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DATES GRANTED FOR EASTERN RACING. Laurel Applications Will Not Be Considered Bocauso of Dispute Over Stake Values. New York. January 30. — The stewards of the Jockey Club met today and grained dates for meetings to be held during the coming spring uudor Jockey Club auspices, as follows: Jamestown Jockey Club. Norfolk. Va.. March 31 to April 17. Harford Agriculture and Rrcedcrs Association. Havre de Oraco. Md.. April IS to May 1. Maryland Jockey Club. Pimlico. Md.. May 2 to May 20. The schedule as arranged provides for continuous racing on eastern tracks from the opening of the Charleston Fair and Racing Associations meeting on Saturday next until the close of the Pimlici meeting in May. without the coaMct of a single day. It was announced by the stewards that they wonil not consider II. I . Browns application for Laurel lacing dates in October next until the controversy over Laurel stake values is adjusted. No successor to the late vice chairman. James R. Keene, was chosen. All application from jockey IfcTaggarl for a riding license was laid on the table. McTaggart was under suspension until the lirst of this year for the rough riding that terminated in the death of H. C. Hafieuhecka good colt Worth, last fall. The presumption is that the tabling of his application for a renewal of his license is for the same reason. Jockey C. II. Shilling, who was suspended last fall for a similar reason, has not made application for a license.