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JACKSONVILLES FORTY STAKES. Valuable and Varied Program Offered for Approach-in? Winter Meeting in Florida. Jacksonville, Fla., September 20. The conditions of forty stakes-, ranging iu value from ,000 to ,O0O. to be decided during the Florida Live Stock and Agricultural State Fair Associations winter race meeting of 110 or more days, that will begin at Moncreif Psvrk. in this city. Thanksgiving Day. will be officially announced on Friday by General Manager II. D. Brown. The announcement will have the effect of putting Jacksonville in the front rank as a winter racing point. The stake program is of such volume, value and variety as to assure racing of as high class as any winter meeting In this country could lie exieeted to provide. The stakes are all of the guaranteed sort and aggregate 7,200 In value. Two of them are for two-year-olds of 1910 and will close December 15. The remaining thirty-eight will close November 1 and are as follows: Thanksgiving Handicap, for tliree-3car-olds and upward. ,500. 1 mile: November 25. Speed Handicap, for "three-year-olds and upward. ,300. 3-4 mile: November 27. Pablo Beach Selling Stakes, for three-year-olds and upward, ,0O0, 1 1-8 miles: December 1. Quickstep Handicap, for two and three-year-olds. ,300. 5-8 mile: December 4. Atlantic Beach Selling Stakes, for three-year-olds aud upward. ,000. 7-S mile: December 8. St. Augustine Handicap, for three-year-olds and upward. ,300. 1 1-8 miles: December 11. Ormond Beach Selling .Stakes, for two-year-olds. ,000. 5 1-2 furlongs; December 15. Palm Beach Handicap, for three-year-olds and upward. ,300. 1 1-10 miles: December IS. Baytonla Selling Stakes, for lli-ce-y ear-olds and upward. ,CO0. 0 1-2 furlongs: December 22. Christmas Handicap, for three-year-olds and upward. ,-500. 1 1-8 miles: December 25. Everglades Selling Stakes, for three-year-olds and upward. S1.2C0. 3-4 mile: December 29. New Year Handicap, for three-year-olds and upward. ,000. 1 mile: January 1. Lakeland Selling .Stakes, for threo,-ycar-olds and upward. ,300. 5-S mile: January 5. Capitol Handicap, for three-year-olds aud upward. ,500. 3-4 mile: January s. Lsike City Selling Stakes, .for three-year-olds and upward. ,300. 1 mile: January 12. Dixie Handicap, for three-year-olds and upward. ,500. 1 1-10 miles: January 15. Confederate Handicap, for three-year-olds and upward. ,500. 1 1-S miles: January 10. Smith. Richardson and Conroy Handicap, for three-year-olds and upward. ,500. 7-S mile: January 22. ,Tsillaluissu!3elllng-takcsV for three-year-olds and upward. ,300. 1 miler January 20. Arragon Hotel Handicap. Tar three-year-olds and upward. ,500. 1 1-10 miles: January 29. Miami Selling Stakes, for three-year-olds and upward. ,300. 3-4 mile: February 2. Old Town Handicap, for three-year-olds and tip-ward, ,500. 1 1-4 miles; February 5. Cracker Selling Stakes, for three-year-olds and upward. ,300, 5 1-2 furlongs: February 9. Yankee Handicap, for three-year-olds aud upward, S1.500, 1 1-S miles: February 12. Kev West Selling Stakes, for three-year-olds and upward. ,300. 3-4 mile: February 1C. Live Oak Handicap, for three-year-olds and upward. ,500, C 1-2 furlongs: February 10. Washington Handicap, for three-year-olds aud upward. ,500. 1 1-8 miles-: February 22. Ponce Do Leon Handicap, for three-year-olds and upward. ,500. 1 mile: February 2C. De Sota Selling Stakes, for two-year-olds. 1,300. 1-2 mile: March 2. lEverett Hotel Handicap, for threc-3ear-olds and upward. ,500. 7-S mile: March 5. Tropical Selling Stakes, for three-year-olds, .-300. 3-4 mile: March 1. Ocala Handicap, for three-year-olds aud upward, ,500. 1 1-S miles: March 12. SI. Patrick Selling Stakes, for three-year-olds and upward. ,300. I mile: March 17. Florida Special Handicap, for three-year-olds and upward. .KI0. 1 l-l miles: March 10. Turtle Selling Stakes, for three-year-olds and upward. .:m 1 1-10 miles: -March 23. St. Johns Handicap, for tbrre-year-olds and upward. ,500. 1 mile: March 20. Amateur Selling Stakes, for three-year-olds and upward. ,300. 1 mile and 70 yards; March 30. American Derby, for three-year-olds. ,000. 1 1-4 miles; April 2. The daily programs of the meeting will provide for one purse of 00 for horses of ordinary class and four purses of 00 each, together with a handicap of 00 or 1909.sh00 ou those days when no stakes are down for decision. The track and its improvements are rapidly Hearing completion and when in a finished state there will be no finer race course iu the south. Stabling accommodations have been provided for 1.100 horses. The stables are uniformly equipped with eighteen box stalls, with an open space of 100 feet between each of them. The grandstand which is being erected to replace the one recently burned, is of the single-deck type, 105 feet In depth by 270 feet in length, with an admirable seating arrangement. Paddock and betting ring are of commodious and convenient size and location. No messenger system of betting will be permitted in the grandstand. Manager Brown recently rejected an offer of 8,000 for that privilege. The city authorities of Jacksonville will be asked by the track management to pass au ordinance prohibiting the selling of tips within the city, in pursuance of its avowed intention of giviug a meeting which will be as clean as ossible and exempt from objectionable foatures.