untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1913-01-21


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DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHED DAILY. OAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 1 441 PLYMOUTH COURT, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. A Dally Reflection of the American Turf by Telegraph. Editor and Proprietor, P. H. Branell. Associate Kditor. Clinton C. Riley. Secretary. Jrs- ■*« U- Urunell. . . Entered as second-class matter, April 2. 1896. at ; the post-office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1879. _ TELEPHONE 2087 HARRISON, For business and circulation purposes only. This telephone has no connection with the news or f editorial departments and cannot be used to communicate with them. To be considered and answered, all queries to Daily Racing Form must be sent over the full name bud with the address of writer. The names and ad-iTCMM - are subject to a local and foreign directory test. BACK NUMBERS 5 CKNTS EACH. If Mat by mall lirst class only air centi. TERMS: Per Week t .60 Per Mouth 1.60 Half Year 9.00 Ona Year 17.00 The above rates are for single copies as sealed I letters — lirst class mail. Daily Kaeing Form Publishing Co. prefer! to send I slagle copies as tirst-dnss mail in all cases. Local subscriptions — outside the down town dls trict— will bo declined at othfir than first-class mail 1 matter rates, Subscriptions must be paid in advance. ST. LOUIS, HO., OFFICE. 112 N. BROADWAY. Win. Laser, General Agent. Telephone Bell Olive 465SJ Back numbers aud monthlies supplied. CINCINNATI, O., OFFICE. 720 MAIN ST. W. 8. Manns. Jeneral Agent. Telephone Canal 1877. Back numbers and monthlies supplied. DBTBOIT, MICH.. OFFICE. K CONGRESS ST. West, Corner Wayne attract. L. Orosscup. General Agent. Telephones: Main 3252; City 3252. Back numbers and monthlies supplied. PITTSBURGH, PA., OFFICE, 307-366 THIRD AYE. H. A. Behafet News Co., General Agent. Back numbers and monthlies supplied. BLUE ISLAND. ILL.: H. D. Wattles. 103 Union Street. HI 11 Al.O. N. Y.: K. .1 S Idcuberg, Elllcott Square Newsstand. Bl 111:. MONT.: Keefe Bros., 27 West Park Street. CLEVELAND, ttlllo: .1. C. Budd, .22 Superior Avenue. O. S. Schrceder, 212 E. Superior Street. Col.i MISIS. OHIO: Columbus News Co. DAYTON, OHIO: Ionv House Newsstand. DENVER COLO.: kendrick -Bellamy Co., OOP. 012 Seventeenth Street. EL PASO, TEXAS: Prank Orncllas, Lone Star News-stand. ,1. J. Harrington, News Dealer. ELGIN. ILL.: Kennel! Pros.. News Dealers. EVANSVILI.K. INI.: Vendome Hotel News stand. HAMILTON". ONT.: MoArthurs News Agency, 12 Hebecca Street. Thomas French, 00 James Street North. HOT SPRINGS. AUK.: C. 11. Weaver It Co.. opp. Arlington Hotel. INDIANAPOLIS, IND.: J. A. Moeslein. News-stand, Waiting Room, Terminal Station. KANSAS CITY. MO.: Biehaeeker Cigar aud News Co., Niutli and Walnut Streets. KENOSHA, WIS.: C. 11. Ernst and Co.. 271 Main Street. LEXINGTON, KY.: E. T. Craves, Die. North Limestone Street. L || ISVII.LE. KV.: c. T. Bearing. 232 Fourlh Ave. McKEESPORT, PA.: Lloyd Torrejraon. Frank W. Torreyson. MEMPHIS, TFN.V: W rid N. na o. Walter Burke, is2 North Main Street. Peabody lb-tel News stand. MILWAUKEE, WIS.: Frank Mulkeru, Third and Grand Avenues. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN : M. J. Kavanaugb. 56 South Third Street N A • II ILLE, TENN.: /ibart Bros.. 218 North Cherry Street. NEW OKI BANS, LA.: o. B. Hill. 108 St. Charles Street. OGOBN. UTAH: Joe Harrop. OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA.: Karen Dally News Co., Main and Broadway. PEORIA, ILL.: Pet is Newt stand, MM Main Street. SALT I AKK CITY, UTAH: McGillis as Ludwlg, News Dealers. SAN FRANCISCO. Al..: Johnson News Co., 88 Turk St. TOLEDO. OHIO: Robt. Downey, 142 St. Clair St. TORONTO ONT.: W. C. Ormsby, Iroqnols Hotel. H. v. oc moor, Palmer House. I". I:. Waldock, Imperial Hotel. WHEELING. W. VA.: Wheeling News Co.. 1112 Water St. c. H. Quimby, 1143 Main Btreet. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. JANUARY Ll 1813.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1913012101/drf1913012101_2_1
Local Identifier: drf1913012101_2_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800