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mat 9P ~* I mm mm 1 •i * j. + THE YOUNG MAN WHOSE SKILL AS A TRAINER ENABLED HIS FATHER TO BECOME THE LEADER AMONG AMERICAN OWNERS j. DAILY RACING FORM today presents for the information of its readers a picture and sketch of a yaumg man who in the fast two or three .xcars has w ached his way to the front aaaoug the trainers of the thoroughbred in this country. until in l!1 he achieved the proud distinction of having saddled the wiiuiet.s of more money than any Other North Anierrvan trainer. This yumag man is known on the race track and aMong his intimates as ""Johnnie" Schorr, and it was principally because of his skill as a conditioner of the racing thoroughbred that his father. John V. Schorr, of Memphis, Teun.. found himself occupying tao enviable position of leader among the UMMey-whiuiag owners ot the running turf In America -J the ensue of 1912. The younger Mr. Schorr is ::;: years old. Whan he was only tiftcen ye.-js of nee he began to exhibit a lively Interest in the liorses that his father was at that time racing and it was not lung before he was taking an a f tiro part in the management of the stable, which was bring trained hy Ieorj; J Walker, as, well as in the riding ol the horses in actual Ohcing, in spite of tne disinclination of his father to i nrwuraie him in the latter direction. For diout live years he was a factor in the success ot the Stable. Then, in the fall of 1!H2. as the result of a diaagree-nienl over some detail of tbri management of the ■table, father and ana brought their raethg relations to an end. The former soon afterwards retired as an owner and the SOU did not thereafter igure prominently ;ji rachtg until 10111. when In- resumed training? for his father who had Meanwhile re-entered racing as an owner on an extensive scale. With a division of tin. elder Schorrs stable, the son saddled forty one winners that year and won 123.481 in stakes and purses. In I.lll he. Made even a tietter record by saddling forty winners mid whining 2,081. As a result of this good showing his father, at the beginning of the season of IMS, consolidated the stable, which had hitherto been raced in two divisions, and turned its smw TRAINER J. F. SCHORR. """I entirely over to the son. The wisdom of this policy was amply demonstrated ilui 1m the rear for the success of the Schorr stable was one of the outstanding features of American racing in l!»l°. Since he began to handle his fathers horse: in 19H1 young Mr. Schorr has saddled 144 winners and *H7.-" 72 represent * the bigiily satisfactory aggregate of hi- winnings. Thar 1 1 W"« *Mht rr stable will figure proininee" ly in the racing of MM3 "iiiii-i a safe prediction. Tosmg Mr. Schorr will aitain lie in charge and. viewed in the litfht ot past performances. It seems likely that the Rtabble will be stronger than it was last year. "The string embraces some good young horses thai undoubtedly wBl do their share in carrying the Schorr colors successfully in important racs. while the older horses that have ! ecn such potent factors in the Sciiorr suceesn of the past two rears will continue to nice as the occasion demands and do their part as will. These liorso are now enjoying the respite Irom racing that their good showing of last season warrants and are in winter quarters at Louisville, where tiny will be prepared for their Ill:-, campaign, which proboMj will lH-irin at the Jamestown spring meeting in April. Since the Schorr stable was *. pre-eminently successful in Canada last year, it is reasonable to MippOUB tuat the Canadian Racing Associations tracks will be selected for their summer campaigning. 4J, 1 1 4.