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] | FOURTH RACE— 1 Mi!e. Mt. Vernon Handicap. 3-year-olds and upward. |5037I4— 1 :.5.s— 2.-100. , HODGE, ch. g, 4 112 Bv Ivan the Terrible — Nannie Hodge W. J. Weber 21822 Aqueduct 1 l:38Vfcfast 21 lis 4 4 4 3 1". 1- C Borel ft Holiday, Coquette, Bay. Candle 21788 Clnioiit 11 t LfilMast ii Ml 2 3 3 E ■■• 582 Turner 7 Gainer, addle M.. Sam Jackson 21630 Belmont 1 1-4 2:06%fast 8 110 5 8 10 5 5 «»| W Keogh 11 Stromboli, S.Jackaon. Srpahooler 21460 L.atonia 1 3-16 lS7%fast 13-5 126 7 5 5 3 5 5ui P Keogh 11 Pce Ilermis, H. ODav. Grevllle 21340 Latonla 1 1 S 1 :53%good21 20 133 2 11 1 ll ll F Keogh 7 Bnsewing, GcreatBay, W.WIteo r231 Latonla 3 1 LM-.-.rast 10-5 132 1 3 3 1 ll F Keogh 7 Lebcharea, S. Jasmine. Hwluorn 31121 Latonla 3-1 1:12 fast 3 2 123 2 2 3 J* 3-i I Martin S I.ittlelathcr. Leochares. Benauer 2:001 Latonia 3-4 l:ll%fast 4i MS 1 2 2 1J. 1" B Martin 4 Leochares, TbeNorman. Bcnaiiet SAM JACKSON, b. g, 7 113 By Garrv Herrmann— Ravello II. T. J. OBrien. 21883 Aqueduct 1 I:38*4fast 8-5 Mo 5 5 1 3 1 ". d T MeTagl S Iran Duke. Buckhetn, Haaavla 21788 Belmont 1 1-8 l:51%fast 8 196 C 4 B 1 •! :.T M Buxton 7 Gahntr, addle If.. Figinny 21630 Belmont 1 1 4 L:o5%fast 15 looilll 8 6 C* 2l W McDott 11 Stromboli, Sbarpshooter, Hodge 21594 Aqueduct 3-4 l:14Ktast 15 130 I 9 S 9* ::- W McDott 9 Hanorta. HelenBarbee, Fladimir 21563 Aquedct 1 1 h l:50%slop 20 114 3 3 3 I I 3 " W McDott :: Bayberry Caudle. Flying Fairy 10841 Saratoga 1 3 4 3:08%slow 7 10 124 I 4 - 1 l« V .1 Loftus 4 Etlagllng, Lahore, Jawbone 107S5 Saratoga 1 l:40%slow 3 120 9 S .1 5 I1 31 .r Loftus it Flying Fairy, Reybonra, CoyLad 10673 Sar* toga 1 3-16 3:oc*.siow 4 loo 14 4 4 3l I3 T Davies 7 Lahore. Nightstick, Pr. Kugeue 19472 Saratoga 1 1-8 1 :■".! !.-,iast 15 M9 9 6 I I E B*| T Davi.s ! C.-.t heWk, Rlghtsk, P.Eugene HIOH NOON, ch. c. 3 110 Bv Voter— Noonday J. Butler. 21689 Belmont 3-4 si 1:M--,fast 12 5 131 2 2 2 Bl $«4 J Butwell ! Phosphor, Ten Pent. Figinny 21532 Aqueduct 7-8 1 :.! 4 5 H7 1 1 1 1 1- 1". .1 Butwell 3 Phosphor, Harry Junior 20994 Jamaica 51. f 1 :o7 slow 19-6 129 1 1 2 l1 1* C Bond 5 T. o th Morning. Psphor. Iiyv 20935 Jamaica 3-4 1:13 fast 5 Ml t! 4 4 4". 1 C Bond 8 Coquette. Harmonlcon, H.Prynae 20621 Belmont 3-4 st 1 :09%fast 2 1"S 1 1111. l C Bond ! Stromboli. Y. Notions. Cestonlan 20275 Churchill 3-4 1 :l.i/5slow 5-4 112 2 111] 2 C Borel 4 Leochares. Bzewlng. 29226 Churchill 6 t l:05ysfast 14-5 109 J 1 3 3 4J 33 C Borel S Leochares. Iron Mask. IDxl-,. IRON DUKE, ch. c, 3 107 By Ogden— Saratoga Belle H. C. Hallenbeck. 21883 Aqueduct 1 l:3S%fast fi llo 4 11 1 21. 2* U Byrne 5 SamJaekson. Btickhorn, Hanovia 21757 Belmont 1 l:43%slow 1 llo 3 3 3 1 l« 1* .1 Butwell 0 W. Metal. CyMerrick. Northligbt I792S Belmont 9-4 at l:12%Cast 1-4 loO 2 1 1 l5 l° J MeTaaTt » 8lsai9arsr. Pierrette THE FINN, blk. c. 3 111 By Ogden— Livonia H. C. Hallenbeck. 21729 Belmont 1 1 M 1:1", fast 1 M9 E E S 2 84 4" C i.-ame 7 Saratoga, T. by .lurv. Vladimir 137 FortKrie 1 1-4 2:18%hvy 9-10 122 3 2 2 2 2 » fi Bvrne 3 Waterbtossom, Royal II 21205 Hamton 1 1 -4 2 : ."", r, last 2-5 125 5 2 1 1 - l1 4 Byrne 5 Rancher. Cmoaada, F.M*atagne 20975 Jamaica 11 16 l:46%fast 3-2 l-ii 5 2 2 2 1! l1 4 Bvrne 7 Sharpshooter, Runes, Garbage 4 20781 Belmont 1 3 8 2:18%tast 7 5 12fi 8 11 1 1» 1« 43 Bvrne .". Half Rock. Pebbles 20593 Belmont 1 l:39%fast 9-5 MS 1 1 1 1 l3 l2 G Byrne 5 Sshooter. Half Rock. R. Maiden 20468 Belmont 5J f st l:0r,%slow 5 114 3 3 2 2 » 2 G Byrne 8 T.othMning, Gaming, Kaakla 1G690 Saratoga 2-4 l:lti%mud 13-5 119 9 7 9 71 L.rid. JKederis 13 Trojan. Kaskaskia, Mar. Junior COQUETTE, ch. f. 3 104 Bv Celt— Adriana M. Corbett. 21822 Aqueduct 1 l:38fast 21 108 3 2 2 2 2* 3*| J Butwell C tlodge. Holiday. BayberryCandle 21729 Belmonl 11 M 1:45 fast 19-6 111 I I :: E 9* 6» J Bntwell 7 Saratoga, T. by Jary, Vladimr 21308 Aqueduct 3-4 l:13%fast 3-5 112 1 11 lJ 1= J Butwell -4 Hanovia. Capra, Helen Barbee 20935 Jamaica 9-4 1:13 fast 20 105 4 11 1»| P 4 Byrne 8 Haratonicon, H. Prynne, H.Noon 1S4C3 H.deGce 3 4 1:13 fast 8-5 98 2 2 2 21 -3 J Smyth 1 Houseinaid. W.Lady, B. Cunarder 17437 H.deGce 5-8 1 : l%slov 9-19 119 1 2 1 PI 1* J Butwell 7 B.Flower. WtertowB, Headniast 17334 Belmont 3-4 st 1:12 fast 31 112 4 52 2" t» M Nathan 7 Sharpshooter, Dinah Do. C. Maid BUCKHORN, b. h, 6 112 By Broomstick— Thirty-third R. J. Mackenzie. 21S83 Aqueduct 1 l:38%fasi 21 117 1 3 2 2 2 :.«?. M Buxton 5 Sam Jackson. IronDuke. Hanovia 21788 Helm. .nt 1 1 s l:51%fast 15 Ml 7 7 7 7 7 9M c Borel 7 Gainer, Addle M. Sam Jackson 21630 Belmont 11 1 L:u5--fast 10 117 2 6 7 7 P s*"1, C Borel II Stromboli. s. Jackson. Srpsnooter 21376 Aqueduct 1 DlOVsgood 7-3 132 14 4 4 4 4-i .1 Butwell 1 Montresor. Gainer, Pebbles 21445 Aqueduct 11:41 slow 11-10 125 4 4 3 2 21* 2- 0 Borel 4 Bay. Candle, riv.lairv. R. Maiden 21307 Aqueduct 1 l:39%fast 9 120 5 5 C 6 fi C=JM Buxton . Roamer. Stromboli. Harmonlcon 20775 Douglas 3-4 l:10%fast 27-5 124 3 4 3 ,3H V F Keogh 5 Luke. BradlevsChoice. Leochares 89997 Douglas 2-4 1:12 good 71 124 5 C 7 7 T*l J McCabe 7 B.sChoiee. Chalmers, IrouMask SURPRISING, b. c. 4 100 Bv Marta Santa— Strathlou R. F. Carman. 21911 Aqueduct 7-8 l:25%fast 5 107 2 2 3 2* 3 4 .1 Butwell 1; Holiday, Capra, Trial by Jary 1307 Aqueduct 1 l:3S%fast 20 193 14 4 5 B* 5". J McTagrt « Roamer, Stromboli. Harmonlcon 2117" .lamaica 11-18 1:48 fast 15 107 1 1 1 1 23 23 C Huestis 3 Stromboli. Charlestonian 21068 Jamaica 3-4 1:13 fast io 133 1 fi fi 6»1 6*4 C Huestis 7 T.othMning. Hanovia, Figinny 20321 Pimlico 3-4 l:164fcmud 2] M9 2 12 2*1 3*1 M Buxton 6 Moatresor, W.Lady, B.Cnnarder 20107 H.deGce 5 . f 1 :0C1 -.gnod 6 119 I 1 2 2! 3*1 G Corey 5 Andrew. Montresor, Morron 0070 H.deGce 3-4 l:12%fast 40 115 3 4 4 5 5U K Ambrose C. SlmnberlL. Wat.rbass. Kewessa 90934 HI, Ice 3-4 l:14%sloW 41 116 2 3 3 3 3;2 Turner S Slumber II. . Pomette Bleu SUPERINTENDENT, b. g, 4 95 By Ogden— My Beauty F. Mannix. 21843 Vqueducl ;. I 1 ::."--fast 10 122 1 2 2 41. 5 T MeTagl 7 Marry Shaw. U. Barbee. PeJarlas S1767 Belmont 3 1st 1:1] Cast 7 MS I 5 5 fi fi"S: M Buxton «, Pomette Bleu. Hanoria, Cnat 21627 Belmont 2 111::-, last 35 129 4 fi 10 9f 11** J Butwell 11 Claims Vladimir. Feamoase 3ir.94 Aqu.-duct 3 1 l:i4%fast 2" 139 7 4 0 74 71- T McTagt :» Hanovia. HeleaBarhee, B.Jackson 16303 Saratoga 1 l:3S-Vgood 15 i"S 3 fi 6 •; I 9**4A Schugr 8 Stromboli. Punch Bowl. Gainer 16274 Saratoga 7-S l:15/5fast 12 105 8 8 S 8 75 6". Schugr 8 H. Majesty, Magnet, Y. Notions 15995 Ehnpire 1 1-16 1:4S good 18-3 106 4 2 3 5 6 G«LI Kederis C Punch Bowl, L.Skolnv, Bom.Bleil