to pull down the rich prl.o. .1. C. Itussey, who was connected with the Henderson meeting, was a visitor at the track. The executive committee of the Ontario .Its-key luh has subscribed to a fund which will lie used lo give Hit placed jockeys in steeplechase races a bonus of each lu addition to their regular tiding rets. II. C. Itetlwell will ship next Thursday a car of racers to Montreal, reserving Hie remainder here until hi! close before rejoining tho llrst consignment at Illiie Itounets. Jockey Flynn was reported In much Improved condition and Is considered out of danger. The one-time fast sprinter. Security, had to bo destroyed as a result of coming Into collision with a watering cart, lie was being given a trial through the Held when lit unseated Ids rider at one of Hit jumps. Jumped the track fence and crashed into Hie watering cart, breaking Ills leg. News was received today of the sudden death of John Cemeliiluirilt Long John, a well-known bookmaker In these purls, lie died of heart disease lu his home at Detroit.