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NO FEARS AT CHARLESTON 1 •i CONFIDENCE THAT RACING WILL PROCEED * UNDISTURBED IS ENTERTAINED. j. Bir Delegation of Influential Citizens Leave for Capital of State to Participate in Inauguration and Work for Racing Legislation. Charleston. S. .. January 30. — Supreme optimism •nil inncs t prevail mmh the I at If ilcnieiil MM gathered here in anticipation of the opening "f the meeting whirl Is to lie-in at Palmetto Park net Saturday. Tile sentiment lor uoii interference with the meeting bj tile Majority of the townspeople !* Unchanged aiil a ote of the Milieu* would show an ovel a hclmiimly number favoring the racing. N serious trouble is anticipated by the racing ■HUMS** mi in ami they are going along with their propar- tiuna In eontiilent fashion. There I* als . a •- raii- hopeful feeling among the many turfmen here that members ef the Legislature MM* in sessjen will I wit with favor upon a proponed aniemlnient to the re ■ entl.v passed law designed to prevent any possible Interference with the Meeting. One departure from fin Mt I methods that it is thought will cause tic betting to conform to the law is the discontinuing of I kmaklng with big booth*. The New York ays loin, which is considered satisfactory to all eon corned, will be employed. Local interest in the coming Meeting la general and all Indications point to nigh -class racing. The weather is ideal, with ■very prospect of its continuing so. . big delega lion of Charlestuuians will leave tonight for Columbia; S. C. to witness the inauguration ceremonies of iovernor Blease and At torncy -General ieeples Incidentally they will again present their claims for racing to the mtmhtu of the Legislature ami it i barely posaftilii that a racing hill will he Introduced 1 MM row . lo-cpii McLennan, u-bo will act as clerk of the -••ales, ami Fred Y. Ocrhardy. asaiatant racing mm-rotary and associate Judge, arrived this mamlng. stain r James Milton is due from Jacksonville tomor n v. and W. 1". Bcfanlte, who will act as presiding judge, is due from Louisville tonight. "fhose already on the ground included Frank E. r.iown. Jake .Uarklciu. Ike Hakelburg. tharlie Elli L a. tietto Austin, Moekman. •ftt*" tt*v. T. ~ 1 Buckley, V. I Ryan. R. A. Kennedy. John Murphy. F. .1. CUlleu and Claude ISrow nlielil. and Charlie lox. ". It. BngstroM and Al Hantf are ex Itected from New York on Wednesday, while T. J. Shaw is due to arrive from N.w Orleans tomorrow. A party of sixty will leave Juarez for Charleston tomorrow, bookmakers Claude Kyle and James Jack son being among the anaaber. Larry Darr stooped oil at Charii ston this Morning ■Ud left tonight for Jacksonville. He will return in time for the oneniug on Saturday. Huarions. the voter stallion that J. L. Holland purchased irom James 1J. Keene al Laurel in lull. was Hbipped to the Holland farm ill Oklahoma this morning to be retired to the stud. Mr. Holland re I .; M tlic sule of the English stallion John F. to a syndicate of Oklahoma fanners. Jockeys li.rt and Uuy Ruins have just arrived at Palmetto Park ami will ride as free lances. The former will Ik aide to make Weight at MS and Burns at IM.