Long Shots Are Still Scoring: Favorites All Beaten at Juarez Track-Aunt Mamie Scores Fluky Victory, Daily Racing Form, 1913-01-21


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LONG SHOTS ARE STILL SCORING. Favorites All Beaten at Juarez Track — Aunt Mamie Scores Fluky Victory. LI Paso. Tex., January 30. — This was another good day for long shots at Juan/. Not a favorite scored and the layers reaped a harvest. Aunt Mamie, start in;; for the second time, won the oi ening race of the tlaJT. It was nu a true run race, as just after tnc barrier arose, sic- here to the outside and knocked Blarney, the favorite, out of contention. He never recovered his strjde. and finished being beaten off. W. . lane- sent his lirst liorso to the post for this Meeting in lieutmeil. and that veteran showed Katueucss in scoring tjicmmcll was entered to he ■•.Id for s:;iiii and v. a- hid up to 500 hy VY. M. Cain, hut was protected bj Mr. Clancy. Madeline 1!.. alter winning the third race. mas Lid up from .s4iHt i.. . 7 ; i hy Clarence 0. Seed and ai that figure Doerhoefer ■ West let her go. I". H. Kesainger. the trainer of Velie Forty, entered a claim for Kenneth ill the third race, hut it was declared Invalid hy the stewards, as Mr. Kess inner was n,i registered as the authorized agent of Mrs. H. Armstrong, the owner of Velio Perry. Balctifl was claimed ..lit of the sixth race las! uigbi by R. I. Carman for 1825. L. Gray, who lost Ralcllff. purchased Sister Florence from Frank IV Weir. Ueorge B. Dudley, a Hetyake, Mass.. paper manufacturer, wiio mil long »p sold his ,,iill to the trust, is among the old time racing men gathered at Juarez. Mr. lmllcv owned some g 1 racers in his day. Including Lore Note. Truckle sa, Renovator Jiinl Soil. Among this nwrninga work-outs were the following: Aftermath Mil.- in 1 4s. breealag. Baby Doll -Mile iii 1:44, handily. Is goo*. Hump- Thiol eighths in 37. c. w. Keunon Five-eighths in 1 :»»-"i. breeiing. chanlilor -Half mile in .".1. handily. t has. Goetz- Halt mile iD 51. handily. Canal Three-quarters in 1 : 1 r. . handily. la need. Uuteb Ro.k Hall mile in 52. breezing. Ldilii Y. flu. . eighths in 3and Li ne-i W Three .ihtlis in 38. Kthel Samson liv.-.-ighilis in 1 :•-. bandily Florence Kripp live-eighths in 1:05, breealag. High si reet Three-eighths in 38. Insurance Man -Seven-eighths in 1:33. keeening. loom- Three-eighths In ■•. Jim Baser -Three-quarters in 1:18. handily. King Radford Three-eighths in ::". Kith — Three-quarter* in 1:18. handily. • I.ewin Flre-elghthti in 1:02, handily. Manasseii Half mil.- in 52, breealag. Muverdale Three eighths in 38. Uaaurka— Half mile in 51. liandilv. Nello— Half mile in 51, handily. Nol. I i -Five-eighths iii 1: .".. breealag. I Wells Three eighths in :;s. Ooma Three -eighths in ::7. Urbk-ulisl -Five-eighths in 1:05, tweeting. » Oswald R. Seven-eighths in 1:33, breening. Prince Conrad Mile in 1:1+- breeaing. Quid Nunc--Half mile in •" -. breeaing. Rooster Three eighths in 37. Round the World— Three-quarters ,u 1 : is. handily. Siuiel — Mve-etghtba in 1HBE, handily. Stout Heart Three-quarters in 1:18 handily. The Cinder Three quarters in 1:1s. handily. |., Boj li. ■■ ivhlhs in l:»i".. Iweecing. I lalisp.-ii-eiil Tine- .piailels in 1 1 s. Iian.lily. eiitw..i ih Tliree-qnarters lit I is. handily. Winter;.! on • Tin. •• quart is in 1:14%. Cod work.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1913012101/drf1913012101_1_3
Local Identifier: drf1913012101_1_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800