General News Notes of the Day, Daily Racing Form, 1915-07-31


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1 1 | I 1 i 1 ■ 1 1 i i ■ ■ i 1 I I I I I GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. The list of the past lands dead, ns corrected ill to yesterday forenoon, was a total of 1.077, Seven more bodies were discovered in the first cahin of the Eastland yesterday morning by diver Harry Ilalver-soa. Inn in- was aide to I, ring only one to Hi,. SUT face. The other si were in sight, hut were pinned down by del.ris so that it will take some tine- to release them. The list of missing varies. The Western Electric Companys missing list. Including employes, their relatives and friends, totals 238, Lists compiled from Inquiries by Individuals for persons believed to have been "ii the Eastland suouj a iiunili, i- of 22. making the total number of reported missing 518. Manj of the reports of missing, however, are duplicates, hut records ot the number of survivors and the number of dead, deducted from the passenger lis as checked in l.y the federal in specters, -how that ovi r ion persons are unaccounted tor. These bodies are believed to lie in the river. The recovety at a bodj at Western avenue, tiv .-miles from the scene of the disaster, indicates that the bodies have drifted far in the river, and some of them may neier he recovered. The total list ,.t d id will exceed the 12880 mark. Ssys a dispatch from LondM of yesterday: "War--aw. the third city of Russia and the goal for which the Herman armies in the ea-l have bain striving since October, is at least in the throes of abandon mint. Germans in overwhelming aumbera are at the rates of the Polish capital and dispatches both from 1 the cit ii ,]f ami from letrograd say that further resistance would he unwise. Diarauated not only through France and Grent Britain, hut in Russia Itself, the fall ot the city is expected hourly, and j . the problem now is to move the Russian armies intact, as they arc from the south by the Austro Germane, and, more seriously from ihe north, where tin- Germaa forces which have swept through 1 I, land are aiming at the railway from Warsaw to 1 Petrograd. Tins latter menace, the British press ■ admits, is imminent, and the hope bj the allied 1 countries now i not for the safetj of Warsaw, hut t f..r the ...1111 1 cohesion of the Banska arm,. The Warsaw postonace already has been shifted t some point to the eastward, the populace has been 1 warned to remain calm and presumably for days 1 ftnssian troop- have been stripping the city of every-| - thing of mililai v value." The entire .la panes, cabinet resigned yestenl iv a a result of the election bribery -caudal i it Okuraa. the perinier. presented his own resignation and that of his colleagues to Emperor Yoahihito. The emperor • did not accept the re-ignations inline lately, hut 1 called a conference of the elder statesmen, at which 1 the government pollcv will he determined. This , will !„• held today. Th- fall of the cabinet caused no surprise as ii had been expected since Minister • of the Interior Mnra resigned. This otticial is sc- . rnaed of having been the payer of the bribes which , were expended n.t the last election. .. Work of placing 1 toons under the eiiTts of trie ! Eastland, the Oral Important step in the ratsiag ; of the vessel, was begun yesterday by wreckera uu - dcr th" direction of otlicers of the boa, mvorite. I TWO big pontoons, each with a lifting capacity of J 508 ton-, were brought to the scene and one was to be placed at each end of Ihe sunken resseL The. will bo shiftiil under Ihe ends of the Shetland. The hoisting derricks of the Favorite, attached to huge .aides run under and through the hold of the C Vessel, will then be s.-t in mot inn and at the Same time compressed air pumps will begin the work of forcing the water out of the pontoons and the Eastland. "I cvpect to complete the task in about two weeks." said Cant. Alexander Ilininiings of the Favorite. "The Favorite has a lifting capacity of i 2.340 tons. Ka.h of the pontoons has a lifting ..1 parity of 500 tops, with this power we will rai-e the Kastlainl. When she reaches an angle of f.~, degrees, ihe point of equilibrium, she will right her self. While more Hum 2H men were working on the raising of the Eastland, forty motor boats con-tinned the patr.d of the river in the search for Indies of the dead. Charles Becker was put to death in the electric chair at Sing Sing prison, V Y.. yesterday morn | ing for the killing of Herman Rosenthal, the New . York gambler. Ihe former New York police lieu tenant retained bis compo: ure and protested his j Innocence to the last, lie went to his death with j a photograph of his wife pinned on his shirt over his heart. Three shocks were given before the j prison physicians pronounced Decker dead at 555 Oclock. Becker led Ihe way to his own eecu tion. ihe condemned man sat up ail night on the ? edge of Ms cot. calmly talking to Hopntv Warden J Charles II. Johnson. -1 have got to face it." said Becker. "And 1 am going to ineel it quietly and without trouble to anyone." The deputy warden hit Becker at lit an hour before the lime act for the execution and when Father W. B. Cashin. the prison priest, and Father Curry of New York came to administer the last rites they found the man who instigated Herman Rosenthals murder with Ins face resting on lis hands ga/.ing at the 1 prison Boor. The ericata remained with him to • the end. By word from Attorney General Gregory that the 1 national administration desires to ti full waponsi lility for the Enatland disaster, especially if it hits al places high or low in the govetiinienls Set vice. District Attorney Charles F. Clyne yesterdaj | started the wheels of the federal grand jur quia. Resides calling tirst witnesses, Mr. ciyne seined the hull of the Eastland, to be used as an exhibit in the grand .jury inquiry and in any trials that may M low it. Sir. Clyne went before Judge Landla and obtained a court order for Ihe seizure of the big overturned vessel. The writ was given to United states Marshal Bradley, who dispatched three deputies to the boat ill tee river at Clark street. The deputies took possession in the name of the United Stales court, hut allowed the work of raising the death ship to proceed. Concerning military operations in the lower reaches of the Bunhrates, a London dispatch of Thursday night said: "An otiiciai communication made pnblil here this evening -avs thai a- a result of an action by General sir John Nixons forces on .Inly 24 near Naririyeh Asiatic Turkey 1 the disorganized Turkish forces retreated north ward mere than twenty live miles. The Turkish casualties in killed, wounded or prisoners amounted approximately to 2.5IHI men. the prisoners including forty ne ottieers and 080 men. of whom 2Hft were wounded. A great many guns were also captured. British casualties number 584 men. moat of whom were wounded. The departure of the sick and wounded from Nasiriyeh has commenced." Yesterdays baseball results--National League: New York :;. Chicago 2 Hirst game: Chicago 4. New York 11 second game; Cincinnati I.. Boston .".: Brooklyn ". Pittsburgh 2. American League: Chicago .. New York 4; Detroit 7. Poston I,; Cleveland 5. Philadelphia .l: Washington :t. St. Louis ft. Federal League: Chicago 2. Buffalo 1. Slice ssful. retaliatory submarine warfare by the French against the Germans is reported in dispatches from the Copenhagi a Polltlkeu, which says great damage has been done in the harbor of Zeebrugge, held by the Germans, by the Irench undersea craft.

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