Current Notes of the Turf, Daily Racing Form, 1915-07-31


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1 j . 1 1 ■ 1 t 1 1 - • 1 1 , • . , ! ; - CURRENT NOTES OF THE TTTRF. Lord Wolvcrtons Passport wen the Windsor stakes al Newmarket in England. Wednesday. The Vizier ran second and Suntire third. There were several arrivals of thoroughbreds at Fort Brie Friday and more are expected today. The Hamilton meeting will come to a close today and th" shipment of hurses from then- to Fort Erie will start at once. There w.i- strong support at Aqueduct Wednesday for Stiver Thread, which though a three year obi. was making her tirst start. She fail -d to run up to the fast trial she had shown trainer Odom and Bnlsbed seventh. William A. Pinkerlon. head of the detective agency which heals his name, will spend the month of Angus, at Saratoga. Mr. Pinkeiton has not been a freemen, visitor to the New York races this SCSI son but pinna to become a regular at the Spa. Sir Vivian. John E. Maddciis brothel to Sir Martin, which finished second to St. Isidore al Aqueduct on Tuesday, bears a strong resemblance to his illustrious relative. Sir Vivian also displays the rather -biggish but game style of running of the famous Sip .Martin. John K. Madden- chestnut colt Sir Vivian, by Ogdea lady Sterling, which ran second at Auue duct Tuesday, is a brother to Sir Martin, which Mr. Madden sold to Louis W inane, and which started favorite for the Bosom Derby f 1900. in which he was knocked down. He is supposed to be a good one. The excessively speedy but erratic two-year old colt Marcus, by Cicero St. Sava. won the New Coventry stakes at Newmarket. England, last Thursday. Figaro ran second and Crimper third. Thrace was the war substitute for Ascots rich Coventry siake-. one of the mo-t coveted of English stake races for two year-olds. There was a furl her inquiry into the Hefliior case at Aqoeduc, Wednesday, or that of his jockey, H. Byrne. Before the fourth rac- the stewards had Byrnes wife in the stand. She 1- a daughter of W. II. Karrbk. who train- Yankee Notion-, which wen the race ai Jamaica for which Byrne wan reprimanded for pulling up Bine Thistle. a Pari- correspondent writes to ■ London paper: "A visit to chaatilly, where training has long since been actively resumed, ami a subsequent e: aniiii-i 1 ion of affairs at Maisons-Lasstte, prove that there are now in the hand., of their trainer- 111 three ear .ids. the mujorit] of which have never been seen in publi. through the outbreak of ihe war ai the eiv commencement ..f the period when they wen- to race as two-year-olds. Strange to say, the heath-keepers announce ■ similar number of two-year-olds qualified to race in public since the hist Monday in June. Decided Interest will attach to the debut of Clanperbll] at Saratoga, if he is started there. This colt may have been the best two-year-old in England. At any rate he carried high weight. m m all of his races and in one of them, Figaro. one of the conceded stars of the year, ran nil -i placed. No English rvro year old of high-Class has ever before been brought to this reentry in time to admit of his being pitted against ,ur best. George Smith. Bnlse, Friar Bock and all th" r.-t of our best of this year- crop will he at Saratoga. The Association has an opportunity to arrange ti special race of great drawing power, in which these crack youngsters may measure strides with the stranger from the cradle of the thnjughbrud.

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Local Identifier: drf1915073101_1_5
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