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WILL BREED TO CASTLET0N STALLIONS. New fork. January 20. August Belmoal has eon traded for three services to the stallions of the late .lanes b. Keene that were recently put Into public service. Beldame, the daughter of Octagon and Bolls Donna, and the most sensational tilly of 1901 and 1906, will be seal to Ben Brash, a great race horse himself and one of the most successful sires 0 tbe Castleton band, lie was winner of 5,217 during his career on the turf and among the good ones he sent to tnc races were Delhi, You Tromp. Besom, Wild Thyme, Birch Broom, Lady Amelia. Brush Cn. Sumatra. Gretna Green, Megg*s HUH. Philander and Wedding Bells. Tin- did r two services are to Disguise and thi mares named are Typical and Sand Dune. Typical a daughter of Rock Sand ami Tiptoe, and accord Ingly bred along tife most approved lines. Saa I Dune is ;|ts , .i daughter of Rock Sand and is from Octoroon, a da t-hti r of Hastings and out of the g man Ortegal. In in ndlnx them p Di-..!1 - .; -. Belmont has chosen a sea ol Domino, who-. Mood through Commando, another of his s.,ns. was responsible more than anything else for the sens* ttonal successes of the Keene silks on the turf. Disguise i a -on of Bonnie Gal, a daughter of iln. Probablj the best of the get of Disgnhv is the mar- Maskette, which with six others was -id ■• William K. Vanderbill for his French stud. Others ho shad that made good on the turf were Dope jean. Uelisande, Helmet, Court Dress. Anonmya and Footpad. Tin- other mares at .Mi-. Belmonts Nursery stud in K ntnekj have ail been booked to hi- own stallions.