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MAISONNEUVE PARK FORM CHART. MONTREAL. QUE.. July 28. 1915. Seventh anl last day Maisoiineiive Park Jockey Clubs laaagaral Meeting of 7 ilas. Weather cloudv. Presiding Judge, Bd Cole. Starter, W. M. Murray. Baclng Secretary, Martin Nathans.. 11. 21935 lirsi Race— Aboat 5-s Mile. Pane 00. 4-rear-olds and npward. Sellius. Net value to win aer 25; -.■ I, 0; third, 5. lnd. Ilor-e. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Op. CL 21828 .lima! Lad 11". 1- A Pickens 1 4" 21793 Leila -t 115 2» W Hinphy 2 12-5 i 21738 Kve Straw lis ::- T McCulloogh 12 K» 21S27 Mtes lrimitv 113 -1 It Bstep 4 I 21S88 Tom Flauigan 113 6»* 1 Boland 12 io 21865 ciil Ijiss 113 •■- .1 Howard 16 15 21890 Moss Rose 112 T1 .1 Pendergast .1 3 21826 Julia Lyons 115 S L Meripole 30 0 Time. 1:00. Track fast. Winner — Mrs. . I. Crippena .h. g, ;. by Orimar — Lulu Man drained by G. W. Crippen. start good. Won easily; second and third drivins. 21936 Second Bace— About 5-8 MUe. Purse 00. :: ear ..his and upward. Sellius. Net value to win ner 25-. second, 0; third. 5. lnd. ll,.r-e. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. 21893 Proctor 110 l1 AV l :, I 21921 Noi.le Grand 11 2 1; Bwtep 21915 -0,1.1 Gross 119 3*1 A Pickens 1-2 3-5 21864 Goggety 113 4 C Labell 15 12 21920 Masalo 121 5* AV Gargan I S 21887 Bockj olri nl21 6 .1 Howard I 5 Time. 1:004. Track fast Winner- L. Wbriiarda ch. c, :;. by Gloriner— Sallie Washing! trained by B. Wisbard. Start good. Won easily; s.-. 1 and third drirlag. 21937 Third Bace Aboul 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-oldK and npward. Sellius. N.-i value to win-1. 25; —«- -. -1 1 « 1 . .*5 »: third, S23 lnd. Horse. Wt Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. 21889 L.areti,. Ill 1- A Pickens 3-2 8-5 1 21776 1 1 la/- I C. Ill 2* AV Cars. in 2 21893T.eii!ia V. Ill 3J R Bwtep I 1 21917 Gcninicll 113 l". D Boland 3 21 21892 La in!.-s Tail 111 Sj AV W Meehaa I E 21513 Infer. Queen Kh; i; ■ C Whymark 12 10 21791 lower ins 7 T McCullough 5 C Time. 594r.. Track fast. Winner 11. C. Airharts ch. in. ft, by Oraameal — Tweedledum trained l.v II. C. kbrhart. Start 1 1, w ii easil] ; aec vd aad iiiir.l drivins. 21938 Fourth Bace 1 1-1C Aliles. Purse .50. 3-year-olds anl upward. Selliag. N.i value to wiu-1 1 r 00; seeoml. pW. third. 0. Iml. Ilor-e. wt. Fin. Ji ekey. Op. CI. 21862 F.nterpi IM l T M.-i "ullough 12 12 21862 1 ■ nv Koch 112 2". 1 Boland 3 7 r, 21889 1 ,,1,1 Wells 112 ::: .1 Howard 1 3 21918 Malik H17 1- W Gargan 1 " 21918 Water Lsd 105 5 C Whymark 8 6 Time. 1:494;,. Track fast. Winner B. Hanleya b. m, :,. by Ort W. lis llal. yon trained h B. WbeJan I. start good ror all bat Tony Koch. A,,n easily; second and third drivins- 21939 fifth Baci — I 1-10 Miles. Purse ifliMI. 1-x.arol.N and npward. Selling. Net value to winner 25; xecond, $» ; third, 5. lnd. +lore. .-AVI, Fin. Jockey. Op. 1. 21918 Mil,,,., 110 r rT-oifrts • 21888 Mr M 11 k IF, H Roland 6 6 21919 L. Van Zaadt H W llinihy 1 6 5 2 2 2 ■ x z ■ * ■ | S i I i I i : and91$ Master Joe 112 r; A Pickens a 2 21888 Blla 111 .... B Ksi.;. r, 1 21016 Major Belt 115 1; C l.ale 11 1 | 21921 Cailant Boy 112 Pall.up.LMunroe 6 5 Time. 1:50. Track fast. Winner J. ». Strode a b. t. 1, by McGee s.m l.ii .-ii II. I trained In J. A. Ktrode. Start ■ l. Won handily; second and third drivins. 21940 Sixth Bace 8 1-2 Furlongs. Pane 00. 2-year-olds and npward. Selling. Set value to winner 25; second, 0; third. 5. lnd. Hone. wr. Fin. Jockey. Op. CL »1774Gord. Ba sell 12s p D Boland 3-5 3-5 ,21863il.i-t,.-.. Ill i, w Gargan S 5 21859Anavri 115 :.l Dominlck 2 8-5 21091 Paul Gaines ins 41J y Hinphy 10 1 21794en. su ie in. :. "• .1 Howard 5 g t21828M..ntv v,. |12 C .1 Pi nd rg , -1 4 4 Time. 1:234. Track fast. Winmr- J. B. Goodmans l». h. 5, by Mai. Inn. .nl II. — Tokalon lira inc. | l,y .1. it. Goodman. Start 1 1, won handily; second and third drivins. 21941 Seventh Race Aboot 5-S MUe. Pane 00. 2-year-oMs and npward. Selling. Net ralne t winner 25: second, 0; third. 5. Iml. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Op. PL 21891 Stul. horn 105 1 - A Pickens 3-2 8-5 21920-.Ioimnv Wise 111 2*1 W Doyle t :, 21860-Keiuieth 114 H I Boland 8-0 2 21830- Ai.ia/eni. -nt 114 A , I: Bstep " n 5 21920 Mortgyle 117 5-~ .1 Howard s ;.i 21890 Belle ChBtoa 112 T McGullough 5 r, 21020 Varda B. 112 7 J Domini k IS 12 Tim. . 1:00% . Track tast. Winner— W. C. Westmorelanda !•. ,. •".. by Iturso-111.; 1 lei.i-e trained by W. C. Wesfmore mat. Start good. Won easily; mond and third drlring. 21942 Bighth Kan Aboat 5-8 Mile. Parw 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Sellius. Net value to winner 25; second, *5 .; third. 5. lnd. Bane. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Op. CL 21915 iasx in, 113 i. .1 Dominlck 3-2 0-5 ,218581:. Mastersou 1 1 T | B Bwtep 4 4 21892 I- In Marn 117 3k A Pickena I :. 21891 American 1 1i" L .1 Pendergast ■ ". 1 21860iSmirl: 115 5»* T McCullough * 21890 Rose Kins 111 .1 Dodd I I Time. 1:00"-,. Track fast. Winner K. D. Carters b. g, 5. l.v ot;-- Pre* Pass trained by K. D. Carter. start good. Won driving; second and third I ame. k 21943 Ninth Bare 0 1-2 Par longs. Pur-.- 08 year olds and upward. Belling. Net value I , aer 25; second, 0; third, 5. lnd. Hore. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. 21825 ll.elle T, lie 111 P W l..vle 218641 nity 105 :" W Gargan I :: 21921 -Leialoha li2 :: . .1 I... 1. 1 2 I S 21887! oyer IK; !• .1 Pendergast 1 6-5 21915 Ma sand 108 S T McCnllough 8 I Time. 1:23%. Track fast. Winner .1. T. Wests b. I. 1. l.v Basset! P., lie Of Mavliel.l drained by J. T West. Start good. Won handily; second and third driv- i::S-