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NOTES OF THE TURF. W. at. Murray will spend the rest of the winter a: Charleston. Im mil Jockey Sammy Graeaandd is about to leave New 1orfc for Juan ■/.. i.dniu Gaylord of Beaver has annoumeil bis Intention of selling the entire stable he is racing at .1 at public auction. tvriward Bensbaa of HonkiasvUle, Ky.. has claimed the name Holly Wreath for his two-year-old chestnut cull b SleeHck — Yaletrea, li c Cottle, who trained John Griffin II. when that horse showed good form . n various western tracks, ;- non a strecl car coadactor In B Paso. iiank Irons, booka-akers" den and formerly manager of various poolrooms in Texan, died at Wesiev hospital In Oklahoma City Saturday after , short Illness. For the past two years be had been , mneeted with Oates and Ketsel of Oklahoma tiiy. Captain Elliott, of tbe qaartt rata stars depart-nient of the army, I* one turfman who will ix- lost to tbe amateur sport in the east daring the coming sea Captain Elliott has been detailed to a nea p , i and as ■ lesuli be has old out his thoroughbreds. th purchasers being fellow officers, so that the horses will not be tost to military racing. B Carslake, the Anglo-Australian jockey, who baa been one of the leading riders in Austria for several seasons, has a retainer of 2,000 a year fi Barun Springer, besides 5 for each winning mount and. hall that sum for each losing mount. Carslake gays tbe horses in Austria are good stayers, but as sprinters arc twenty-eight pounds inferior to those in England. Mrs. Charles S. l.ittlelield died last week in her s rent third year at Sbeepshead Bay. Her husband, formerly a Jockey, trained and owned many turf star- and i~ sijll sturdy. His most recent activity was the training of ■ string of horses for i. B. Haggin. with whom he was long connected. Fred i.itiieiicld. a son, distinguished himself as a Jockey and he i- now in Virginia with a string of thorough-. of his own. Harry Littlefield. another son. w o; several - asona trained the string of thor r iioghbreds raced i Juntph E. Seagram, the foremost • i Canadian turfmen.