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FEATURES OF BELMONT PARK RACING. List of Nominations to the Jerome Handicap, Municipal Handicap and Nursery Handicap. The Gravesend meeting will be followed in order by the autumn meeting of the Westchester Racing Association at Belmont Park, it beginning September 28 and terminating October 11. In common with the other New York clubs. It did not receive any great number of entries to its stakes for its fall mooting, but nearly, all of those received were of horses in active training and ready to race. It results from this that the racing iu the Belmont Park stakes is likely to be fully up to the average of the season. As Is always the case there, the steeple-chasing promises to. be particularly interesting. The Champion Steeplechase has been cut down to ,000 in added money, but eveu at that figure it is the richest jumping race of the year and quite naturally is regarded solicitously by owners. To give an adequate view of the average class of horses that will be raced at Belmont Park, the nominations to the Jerome Handicap, for three-year-olds, at. a mile and five-sixteenths. Municipal Handicap, for three-year-olds and over, at a mile and three-quarters, and the- Nursery Handicap, for two-year-olds, at three-qnarters of a mile, are here published: The Jerome Handicap, ,500 guaranteed. For three-year-olds. By subscription of 0 each, starters to pay 0 additional. The association to guarantee the gross value of the race to be ,500, of which 50 to the second. 50 to the third. Weights to be announced three days before the race. Winners after the announcement of the weights 5 pounds extra. Closed August 31. with twenty-two entries. One mile and five-sixteenths. Angaiola, It. Hill Top, b. f, by Clifford Whip-lush. Belmont, August Practical, ch. g, by Hastings St. Priscilla. Iieverwyck Stable Quantico. b. c, by Athcliug Pilgrimage. Brandt. H. R. Dr. Holzberg, ch. g. by Bannock-burn Grand Shot. Cassatt, Captain E. B. Choirmaster of Chester-brook, b. c. by The Bard Nortliminstcr. Chelsea- Stabb- Taboo, b. f, bv Potentate Turca. Coulter. T. W. Cliff Edge. b. c, by Clifford Aranza I I.Davis, R. II. .Mary Davis, b. f, by Watercress Colonial. Gaffney. James E. Dr. Barkley, ch. c, by MargraveLizzie III ma n. Hildreth. S. C Fitz Herbert, br. c. by Ethelbert Morganatic: Fayette, eh. c. by Ogden Saratoga Belle. Keene. James R. AlUiction, br. f, by Meddler Heartache. McLaughlin, Mrs. James Arondaek, b. f, by Hastings Astoria. Montpelior Stable May River, b. g. by Watercress Shaft: Olambala, ch. c, by Ornus Blue and White. Newcastle-. Stable Wisq Mason, b. g, by Scmpronius Manola Mason: Glucose, b. c. by Watercress Sweet. Resiiess, J. B. Wintergreen. b. c, by Dick Welles Winter: Turley, ch. c. by Dick Welles Tit for Tat. Ryan, W. T. EfTendi, br. c, by Previous Hat-asoo. Schulte. W. I. Gliding Belle, b. f, by Belles Commoner Gliding By. Young. W. J. Stolypin, b. c, by Meltonian Bermuda Lily. The Municipal Handicap. ,500 guaranteed. For three-.vear,-olds and upward. By subscription of 0 each, starters to pay 0 additional. The association to guarantee the gross value of the race to be ,500, of which 50 to the secoud. 50 to the third. Weights to Ie announced live days before the race. Winners after the announcement of the weights 5 pounds extra. Closed August 31. with eighteen entries. One mile and three-quarters.. Belmont. August Half Sovereign, ch. f. 4. by Hastings Souveraine; Practical, ch. g, 3, by HastingsSt. Priscilla. Carroll. James F. Blue Book, b. h, 5, by Handsome Blue; Blood. Cassatt. Captain II. B.-Cholrmaster of Chester-brook, b. i: 3. bv The Bard Northniinster. Coulter. T. W. Cliff Edge. b. c, 3, by Clifford Aranza II, Hildreth, S. C King James, br. c. 4, by Flaudit Unsightly; Fitz Herbert, br. c. 3, by. Ethelbert Morganatic: Fayette, ch. c, 3, by Ogden Saratoga Belle. Keene. James R. Atllictlon. br. f. 3, by Meddler-Heartache. McLaughlin. Mrs. James Ar6ndack, b. f. 3, by Hastings Astoria. Montpelier Stable Beaucoup, ch. c. 4. by Ornament Ollie Belle; Olambala. ch. c, 3, by Ornus Blue and White. Newcastle Stable Glucose, b. c, 3, by Watercress Sweet. Restless. J. B. Turley, -ch. c. 3. by Dick Welles Tit for Tat: Wintergreen, li. c. 3. by Dick Welles Winter. Ryan, W. T. EfTendi,, br. c. 3, by Previous :IIntasoo. Schulte, W. F. Gliding Belle, b. f, 3, by Belles Commoner Gliding By. Young. W. J. Moquette, b. c. 4. by Ben Holladay Ruction. The JJursery Handicap. ,500 guaranteed. For two-vear-olds. By subscription of 0 each, starters to pay 0 additional. The association to guarantee the gross value of the race to be ,500, of which 50 to the second. 50 to the third. Weights to be announced threa days before the race. Winners after the announcement of the weights 5 pounds extra. Closed August 31. with forty eutries. six furlongs, straight; Applebv, L. O. Niagara, b. g. by Bridgewater Coralie. Belmont. August Starbottle, ch. c, by Hastings Suntish; Dullcare. b. c. by Hastings Dulclbella: Amoret. ch. g, bv Hastings Aurata. Blakeley. A. G. General MacGregor, ch. c. by Borgia Legare. Brandt. H. R. Big Stick, br. c, by Ogden On-durdis. Caffrey. James Chickasaw,- br. c, by Pontiac Clotho; Blue Crest, ch. f, by Roehampton Blue Blood. Carroll, James F. Acumen, b. g. by Ildrim Adele Harding. Cassatt. Captain E. B. Medallion, b. c, by Ornament Ave Marie. Chelsea Stable Scarpia, br. c, by Broomstick Ida Ford; Lothario, b. c, by Orlando Elopement. Earle, Mr. Cuthbert. b. c. by Ethelbert La Creole. Gaffney. James E. Barleythorpe, ch. c. by Woolsr thorpe Erederica: Louise S., ch. f, by The Commoner Mary Agnes. Hildreth, S. C Dalmatian, br. c. by Ethelbert Ionls. Hynes. John Ethel Le Brume, b. f. by Broomstick Ethel Lee. .. . . Ireland. J. T. Cherryola,-ch. f, by Tanzmeister Last Cherry. ; - Jennings. W. B. Intrinsic, ch. - f, by Star Shoot i Intrepidity. : - Keene. James R. Grasmere, ch. c, by Meddler Rotha II. ... Livingston, L. A. Mostaganem", ch. c, by Gigan-teum Magdelane; Sotemia, ch. f, by Locohatchee ;Ssarg.. . .. , ... Loughliu. J. Firebox, clu c. by Box Ashes. McLaughlin. Mrt. James Fauntleroy, b. c. by Little Saint Flickaniaroo.., Madden, J. .-Ey Naughty Boy. br. c by Ogden Impi Hampton .Court b. c. by Galore Dorothy Hampton: Marigotj b. or br. f, by Ogden Marltl. Montpelier Stable Radium Star, b. g. by Banastar rBrilliautlne .11.; Mexoaua. ch. f, by .Mexican Ilanoana: Candleberry. 4. .c: by Ben Brush Candle: Brushbroom. b. c. by; Broomstick Senorita. Rangole.v Stable Black. Chief, blk. c. by Allan-a-Dale Mollie Mc; Ben Loyal, b. c, by Ben Strome- Jessie Woodsoni, v , Respess, J. B. Reimburse. . br. c. by Dick Welles Helenas, Tet; Fountain Square, b. c, by Dick Welles t Barbara M. Thomas, R. L. Polls, b. c, by Voter Picayune II. Warner, nenry W. Shamrock, b. f, by Irish Lad Sister. Mary. Watt, T. L. -Uncas Chief, b. c. by Ben Strome Passion Flower. Whitney, II. P. Greenvale, br. f, by Hamburg Mineola. Young, W. J. Fair Louise, br; f. by Ogden Flora Pomona.