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TORONTO HANDBOOK MEN GO FREE. Toronto, Out., August US. It looks as If the most Important result of the raids Hint hi police nf this clly have been making on the handbook men will be to enormously Increuse street betting. Out of live charges trleti In the police court yesterday four were dismissed, wholly or lu part, because the bets bail been made on Hit street. The only conviction obtained was III the ease of bo Levlnsky. who keeps a poolroom and elgar store ut -J7.-: Queen street, west. Levlnsky gave notice of appeal. Tin- discharged men are John and Fred Allison of IMl Queen street, east; Ceorge Dolu-rty of Dili Queen street, east: William Watts, a butcher, of St. Lawrence market, mid Frank Ilurrows of 10.!-7 Yictorla street. The charges against John nnd Fred Allison were dismissed on Hie ground that the bets thev took were on tin- street Instead of In their store. De lettlves Hart unit Twitty or the Tlilel Detective Agency had both placed bets with the men. but tin Judge said: "In- the face of decisions of the higher courts this case will have to bo dismissed. I can tin nothing, for It has been held that the street Is not a Place." All or the bets were on races run in the United States.