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JUST OFF THE PRESS The American Racing Manual; An Excellent and Low~Prioed Book of 460 Pages It holds information for people interested in racing contained in no other publication. It is simply a mine of records OF THE NEW FEATURES OF THIS PUBLICATION IS A TABULATED COMPILATION SHOWING THE ONE winners, values, times and ether particulars of the great races of the world, from their institution, = including the Epsom Oerby, Epsom Oaks, St. Lager, Two Thousand Guineas, One Thousand Guineas, II Grand Prix de Paris, French Derby, French Oaks, Melbourne Gup and other important events of the I turf in foreign lands. No other publication in the world carries all this information. :::::: AMONG OTHER FEATURES IT HAS MetHod for Ge*lcrulandtirT.jg Jreiii - IVlu.ti_ifcl l-r-ice*-* WITH EXAMPLES. Racing Record* of Thoroughbreds iii North Aaaerk-an Racing Records al All Distance*. Great .Money Winners of the Trim ami A Tabic of the Comparative Speed of North America for 1912. Australian Racing Record*. English Tun. Anicri an Tracks at All Ustaaeee. i uatnfc •!•• Lis! c! juvenile Winners of 1912, Records at All Distances of the Track* Boakntaking Percentage Tabir. Scale of Weight* of tin Jaekej Clab, Arranged Fader Their sires. uf the tailed slates. Canada and Winners of All Stake* ol MZ Keatackjr state Racing CoaMaiaaiaa. Kauses and Addreasea aC Beeretarlea of Rac- Mexico. Raring statistics of !: i2. Jockey Clab .luarc/.. Western Jo, k -v lag Aaaaclatkaa. Leading Winning Two-Year-Olds sine,- into. Horses DisqualhVd in 1912. Club. PacMc Jockey Clab, Caaadinn Vearliag Sales of 1812 in the Jaited Stales Lis of Horses Thai Hare Sold fur Great Dead Heats in mi:;. Racing aasactttJoaa, Suathera Jockej ami Caaada; also law thai x*eartiag Price*. Horses Which Died in 1912. Clab, Aaaerkaa Tart Asaoeiatioa. Bales In England. Reawrkable Keats of Jorkcyship. Horses I p in 1912. Mevkaa Jockey Club and of Rag | English Raring Records to Hate. Leading A ricaa Sire:, sine,- 17". first. See 1 nad Third Horses, foekeys, land. | Three Handicap Systeaas, with Exaaaale*. Table of the Mil - S;„-o,i of All Tracks. Weights, Vateea and of aaarrlea* Racord of Miles Baa la 1:9 or Batter, etc, Twenty Leading sires of 1912. Ragiiah Betting Rales. * Stake*. etc. With this eminently handy book in his pocket any admirer of racing can readily answer almost any query that may come up concerning facts of racing in the past. Its equal has never been printed and. considering the topics it covers, it is an extremely low-priced book of 460 pages f PRICES PAPER BOUND 50 Cents LEATHER BOUND 75 Cents Single copies must be sent as registered mail, with an extra eharge of ten cents lor registration. Not responsible for books sent as regular mail. mmsjsk Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. -*»» * -» ■*aaaaga*ain— an i in* 1au1.M11 a»—» na*mms*mtmm m 1111111111 naaaiiaiaimi mhmiiii imiii is h nmmnmmamimKmmimmBBmmmammmm mmmamm—mmmmmmmmutrmMauBmmmmmmmmmBmstwwnmmimammammm HATTERAS 2-1 :: won liiS .i- Collyers iiae-hprse wire Suuday no aire m nt ou1 vestenlafl. Th, muieui appewleil i wa : "I Have Positive Knowledge That THEY are Betting." Thats iaforuMtioa. CHARLESTON MEETING. For Charleston, which opens aest Saturday. I itn nfferiag TWENTY I.ns FOB ». I i nii.i! my information the night before. Same ~iaff that gave us the splendid li-t oi winner* •1 Pinlico r.i- been ou the mound for THREE WEEKS. Subscriptions received prior to Wednesday 10:30 .i ii.. will Include balance of week .i J ua res FREE. Rush tow mhwriptioa now. BERT E. C0UYFR i Former 1* with the Chicago taterleaa. Suite 309 OXFORD BUILDING. IIS North La Salle Street. :: Chicago, Illinois. NATIONAL RACING REVIEW. TODAYS SPECIAL: Mexico. Major. Mystery. Canarv. Yesterdays S|„-ei:ii lost. Room 37. 143 North Dearborn Street. Chicago. 111. THE TURF REPORTER ISS N. 5th Ave.. S. W. Cor. Lake St., Chicago. 111. ietderdays Daily ran third. TUESDAY FORM SFECIAL : Juarez-Friday-You-Won-Fan-Lct. STANDARD TURF GLIDE. CHICAGO lesterdayH Two-llorse Daily trave two tblrda. i TUESDAYS FORM SPECIAL: 307 in Book 297. S2.00 X SPECIAL GOES SATURDAY. JAN. 25. SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM. TERMS: 5 Cents Per Copy. $ 1 50 Per Month. 50 Coats Per Week. 7.00 Per Annum. As plnin enveloped letter, list-, lass mail. S.u;le copies bv mail six cents. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 Plymouth Court, :: :: Chicago, Illinois.