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JUAREZ FORM CHART. JUAREZ. MEX„ MONDAY. JAKUARY 20, 1913.- Terraaas Dark. Forty seventh day. Jockey Club Juarez. Win: i i ting ■! KM daj . 10 books on. Weather cloudy. I*resldine Steward. Charles i. Din.. Die Idlng Judge. Y. H. Shelley. Starter, Mars Cassidy. Racing ii ,i Jasper. Racing starts at 2:13 p. m. Chicago lime 3:13 p. m.i. W Indicates whip, S spars, it blinkers. |r|n i ■ i | itheses following tbe distanci of each race Indicate hides number, track record, age of horse and v. ,j Indicates apprentice allowance. /*£k-| p» FIRST RACK 3 1-? Furlongs. 93092 :;•. -, 2 !-:. Parse 00. 2-year-oids. Xyj J. • Allowances. Nel value to winner 25: aecond. 0; third, s-",-,. la I 1! on AWiIDSt •; C ■•, Str Pin Jockeys Owners O H C P S :ik w ii 2 1 ! I J McCabe F i Weir 7 8 S •* •", :: .", ,. s-. i • v . . i ■ Klrschm B Spreckels 40 100 100 15 ; ii ---il ! ! DODIE •"• l Gi ■ V Newman J-2 8-6 3-2 2-5 1-6 •».:, iii.ii r.i.x ,., cs I fi •■ 1] Borel W !■ tpplegate 7 2 I I :l. U:KY w 115 3 2 : I I lA " bi I ■ 3 ! 17 103 I i. 7" I. i:xil ii w 107 i 7 - .: .i Hears xv i: Carson H ion ion in . i.VMM. BAM m !•• • " 1 Batep B A Trammel] !• 100 M0 15 6 Time. 22-,. 40. T.ack good. Winner I., f b. Fnele Hasing trained by F. I . Welrl. Wont i,, |kn*I it 2:12. t i n-i 2 minutes. Start fair and slow. Won handiiy: seeimd and third driving. - • XT MAMIE swerve i after the start and. bumping ha to BLARNEY, fore d him to fall back-, then w iii to the front and. making , fast pace, outstayed CAL.VK at tl ad. The latter escaped the Jam at i i start and ran In closest and game pursuit all the way. DICK DODIE was humped at tie- same time 1 l KKV was. but closed up ground steadily and made ■ resolute finish. OLD BEN closed ■ gap and bed with s rush. .I vkm; ,,, ,.,■ i,.,-.,v red from bis mishap. Overweights Lennle p.. 2 pornids; Hd Lea. ::. f* r -| f* SECOND RACE 1 Mile. 1334 1 57 - . I 112.1 Dm-. %MO. 1-year-olds and upward. * 5v J. " Selling S*e ralw to winner 25; m ml. 0: third, 5. Lid Hoi wvtiisi i; i. :: str Fin Jockeys Owners » H C P s .-71 ROYAL RFVEB wa » KM I 13 M 7 3 ::■ 1 R HoffmanBelmonl and Turners I C ■.. t-5 6896 GAXJ2XB GALE vt H i. ■• ,/, U |ak l| _-;oLrien W M Cain M M M IZ G • I A Mm WTK m; UK 1 10 : I 7 ."•■ 31 Carter C L, M.i. ! • y E •" 1 - I • I Ql I K TRIP ■ 1 1M «i 11 ti - -■ 2"* 4j Bar*aaune D atcKennlp ti 7 7 :; : 6899 I OOKOUT w 7 Ml 2 13 !|lk P* • •"• A Murray M B Jaunea w M 20 lo ■•--I MARIN w 7 lo:: s 7 11 I I 7 ii:! Gentry Hearilin ft Co loo loo hw 40 20 • i BREJDWEL.L wit I Ml 7 I D ! I" 4*1 7- .1 McCabe H Fink ti : • I 1-2 iw l FORCE w 7 los I c, ■.■ii n !i I s; Robbiaa .1 J Agoa I lo 10 .". j • - ORIGINATOR w S Ml M S » ii 8* M ■ - E Cotton Cotton*T*mpson 30 -o 13 i I 68H4=1 EDRO am* MB 1 1 7 | 11 I lo*; Graaa J H Dwyer I I 7 :: :: J , i DELMAS w I 106 : ". 1 1 14 U 11 13 11" Bstcp T Martin M M I I BONNIE BARD ass t M0 14 112 12 12 12 l_ Halsey V .1 Riley M o M 1 I 6ST1 BOOGER BATTUE wn 4 118 U 4 S 10 1 11 L!8 Irvtn Mr- C I CHppea tio «0 M ZS 13 6904 ARAGO.VESE w E Ml II 1". IS N M 14 143 Bared W K Applegate 1- :w :w M »i S904*S. V. IKHGH NW S 100 IS 3 13 It It 1", 1.", Nathan T Kirk K M M S 4 Thaw, 2435, 492,:-,. 1:MH, 1:42%. Track good. Winner B. m. by Brldgewater— Charter Qneen trained by L. Belmont i. Went to post at 2:44. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: StCOad and third driving. ROTAL RIVER began slowly and was far back for ti ■ ti i s t ban*, but moved upon the far turn and. coming li rough the stretch with a -real rash, finally won palling up. CALLNF CALL closed an early gap and ran Into the lead on the last turn, but could not withstand the winners challenge. ADOLANTK also made up n a. it ground and finished fast. QUICK TB1P tired alter running in nearest puisuit to the stretch. BftKD-w :i L s -t tbe pace for tbree-qnartera and ualt. Overweighta Boyal River, l pound: c.ilene dale. :L Lcaaaat, t ; Baoget Battle, -: Aragaaeae, ... i * Ci 1 7 T1I1LD LAi K 5 1-2 Furlongs. CdttTS— 1 :•».,.-, -I— MS. Pane taWX :j year olds. Ot/ J. I Selling. Net value to winner 23; Be* I. 0; third. .*L,o. Lid Hones AWtDDSt % •_. % Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 11 C V S 1 75 M dki.ini: B. w MS 7 :. :;- V -- 11 Bobbins DoerboeferdcWest I I ti 1 4-5 .iso! *i; vi:! i; «K ALLAH St KB I 3 _■::- :.; _ A Wilson W B Carson .". 1 I :• I-fi 8*7 KENNETH WS MO I :: D lh lafc 3| Kurame B Gaytord hB6 9-S 7-6 7-MB-5 ■ : sIM.Hril Il.V MISS w M 2 4 I 4*4* 4= J McCabe F D Weir 4 4 lS-5fr-3 :!-.". 68922MIERCURIUM « 103 s i :,n ;,■• :,■ ; :; carter Carlln .V: Moody M 1- I - S 5 SS27 DAYLIGHT W M2 E I 41 ti i «"k W Gargan J Eekert loi lno Uni 40 13 6898VELJE PORTS wan Ml 17 7 7 7 7;-H HoffmanMrs il Armatroag20 M M I :: 6832 RED WIDOW W Ml 4 S !l :» I 8* Cross R Q Martin M MOM 21 10 J71T SATIN WOOD wit Ml 9 9 I I I :» Eaten 1 M Drunk lno loo ] kj io M Time. 24-5. 4825. 1:01. 1:0735. Track good. Winner — B. f, by The Elector — Lnaineline trained by i. M. Westi. Weal to post at :.:14. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and I bird the same. MADELINE B. ran in forward and gas* pursuit of the leaders from the start and outstayed HARDEN OP ALLAH at I he end. The latter tried to come through next to the rail in the stretch and. fail tag, had to drop back and come around, then finished fast. KENNETH Bel a fast pace to the stretch and tired in the final eighth. SPRIGHTLY MISS was s|mt off on the far tun and lllil«hl d well. The others v, re outpaced. The winner, entered for $ *» . was bid up to 00 and sold to . ». Reed. Scratched t;s.s7 The cinder. 108; t 4* ; t Boseitalre, 96; 0706 Kitty W.. 08. uvcrwoicjits- -Daylight. 4 [lounds; Led Widow. ■".: Satin Wood. 4. £*f "I O FOURTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. i!»4i7S -1 :0.,u.— 4— 10.".. Purse 00. .l-yoar-olds and Ot/lO upward. Handicap. Net value to winner $:XI: second. S7. : third, S2.7. Ind Hoists AWtPPSt U % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P 8 6888 RIO BRAZOS W 4 M C :: 2 -- :- l"k Halsey R S Plunkutt M M K 9 I «82SEL PALOMAR v ■• M4 1 2 M a* Safc t Bar*game c W Clark hB5 llf-69-5 7-M1 I BS40»PRIDE OP LISMOREwa C M7 •"• 1 1-.. 1-. 1- .""t Klrschm T GouMing 4 ti :;: ».-.", 7-10 PAWHCSKA w r. dm :; i i. 4". .. t1 R HoffmanW Gabriel ;; 4 ;: i SR40 LUCILLE ALLEN wn :, in:! ! :. .-,-■.:, -.!". :, Cross Mrs M Ilawaer I q 3| 1 J 3 6066 WINNING WITCH w :: M i »• i I I I E Haynes T S Harrison 30 ln Umi lo 13 Time. 23%. 463s. l:00-5. 1:06«5. Track good. Wfaaaer — B. g, by Modred— Helen Print trained by R. s. Plunkett. Went to posi at 3:44. At jh .-t 1 niinute. Start .mhI and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. RIO BRAZOS ran In closest pursuit of PBIDE OF LISMORE to midway of the stretch, th n forged to the and finished fast and gamely. EL PALOMAR came fast throagh the final eighth, but • id never quite gel up. PBIDE OP LISMORE s d a terrtte pace and tired badly in the last sixteenth. PAW-MI SKA and LUCILLE ALLEN finished resolutely and dose up. Over a eights — Rio Branoa, 1 neaad; Pawhaaka, 2: Lucille Alien. 1. /*i-| r FIFTH LACE -3-4 Mile. 1913.sh823— 1:11% 2 lixi. i Parse 0$ 4-year-olds anil upward. Orf JL j S.lline.. N.t value to winner 36; second, fa*; third. ¥i".. lad Horses AWtPPSt + % :4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 4323 SEMMELL aa 0 108 I 1 1* V V 1 Estep W C Clancy 4 Zj 7 3 7 Hi 6S34 COSGROVE w t: t los i; :, :; :.• a 2» Bar game P C Naab :: n -: 4 :, I .. 6857*EL PATO m IW 3 ". I •• 5»i 3$ Halsey Q Darke 16 M la I I i s.T-1: UK i.NI ■ I Ml 1 I •"■ "i1. ! 4.1. Carter K M Hopper »i M M 1 C-5 .. i a 1 BTHUMPIAN w 4 ME 6 1 «:, 8 7 .". Teahan J Btepheaaon 8 ! s 3 I . 6818 DUNORAGGAN a 7 111 1 4 2 - ■■ ::■.. a»l R HoffmanMrs 11 Brannigan S io E £] § .. 6 81 SIR BARRY W 7 1os 7 7 41 7* I 7 cavanRh Scott A.- Bishop 12 30 30 C 3 686oMANT AX ERO w 1 ME " 8 7, 1 01 8 Robblna 1 E Dird o Si •". 8 E ! i Time. 23%. 48%. 1:14%. Track grood. Winner — Ch. g. by Rubicon- Okaste trained by W. C. Clancy. Went lo post at 4:14. At post 1 minute. Start Kood and slow. Won driving; Second and third the same. GEMMELL need Into a quick lead and. setting a fast pace to the stretch, namely outstayed ens •ROVE in a close finish. The latter ran forwardly and. in a fast finish, barely failed to win. EL PATO from the rear in tbe closing drive in game fashion. BALBON1A also finished Cast and close up. DUNCBAGGAN show,! speed, but tiled badly in the final eighth. The winner, entered for $:; !. was bid up to 05 and bought in. Scratched -8B01xTini Judge, 10s-: 6844Rosey Posey, 106; 0801 Dave Moatgoaatry. 188; 8306 Ortaaar 1 d. 108 f*fi~%f SIXTH RACE— I Mile. 1 1334 — 1 :.7-.-. — t- -1 12. | Purse 80. 4year-o!ds and upward. Osf £UJ Selling. NM value to winner 25: second, 1913.sh8; third. 5. Ltd Horses AWtPPSt i :.t Sir Fin Jockeys Owners O H C D S S891*PLTING a»l loif II 1 l 21 1 1 V 1 Nathan S H Berg I 12 M i 2 6873 I ! M nIM 9 9 » 7 •",■ _- . 2 F alscy ,1 W Tate 2S : :io 13 7 688l*L M. ECKERT a 8 105 1 s 7 8 M .",Ji P* .1 McCabe B Weeta i 5 M Ml M h J .". 6891 STARE wa S MG - 7 $• ::; V- V I1 Orasea V Dahakea SB 25 M 8 6891 LAMBERTHA WB » ME 5 :: 4| B 7 I : l. CDrien J O Throll !.", 38 M 7 M 6906*GB1 ICO «■ I Ml s M M J I ■» »; Oavangb L P King lo 15 1", 7 I 686 CHIEF DESMOND waa $ MS 111 11 11 11 7 7 Cross G Palter I !•". 15 I :: iiV.i-bKHKiil aa 1 Ml :i I El V 41 B I] Bur* game L Burllngame lo lo S 2 1 . sai ■ici ■;]■" WALTON wn 0 Ml 7 4 :,lk 1*3 2* lJ !,l]1- Klrschm M OBrien ; B P* i ; 6S89*ORSITO] VT w $ MS 4 E k1 I1 ii"kH M* Bobbins WesoottdtKrause 100 260 200 00 a 6814*S1 EEPLAND W t Ml M 1 8 M 8 1" 1! Muliipran W L Schaefer 3 i 2 4-5 2 S I tine. 24, 48, 1:14-5. 1:4#H. Track good. Winner— Ch. ?. by Altamax— Palomaclta trained by T. ulleni. Went to post at i:t;. At |Kist 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. PLYING sel the early pace and dropped back, then moved up fast when turning for home and. taking a long bad. was easing up at the finish. PALMA closed a big gap from a slow beginning and finished well. L. .M. ECKERT was nearly knocked down on the far turn, but recovered and finished with a great rush STALL ran in a prominent position for three-oaarters and tired badly at the end. JUDGE WALTON quit after showing speed. slfldi.aNP was never prominent Scratched -.5i!MHC.H.|, 105. Overweights — Gellco, 1 pound: Lehigh, .": Onttatat, 2: Slcepland. .J.