Third Race [3rd Juarez, Daily Racing Form, 1913-01-21

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THIRD RACE— 1 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. . 1 : : I -1 :::7-. -4—112. ORBED LAD, b. h. 7 III Bv Smile— Orbed Maiden M. Foley. uarcz 3-4 1:1*1 slow 4 is ,; 7 6 5= 4«J Teahan K Swede Sam. Maxnrka Geltco ;J • "•" z 1 ;:4.t fast 0-5 m ill 1 |« r- Teahan 7 L. M. Eckert, Lambertha S uarez 1 1 :4 l fast 0j 113 3 11 I 2*1 2a Qrosa 8 Fancy. LM. Eckert, Quick Trip l:2:V"-"/ ll::.9r:fast 41 |« 42I1 m 2J Teahan 8 Zoroaster. LottaCreed. Mlnnolette 6793 Juarea 5 f 1:071 fast 41 ips 4 4 :: 3*1 3*1 Teahan 7 Oakland, Rogon. Sir Irenus ■....Juarez 3 4 1 : 1 ll fast 3j 103 I r, r. .: S»l Teahan 9 Sea CH IT. Gold of Ophlr. Swish 6749 Juarea 3 4 1:131 fast 2 UJ 0 ., 5 41 EH Teahan 8 OswdB.. An.Interest. SwedeSsm S5 "«« r4 :?«,fast « ?! J 14 2J D Nlcol 8 Cantem. Acumen. DayidWarneld 6718 Juarea 51 f 1 :0.1 fast 12 115 o 0 7 8 7:2 D Nlcol 11 BntterBall F. G. Hogan, llfrun M60J~- iSISL 1 ? I f V,1 i ;NIra,,e » TU.Tbomas. ParneuSffl. Cantem TO60 Juarez ii f 1:071 good 60 lo r 4 5 6 6 4" Schwebig r» Helen Barl Closer Dnriaht ,9.4 Latm 51 f 1:08 fast 10 111 3 2 2 2» 2J Small 1: M • ,„. eii Spit, TheBnsrbodj rfrirpH« UVIU1?*1 I 5 S S 9 3 I H»ff"«"12 Slx.rbtae. ClemBearteV3 4 9 !8Uin,Nnr 1 8S1?? ,?5 I t I fi ?,* 5 £teele » Anavrl. Quartermaster. MI«Nett i,!1 L tliiiiSK! I S ,J, enry 8 LGrlMnllV. Selwlk. Em Wtlllani mass ron Rrta .i-t 1.121 fast t« 13 l«i ims 0 r 6 fc 6 4«1 J Henrv r. .1 Griffinlt.. I.Suuare. Al Muller JACK ELLIS, b. c. 4 110 By Sempronius— Lady Balgowan Doerhoefer and ,.. , west. "" ;1" " 1 L16g slow s 5 115 7 4 2 2 21 Borel R KlagStalwarl Bob , ■ , t- ,,,.. •ss" i ■ 1- •" 1 M4 4 7 3 2 1 * 1« B Steele 1:; /, L i. V, r, • i-" 6813 Juarez 51 f 1:07 fast I 11011 11 11 10 M«*1B Steele 11 p Henderson cir iimH Kmn. S7» Juarez 51 1 l:07j fa-t 2 10S7 5 5 S«| ll B Steele 1 .:,, W 1 i ,• v Put , !h r" 5799 Churchill 11:41 fast 70 100 7 8 8 8 8 8«» Oh, rt s M ,r, I m nt „■] * " r 6770 Churchill 11-16 1:441 fa»t 43-M 1« 7 4 3 6 6 6* Buxton 10 : Molsant T . Itl Wirofro 5404 Doug. Pk 11-16 1:48 slow 48 102J 4 2 2 3 3»k 5«. Buxton 1 0 l vp,- 1 ow IV rf 1 1 1 , . S284 nouglas Pk 1-4 1:181 alowSS-M 111 6 4 2 22 2= Fain 1 rt It t Vi in 4972 Lexfngton 3 4 1 :141 fast 6 112 4 5 3 » r| Fata 9 Club. York i» p.rUiH 4821 Lexington 3 4 1:171 slow 29 110 10 9 4 313.1 CallahaiMO Chartier Phil K Blllik n-tLtiloua 3-4 1 :141 fast 23 105 7 3 4 3 42J J DeaVpt 10 Do?bie Mo r Win" red D MOLaitonla 3-4 1:17 slop 69 Hi7 4 7 8 7 6" J DeaVpt 10 Yunker Bmimi Oha rHsi ITMCtmrierton 7-0 1:3153 7 108 I 3 2 1 %* 1 DeaVpt 13 Cl.lii-on,, CSSorgi . Au,lfaj.« 1 IAYMINSTER. ch. g. 6 105 By Matchless— Northminstcr tF. A. Hayes. luarez I 1 r ■! u 15 IO! 7 I 5 ll 1 ; t.n 1 ■ Bus-. Tallow Dip, Hugh ti 1 K894.JWUX3 . ! I 121 hv 30 lie 7 7 7 7 «■ Carl 1 The Fail. Pedro Hon ule Bard / 1 luaroa I 111 fast W0 Ittt •. s s s s ■ fi Steel, s Mandadcrw, Masakr, Anne Mctiee •■.■ 2 Victoria 7 s 1 M slow— lit 2 1 1 1 :l ::7 C Grand : Wlltrude S., Bloody. EolaliaMay S748 Victoria I 1:48! mud — in 4 1 1 1 3 k 4-i C Grand ti S.Gold.Reene W., T.B. Daughter 5635 Victoria 11:431 fast — 107 2 4 4 3 3"k 45i Pickens , Reenew., Lambertha, TwoOaka 5o:i Victoria lm70v i:4li fast — 107 4 3 3 2 V I :. W Oargaa t; Phillistina, Sake, Dr. Vhii « 5011 Victoria lmTOy l:4Si fast — 100 6 1; fi G C 6*1 McMarun ; Dr. White Xannie McDee, Sake 5673 Victoria 3-4 1:11 fast — 107 4 5 5 r»3 |»| C P.oss 7 B.oflroonots, A. Gulch, Moral igbt 5501 Victoria 3-4 1:11 fast — 107 fi 4 i 4". 4* Crawford 7 S.iliie ODay. Zulu. Canapa 483 Victoria 1 1 16 1:511 fast — 109 2 11 1 l2 t* Crawford 8 Whidden, lambertha. Eteeoe W. 5311 Vancouver 3-4 1:18* mad — 110 * « f- S*l G*| C Rosa • Gilbert Rose. Moraligbt, Gimll 4SC4 Vancouver 3-4 l:lt| mud — MS 3 r, | ;- 4-. Crawford 7 Btacksneep. Melts, J. Henderson 493] Vancouver 3-4 1:17 j mud — US a C 3 41 4"lPlckens 7 Don Enrique, CIsko, Blacksbeep 4793 Vancouver 3-4 1:131 fast — 103 3 4 I 3 22 Crawford G P.John son, B W son. Aut. Rose 4040 Vancouver 1 l :4oj fast — io9 6 3 3 3 3 3=3 Burgame 8 LottaCreed. EddleMott ReeneWaSk Vancouver 8-4 l:16|hvy — 104 3 4 2 31 3 Burgame 7 Par. Boy. Back Bay, Blacksbeep M64 Vancouver 3 I 1:161 mud— io4 4 3 3 2i 21 Hill 5 Par. Boy, Ben Wilson, SirFretful 4346 Vancouver 1 1:451 slop — 109 1 2 2 2 2 ■".■1 R McEwen 7 Old Mexico, Sorrowful, Robert Van ouver 1 l:39i fast — lio 111 1 l2 1" Kederls 7 Baby DoB, Burl. Edna Stewart 1263 Vancouver 5 S 1:011 fast — 109 4 2 2 Ill6 Crawford 8 Pills. Lookout. Semproelle LOTTA CREED, ch. m. 6 103 By Hammon— My Fair Kentucky J. Masterson. 6831 Juarez 1 it: good 1 104 7 2 1 fi »;• ,; -P. Steele 8 Lit. Marchuxmt, Plj ng, l...|,igh luarez I fast 5 103 8 6 4 2 33 3*1 Robbina 8 Zoroaster. Orbed Lad. Mlnnolette "•v Juarea 1 i:4U good 5 107 6 7 2 1 2* 2* Hateey 8 Baby DoU. Rue, L. M. Eckert 6764 Juarea 1 1:391 fast 10 102 4 5 3 2 2*1 6* Bobbins 11 John Louts. Suffragist, Love Day 6742 Juarea 1 1 :391 fast 4 107 1 4 2 2 2J 22 Robbins 7 SufTrsgist. LMchmont, O.McGee 6713 Juarea 1 1:431 good 8 113 12 6 4 3 7 6*1 Small 13 BalclitT. Lehigh. Force 6677 Juarea 1 1:431 fast 7 107 8 4 2 1 ll 23 Small 10 S.Northtut. C. W. Keanou, Force 6626 Juarea 3-4 1:174 good 10 1C7 2 6 4 6 «■• Small 8 Sepulveda. Bob Lynch, ElPato 6495 Uigoon 3-4 1:221 mud 10 104 6 6 5 6" 5"lForsythe 1 Oxer. B.Mver. Orm. Cuniiiughatn C3.j» Lagoon lrn20y 1:19 mud 3 105 1 5 5 5 68 6" Pickens 7 Judge Walton. BurneU, Elgin 6307 Lagoon 1 1:471 mud 3-5 109 2 2 2 2 2* 44 Pickens J Reporter. Voladav Jr.. Lamberts 6260 Lagoon lm70y 1 :4fij fast 13-5 108 3 11 1 2* 33i Pickens 8 Gretchen G.. Cabin. Aftermath 6101 Lagoon 3-4 1:121 fast 5 112 7 7 8 8 S:"- U Nicol 8 Free, Rue, Miss Horn 5011 Victoria lm70y 1:481 fast — 109 1 3 3 4 4 " 4*| W Taylor 8 Dr. White Nannie MeDee. Sake 5506 Victoria 01 f 1:23 fast — 109 5 5 5 5 6 8*1 Leeds 8 Burl. P.Henderson, Don Enrique 5502 Victoria 7-8 1:29 fast — 107 6 6 5 5 5" 5 W Taylor ti Sir Fretful Don Enrique Beds 5482 Victoria 7-8 1:291 fast — 110 7 4 2 2 1*1* W Taylor 7 PyHenderson, Burl. Ti.uiMurpliy 5315 Vancouver 11:48 mud— 112 1 1 1 3 3t" 5» Hill 7 Lehigh. Matador, Dudo 4999 Vancouver 3-4 1:1S1 hvy — 108 1 4 3 31 32 C Grand I Free. Fort Johnson. Dahlgren 1967 Vancouver 3 4 1:18 mud— 10S 1 12 2J 21 G Grand 6 Francine, Maromara. SIdon 4939 Vancouver 1 1:40* fast — 107 3 2 1 1 1 l-J Burgame 7 Zulu. Eddie Mott. Phillistina GRETCHEN G.. blk. m, 7 110 By Nasturtium— Thanks H. G. Bedwell. 6868 Juar /. 11-8 1:551 fas* M MS 3 5 5 5 5s 5s. Robbins 6 Misprision, WadswthlL, S. Grain uarez 1 1-8 1:541 fast 30 100 1 4 5 i ;,". ClCavaRgh 6 S. Florence, H.Ouinn MaialeGirl 6,88 Juarez ll:4ii good 15 105 4 3 « 5 6* 6",Oavangh 8 Setback. Lore Day. Don Enrique • .Juarez 1 1-16 1:471 fast 15 105 3 5 6 C 6 6*»Klrschm 7 Compton, Bosevale, Rose Daeil 6692 Juarea 1 1-8 2:00f mud 12 1M 4 5 5 5 4J l Cavangh 7 SbortyNorthcut, Rake, RoseOneR 6680 Juar.-z 11:111 fast 2 5 MS 13 5 5 51 4-J Cavangh 7 Engraver, Rose Onell, Balcliff 6606 Juarez 11:44 slow 30 110 1 6 6 7 8 6"J Cavangh 8 S. Lump, BobbyCook, Lambertha 6271 Lagoon 11-4 2:09 fast 7 106 3 5 6 5 5* 5* Cavangh 6 Sir John. Hadad. Eoroaster 6200 LagtK.n lm70y 1:461 fast 6 106 5 5 6 4 3 1" Cavangh 8 Cabin. LottaCreed, Aftermath 6104 Uagr.on 1 1:42 fast 5 107 4 6 5 4 42 381 Cavangh 8 C. W. Kennon, Aftermath, Cabin d9S9 lagoon ImlOy 1:441 Slow Sj 109 4 3 4 4 4 42 Hill 4 Miami Force OnatsntM 5937 lagoon 1 1:461 hvy 7 109 3 5 6 5 31 1*1 ,avangh 7 Sleepland. Oscuro. Miss Picnic u8,0 Lasoon 11:45 slow 7 109 3 4 5 4 b- 5"1A Murray 0 Judge Sale Sleepland. Rota 5**3 Heb-na 7-8 1:30 fast — 104 2- A Murray 15 Flying, C.W.Kennon, N. Capital 5675 Helena 1 1:42 fast — 111 21 A Murray 8 Osslan, Oacuro, Elgin 5253 Anaconda 11:48 slow 13-5 108 3 5 5 4 42 44 Forsythe 5 Cool, Miss Ken Bslronla 5186 Anaconda F C 1 :16g mud 12 111 1 4 4 41 2 Forsythe 0 Hugh Grav. Valhal, Star Blue 4334 Putt. 1 1:411 fast 10 111 4 3 C 9 9 9"lSelden 9 Jack Stryker, Cabin. Ben Uneas BONNIE BARD, b. g, 9 100 By The Bard— Fluid W. J. Riley. 6916 Juarez ; !.;. good 30 MS 3 12 12 12 12 12** HaJsey 15 Roy. River. GahneGale. Adolante 6908 Juarez 1 1:421 alow M M6 « 5 4 ; |i 7*lForsyth 7 Bye White, Sb. Northern Gift 6894 Juarea 53 f l:12j hvy 10 no 4 2 2 33 3° Burgame 7 The Fad, Pedro, Pickaninny ■ •uarez ii:t2 fast 13 MS 5 11 4 91 9**fDreyer 13 Jack Ellis Zlnkand, Ben l/neaa 6862 Juarez 1 1:42 fast 30 lo5 10 3 9 M 10 lo--P. Steele 10 Falcada. Lehigh, .lark Ellis 6783 Juarea 11:41 gwd8 103 6 5 4 3 3 221 Nathan 7 Miss Korn, FlorenceKripp. Pedro 1772 Juarez 1 1:43£ Slow 8 MS 5 3 5 5 6 6 Paul 7 Orperth. Lehigh. Pop l.utitiue 6706 Juarez 3-4 1:16 slow 7 112 S 8 6 5: 5"1B Steele S Setback. Acumen. Prin. Industry 6260 Denver 7-8 1:29 good — 109 5 5 4 2 in 1* W Taylor t; WlseMason, BlgBlack. NadaMas 6310 Denver SI f 1.-091 good — 109 4 5 3 31 331 W Taylor 8 St. Joe, Bon Diaz The Bobbett 6221 Denver 5 8 1:021 slow — 109 1 6 6 6 6 "JW Taylor 6 Odella Angelus. Twickenham oO07 Vancouver 3-4 1:161 slow — 107 5 6 6 6 6s Schwebig C Eve White. Melts. Moraligbt 4994 Vancouver 7-8 1:33 mud— 107 5 3 2 2 3« 3° Burgame S Back Bay, Em. Isle. Maromara 19. 4 Vancouver 3-4 1 OS! mud — 107 6 5 4 41 5al Burgame 7 Blacksbeep. Melts. J. Henderson 4930 Vancouver 51 f 1:11 mud — 111 6 6 5 4* 2» Kederls S Gimli. T. Dancer, B. of Iroquois 4786 Vancouver 11:411 fast — 111 6 3 1 1 22 221 Burgame 7 ReeneW. MyBouquet. Sorrowful 4fi3fi Vancouver 7 8 1:291 good— 103 1 4 4 4 3"* 1" Burgame 7 Btiri. Dudo. High Range 4625 Vancouver 1 1:471 mud — 112 6 2 2 3 6» 6"! Hill 7 Whidden. Zinkand. Sorrowful 4410 Vancouver 11:41 good— 109 6 5 6 6 3" 4° Hill 8 Phillistiua. L. Creed, Orsitolat 4387 Vancouver 1 1:441 mud — 109 4 2 1 1 1*1* Hill 7 Footloose. Whidden, Dr. White 4353 Vancouver 1 l:45g mud — 106 5 3 3 3 4" 6MlBattiste 8 E. Stewart, Whidden. Aut. Rose 4303 Vancouver 11:41 fast — 112 5 3 3 3 21 3 J Burgame S Reene W., Media, Spalding LE8CAR. b. h, 5 115 Bv Filigrane— Short Cake W. M. Cain. 6899 Juarez 11:47 hvy 6 ill 7 7 S 8 8* 5**lRosen T ITi Muama, I, I Tlj failuii 68 ; Juarez 3-4 1:14 fast 30 Ids 6 8 8 8 8" W Gargan S Par.Bov. Gold. Agues. An. Interest 681 4 Juarez 11:40 fast 20 113 6 3 4 8 9 9" W Gargan 12 L. Day, L. Marchmont, 0791 Juarez 11:401 fast 15 111 2 3 4 3 5* 5*1 W Gargan 8 Swish, Mamie Girl, Roaevale 6,04 Juarez 1 1:391 fast 20 108 10 9 11 11 11 U*»W Gargaa U John Louis, Suffragist, Love. Day 6,52 Juarez 11:41 fasr 12 108 8 8 8 S 6 2" W Gargan 8 Orperth, Rue. Shootiug Spray 673S Juarez 3-4 1:131 fast 20 112 8 8 8 8 8" W Gargan S J.B.Robinson. E. White. O. Smile 6,0, Juarez 3 4 1:148 good 15 113 3 3 2 22 If W Gargan 10 Love Day, Mandadero. Janus 6696 Juarez 3-4 l:16g slow 30 108 7 5 4 33 3i W Gargan S RoseQneil, DonEnrique LoveDav 6691 Juarez 3-4 1:171 mud 12 110 6 5 4 41 4 * W Gargan 6 F.Duster. B.ofPlease. B.ofllune 6685 Juarez 3-4 1:141 slow 15 112 9 9 9 9 9" Hill ! An. Interest. B. Cook. . Tucker 6064 Juarez 3-4 1:151 slow 15 113 4 7 6 4* 461 W Gargan . Quid.Nuiic. Angelus, Silver Grain M 29 Juarez 5-8 1:04 good 60 110 3 11 9 91 6"1W Gargan 11 S. Peters. P.Hendson S Alvescot 6.:,3a Lagoon 1 1:56 hvy 12 MS 3 2 2 2 5- 79i Pickens K Bosevale, B. :reenleaf. Hazel C. fill Jsoon FC 1:181 hvy 8 114 4 1 2 3« 3"! Kelsay 7 HazelC, C.W.Kennon. SirBarrv 6493 Lagoon F C 1:171 mud 8 120 7 7 7 7 6* Ormes 7 A.Slupskev. B. Stone. Tim Judga 6431 Lagoon 1 l:50g hvy 51 109 5 1 1 1 221 1" Cavangh 7 Rake. Judge Sale, Flying 6407 Lagoon 51 f 1:12 hvy 16-5 114 6 6 6 51 4i Cavangh 8 Dr. Neuter, Tippy, ArthurHyinan f£; Lagoon 5-S 1 :041 mud 31 117 6 6 6 4* 2 Cavangh 7 The Fad. Clara W.. Good Intent 63S1 Lagoon 51 f 1:101 mud 6 109 2 6 5 2n* ll Cavangh ; Free. Fleming Fashion Evelina 6335 Iagoon F C 1:14 mud 11-5 109 5 4 4 4s 2 Cavangh 10 Zool Tippy. Arthur Ilvman 6263 Lagoon 5-8 1:01 fast 15 116 6 8 8 8 7" Cavangh s BaBrnlltrt, Amando. I.edalake 4 M. CAMBON, ch. g, 6 105 By Bridgewater— High Degree B. F. Carman, 6914 Juarez 1 1:41? slow 100 107 6 4 4 5 5" 5" Rhtmire 6 Setback, Helton Street Balcliff uarez ] 1 1:121 last 100 106 4 6 6 0 «"• Teahan 6 Sepulveda Mimorioso, ParlorBoy 0838 Juarea 1 l:40g fast 15 102 5 3 4 5 7 75JRhttmre 8 Fancy, Orbed Lad. L M. Eckert 6S14Juar,z 11:40 fast 25 1 V5 10 10 11 11 11 11" Rhtmire 12 L. Day. L. Marchmont, Sleepland 6.4S Juarez 1 1-16 l:47g fast 10 108 3 4 6 7 9 8*1 Drever 11 Roserale, Silver Grain, El Pato 67.7 Juarez 1 1-16 1:481 fast 20 112 5 3 2 5 7 7-- Dreyer -.1 J. Louis. Sis. Florence BenUncai 6724 Juarea 3 11:1.: fast 10 IDS 7 7 7 7 in Dreyer 7 SirBarry, LoveDav. Edm. Adams 6,13 Juarez 11:431 good 10 112 9 3 1 2 3 i 9,2JDreyer 13 Balcliff, Lehigh. Force 6677 Juarez 1 1:43? fast 12 109 3 1 1 6 7 l*|Rooney 10 S.Northcut. L.Crevd. C.W. Kenn 6688 Juarea MlUtjfoodM 104 8 7 8 8 82 Rhtmire 8 Engraver, LacleAllen. BobLynch 6292 Latonia lm70y 1 :431 fast 77 1041 3 5 5 6 6J 62 Rhtmire s Wander. F.Duster. CapltnBraVO tZB ii?t05la X 1G 1M6* fast 152 109 8 8 9 8 8 8» Wingfld 10 G. Marchmont. Wander ElTendl o996 Min.Spgs 1 1:411 fast 15 107 1 1 2 3 6 41 Skirvin C Effendl, Ozaua. Rudolf 0 5986 Min.Spgs 81 f 1:21 fast 10 103 I 2 3 6 6*1 Obert 9 Joe Stein. Stick Pin. Black Mate r.3«7 Toronto 3-4 1:151 hvy 200 10110 9 8 8* 8* Braziley 11 W.Widow. Master Jim. S.Gtump THE PEER, ch. g, 7 105 By Batten— Countess Irma F. Risk. 6910 Juarez I 1-8 1:571 ski w M !"2 2 4 Pled. ESstep 6 Hattas, Zoroaster Wadswthll «S Juarez 1.1:47 hvy 40 loS 16 4 S 4- 4*1 Small 7 Urs. Emma, Lehigh, Lily Paxton 6880 Juarea 11:42 fast 60 MS 11 II 11 S C- 8"! Groth 13 Jack Ellis Zlnkand. Ben Uneas 6872 Juarea 1 1:401 fast 60 107 3 6 7 8 8 8*HC H Miller 8 Maizie Girl. Orperth. Black Mate 6849 Juarez 3 4 1 : 14ft good 60 112 12 12 11 111 ll*|Buxton 12 Lily Paxton. Gift. Buss SS iuare* 1 1-1-3 fast 30 105 11 9 7 7 12 12*lBuxton 12 Co!iiv t. Lambetth.a. Zinkand 0800 Juarez 11-18 1:48 fast KX 10S 3 12 12 12 11 H»iHill 12 Bit of Fortune, Falcada. ElPato 6777 Juarez 1 1-8 1:57 slow 12 MS 7 5 4 5 5"k 4*2 Buxton 8 Wadswthll Zoroaster. L.PaxtU 8772 luarez 1 1: 13* slow 30 108 6 2 2 2 5 5» Buxton 7 Orperth. Lehigh. Don Enrique 6780 Juarea 1 1-16 1:471 fast 30 MS 6 7 7 9 10 10" Buxton 12 Maizie Girl. Mlnnolette, H.Quiiin 6218 Denver 1 1:471 hvy - 104 5 5 4 4 31 321 C Rosa 6 McAlTa, Lily Paxton. Moment %$ nver 7-8 1:32 slow— 119 7 6 5 5 5* 21 C Ross 8 Moment. Icarian. Char. Fox 5if? Denver 1 1:43J slow — 102 2 3 3 3 3b 3* C Ross B Bon ton. LOy Paxton. Wicket 6019 Denver 1 1 :47 slow - 104 1 2 3 2 2h 2* C Ross 7 Lily Paxton. Moment. Ben Uncus 6OI0 Denver 3-4 1:211 slow — 109 3 4 4 4" 1| S Martin 7 Ossian, Boutou. Plying dOr EOS Helena 1 J:« fast — 111 5 7 Orba Smile. Force, Misprision 0688 Helena lm,0y l:4o fast — 104 6 It Wicket. Hammeraway. ssi«n 06,0 Helena 11:42 fast — 111 5 6 Ossian. Gretchen G.. Oscuro 53al Anaconda 7-8 1:321 good 7 11110 7 9 10 101 llTinill 11 B.Greenleaf. S.BIne M Musgrave 5280 Anaconda I 1:46* slow 18-6 109 111 1 1 2| Hill , Royal River. Sir John. Elgin 6226 Anaconda 11-8 2:06 hvy 5 100 5 5 3 2 2* 2j H Radtke 8 Patriotic. Montgomery. Shawnee 61,2 Anaconda 1 1:431 fast 40 105 7 7 7 4 4* 31 Morse 7 H.Mai,!. Oblivion. Rd ft Round

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