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ANSWERS TO QUERIES. W. H., Latonia. Ky. Doodle Dandys hacker won. Ollicially, Auto Maid finished last. M. M. S.. Los Angeles, Cal. The prices were correctly reported in this newspaper. Frank A. S., Cincinnati, O. The bet was a draw, then? lH-ing no place price against the entry. II. G., St. Louis. Mo. The four-mile race between Ten Urocele and Mollio McCarty took place at Louisville, Ky., July 4, 1S7S. J. K.. Buffalo, X. Y. If your query refers to the first race at Jamestown April 21, the straight -bet lost and the place hot was a draw, there being no place price against the Randolph entry. G, II. R.. Buffalo. X. Y. The only action was on the Live Wire bets, which lost straight and were draws for place. There was not enough left to make the "if coming" bets on Baby Wolf and Ta Nun Da. Edward L., Chicago. The 300 point is established by the fastest time at each distance in the table. The first column of figures under .the title "Standard" shows this and what slower fractions are to be valued at.