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1 i i 1 - WINNERS OF THE TURF STAKES The Turf Stakes will lie run for the twenty-third time today. It was first run in 18S7, when It was won bv Ihe famous California turfman, E. J. Baldwin, through the speed of his fine mare, Mollie McCarthys Last. Since then some capital racers have carried off its Lienors, Carroll, Gloaming, Illume, Ben Holladay, Imp. Water Cure, Articulate. Nealon and Beacon Light being conspicuous examples of the high-class borses which have contested the Turf Stakes. In its best estate it was a handicap, but this year it lias been made a selling race, permitting owners to name the weights to lie carried according to their own Ideas qf the capacities of their horses. The record- of the event, which, as its name indicates, is run over the , gniis course, is: Year. First. Age. Jockeys. Wt. Second. Age. Wt. Third. Age. Wt. Val. Time. 1887 M.MCarthys Last4l.Murphy . .115 Lancaster 4 115 Carey 3 105 $ 1,005 2:11 18SS Little Jim 3 Garrison.. 120 Connemara 4 125 Le Logos G..123 .900 2:13 18S0 St. Luke 0 Garrison.. 128 Maori 4 123 Larchmont 4.. 112 1,330 2:11. 1890 Philosophy 4 . .J. MLaughlin. .127 Lavinia Belle 5 ....130 Masterlode 3. 109 1,265 2:00 IS91 Carroll 5 Littlefield..ll8 Snowball 3 120 VIrgie 3 112 1,115 2:15 1892 Gloaming 5 FItzpatrick..l30 Tom Rogers 4 122 Rocqirefort 5. 118 1,220 2:10 1593 Versatile 5 Lamley..l0S Gloaming G .". 12S Long Beach 4110 935 2:09 1594 Illume 4 L. Rclff..ll2 Gloaming 7 122 Live Oak 3. ..107 1.350 2:07 1595 Bnthainpton 4 Perkins.. 100 Counter Tenor 3 ...109 Maurice 3 ... 97 1,150 2:10 1896 Halfling 4 ....Hewitt.. 98 Ferrier 0 121 Deerslayer 4. 107 1,150 2:09 1897 Deerslayer 5 A. Clayton. .108 Halfling 5 104 Rensselaer 3.. 115 950 2:10 189S Ben Holladay 5 T. Sloan. .127 Thomas Cat 4 ...... 103 Jefferson 5 .. 99 780 2:10 1899 Imp 5 P. Clay. .128 Decanter 4 117 Bon Ino 5 ... 97 1,390 2:07 1900 Lady Massey 3 ...T. Sloan.. 100 Potente 5 100 First Whip 3. 104 1,480 2:08 1901 Water Cure 4 OConnor. .110 Decanter 6 100 Kamara 4 ...105 1,360 2:08 1902 Articulate 4 ..Lyne.. 110 Daly 4 95 Par Excnce.S 98 1,930 2:07 1903 Florham Queen 3 . ..Redfern. . 97 Leader 3 97 Moon Daisy 3 92 1,860 2:09 1904 Carbuncle 7 Travers.. 97 Gold Money 4 99 Gunfire 5 ....122 3,375 2:07 1905 Graziallo 4 W. Knapp.,114 Jacquin 4 110 Miss Crawfd4 95 3,825 2:07 IflOG Nealon 3 Shaw.. 107 Outcome 5 110 Loglstllla 4 .114 3.800 2:05 1907 Beacon Light 41.. W. Miller.. Ill Miss Crawford O..100 Acrobat 3 ... 95 3.650 1:59 190S Broth. Jonathan 3.E. Dngan..l0t Moquette 31 07 Mast. Robert 3105 1.050 2:00 Distance 1 1-4 miles until 1007, then reduced to 1 3-10 miles.