First Race [1st Hamilton, Daily Racing Form, 1915-07-31

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FIRST RACE— 0-4 Mile. 3-year-old: anil upward. Selling. 96373 -1:11—0- 113 1 Index Oaarse DistTbneTckOdds WtSt %% %, Str Fta Jockeys Started Order at rtalak VORKVir.I.E. b. k. 5 112 By Yoikshiie Lad— Susio Bush J. J. Ryan. ,.„,l namton I 1 lfi%hvj 113 7 "• 2 V. " .1 Morya i Brandywine, Valas. ;..r.|.ai - Hamton :! I l:13%fast 13 100 t " 3 23 I -i Morys 9 Priret Petal, BnaxA round. ZinDel ; Wtrnlsor ■■■ f l:«7%fasl 1 "lis 3 1 1 - l1 -I Sterrltl 2 Lnria. Kyle. ii-- Sherwood 1. v 4 Vimlsor 1 1:111 liu 23 In Ml 2 111- V J Acton v- K. Differ. SIrBlalse, Ther. Bethel KortKri 1 I UK%slow I :n :. 2 - :- •" • Acton ,; Deposit, Sir Blaise. Laura ■ ;f -,, vVdldne 3 t l.l:: rast and1 103 S 2 1 1L 1" .1 A. -tun 14 I*dy london, V.,-U Lad, Bemlel 1 inilico 3 1 l:l« slop "1 l# iu ."» 1 1 1 3*4 C Turner 9 Humiliation, L.TraTers, B.Bell* 0 1 -in, 1 1. .. :: I I n--tast 33-10 MM M " " 4 3j C Inner 11 C.Ashmeade, V.Btrome, G.Plom« „, . 1 Inaii o :: 4 i:ip k is IN 1 1 2 25 B«| A SohutgT 8 Ierthslilre, AI Bloch, L.Traver* 20132 H.deUco 4 l:l4%slow 11 i 1U7 5 3 :. Il 4*| C Turner 12 Monty Fox, Pharaoh, Carltoa 0. ZIN DEL. ch. f. 3 102 By Dick Welles — Zinfandel W. H. Frev. - 17 Hamton 3-41:13%fasl 8 89 1 111! I" A Collins 9 Yorkvllk. PrivetPetal, B.Aronnd 1 .; Haint. .11 " 11 ■ - ;.. t 10 »7 :. " 1 1 ■ v Collins 12 Sii|.|.i-r Hay. Kewessa, ComuiMia I43X i", ,,i 1 :, i. ; fl 1 l.v 19-5 98 4 11 T 1* A Collins 6 The Spirit King Worth. B. Path 1.110 Hamton 3 11:14 fast 4 luo 7 r f. 65 5«i L JOtAtee 12 Ih-lterton. fomniensia. Hi.-Lw. ...I 1 r. Haint. m " 4 1:11. fast 3-2 M7 ■• 1 2 ::- f. •, .1 A.I. .11 - TKe 44pir-it »Oeliil. Sir Liaise 1055 Congiit :: 1 1 i7-nm.i i. 89 I 1 1 1- 2*1 Callahan fl Videt. Kqueeler. reiirliee osl BlueBon. .". f i:i7-rast 14 ; ". 1 1 1*1 1*| A Collins II Kewessa. Ktineeler. Slipper Dav ;.... Dorval J-4 l:14%fasl 21 IM 1 111] Q L McAtee s A. N. Akin, Befecthxt, Celctaritl , MISS GAYLE, b. f, 4 100 Bv Tho Commoner — Alpaca C. A. Crew. 23878 Hamton ■"• I l:08%8lop 3 M j 111" l*| 1 McAtee 8 Mama Johnson, Kgmont. T.Sph-lt 21061 Windsor " : l:lo%mud93 10 103 2 11 1»| 21 T Haves B Mama Johnson, Kopje, M. Cases 21621 Windsor 53 f l:C6%fast 9i ill 4 2 M ;;- 4; l Connelly 12 1 sceit. Mama Johnson, Olle I Hamton I I l:li slop 5 i;n 2 u 2 q l. W Iral 3 Kate K.. Reflection, M. Johnson . i-.t. Han ii«i :, f l:07%fast :m : i 4 V 4T .1 Acton 8 Slipper Day, Deposit, Viley 21261 Hamton 3 1 t:13%fast 7 100 7 11- I** T Par*gtonl2 Brandywine. KateK.. Blk. Pine 21206 Hamton 5J f l:06%fast S 89 :. 1 2 V 2" .1 Aetffl 11 Viley. Lay Btreak. K m ILimii J0963 BlueBon. 3-4 l:15%mud 06 163 M 10 8 71 BH A Collins 10 Brandywine, Dicks Pet, AJCoort 99799 DorvaJ Si t l:0Sfast 7-5 luo 4 3 4 7 6- L McAtee 11 .Maine. Blue .lay. Ortyx ENCORE, b. g, 3 101 Bv Plaudit— Expressing Mrs. J. Arthur 1. 21839 Hamton 11:40 3 86 2 11 1 1* 1* P Lowder 10 VaTas, Carrie Orme, Subject 217S4 Hamton 1 1 16 1:44 last I 84 ! 1 1 2 ::- 4s T Haves 12 Kenrock, Dicks Pet, Dundreary 21626 Windsor 1 l:40%fast 4 !t7 ?, 1 1 2 21! 4° L McAtee IO Cannonade. Dundreary. W.sLast ■ Port Erie 3-4 l:16%slow 3| 81 :: 2 2 4J 7" A Collins s Water Lady, Vogue, Bendel 21310 Hamton ?, 11:14 fast .". loo 3 4 a P s".l Acton 1 1: 1 1. 1 t..n. Coniniensia, KIcbwood 21207 Hamton i 1:40 fast .1 ss :: 2 2 2 2 21 L McAtee H Squeeler. Burwood. Baby Sister 20821 HlueBon. 5 t l:07%fast 13 102 7 I 7 V 1* !• Cooper II Zin Del. Kewessa, S |Deeler 20S25 Wdbine 3 1 1:13 fast fid 89 7. 1 1 1- 1" A Collins 10 The Spirit. Glint Ada Anno : 1 Plmlleo .1 I l:15%mnd 4C-5 lot 2 1 4 42 B*IR Shining 6 Corn Broom, Busby Head, Ailiena MARTIN CASCA, b. g. 4 109 By Martinet— Cascabel F. Brown. : mton 3 I 1:K,J fast IS :-; 4 2 2 4 :; h I... pain, s Kewe a. Vein:;.". 1n. Jimmle 21661 Wind ..1- .v f i:lo%mud 4 in:? ?, r, E :.* 4= .1 Kederia S MamaJolinson, Mi Gayle, Kopje 1337 Latonla 3-4 I:14%slow 10 117 2 :, 2 2* 3* Ii Gentry 11 RIoBrasos, Boy.Tea, Coppertown 21297 Latonia 2 4 1:16 mud 11 101 I 5 4 4- ::■"; 1. Gentry 8 Carrie orme. Ed.DeUlng, C.King 21213 Latonia 3 i l:13%fas 55 111 7 E I s2 6*1 J McCabe 12 Gabrio, Bio Braxos, Bell Boy 21098 Latonia 2 4 1:13 good 12 107 4 2 4 7 7-.1 McCabe 7 Maanlk. lloval Tea, Talebearer 20336 Pimlico 2 4 1 :l3%good 16 ins 4 3 8 2] 22 C Turner 0 Briar Path, Pharaoh, Supreine 20297 Plmlleo 3-4 1:1 t%f:ist 22-G 10C 3 2 2 2- l»k C Turner S Monty Lux. Patience, BlueMoiiso 1-a.URA. hr. f. 4 101 Bv Woolsthorpe — Incendiary H. G. Bedwell. _i7 Hamton 5] f l.-08%slop s 11,7 2, r s 7- 8*1 A Collins h M- ,avl,-. M. Johnson, Kgmont . F89 FortErie ,v f 1 : "h-sIow 11 lot 6 .1 2 4 3* A Schuprr li Deposit, Sir Blaise, Yorkville 21567 PortEWe 3-4 l:22%hvy 17-5 106 4 1 7 7- ,S1A Nerger 8 Patience, Astrologer, -lim Basey 21489 FortErie 3 1 l:2u-v,hw f3 110 1 1 1 1= 1° S Wolmlm s Gordon, Patience, C. on Delivery 21261 Hamton 3-4 l:13%fast 20 110 1 2 2 Ej »**|H TanfJa 12 Miss Gayle, Brandywine. KateK. 20863 BlueBon. 3-4 l:14%fast 22 lo7 1 3 3 7V. 9" H Taplin 13 Broomsedge, TbeSpirit, K. Worth 2074!* Dorval 2 4 l:ll%fast 2 105 5 3 4 C fi43 A Claver 12 Anavri. lnqnleta. Sni.lers Best KAYDEROSER0S, b. g. S 103 Bv Chuctanunda— Roxane W. Martin. 21665 Windsor 3-4 l:16%mud 38 Ho 1 3 I P :,■- V Cooper S C.oaDelirery. Vengbee, Ptefract 21156,Congh1 2 11-14 g-ood 30 hi; s s 7 7: «"iK Cooper 8 Deposit, Brandywine. Bettertoa 21115 Conght 3-4 1:i:.,:,koo1 lo 106 ; 4 7 and* 7«J P Cooper 9 Lady London, Claribel, Leialoba ■ 1 1 Conght 1 l:4E%slew 10 103| 4 r, 2 4 6*» «* V Cooper 7 Pgressive, T.Busybody, I.Clalrs W40 BlueBon. 3-4 l:16%slow 37-5 108 11 11 7 «• fi4] I- Cooper l.i Vork Lad. Gold Can. Ada Anno 20923 BlueBon. 3-4 1:11. fast 40 mil:: 12 11 11 9s P Cooper 13 Briar Iaih. Dicks Pet Sleuth 20746 Dorval 3-4 1 :l".-.tast 3J 104 11 8 4 Q 1" F Cooper 12 Blue Wiag. 1. ad Mai. Rubicon 1 1. 20613 Dorval 1-4 1:1 !-.. fast 1.7 M» 12 12 9 S 8«i P Cooper 13 Kgmont Irish Hart. .Mazurka CHANGE, ch. f. 3 97 Bv Fair Plav— Cliinkara W. E. Tamscn. Windsor 3-4 l:13%good 46 98 0 0 fl ! .* I R McD otl 9 Ptefract. H.Juiie. ConDelivery ■ H.tle :: 1 l:i:,,,iow 20 l". .. 4 fi 6** 4» H Cavgh II Scallywag, Fair Helen, Ada Ann 30O98 H.deGce 3-4 l:l3%fast so 106 c 7 7 7 74. ■ Turner 7 Joe Plan, Pair Helen, Mamie K. 19552 Havana 3-4 l:15%fast S 10010 10 lo 9" II Sumter 10 Laura. Cliilla. Perth Rock 19532 Havana 1 !:H-,iast 6 Hi 3 fi 4 A- 4Ji; .1 Gartner 8 Rayo Light. yel.Kyes, Sw. Lotto 19451 Havana 3-4 1:20* hvy S ss fi 7 7 7-"* -I Gartner 8 Joe Stein, Yellow Ryes, La M.„ie 18S02 Charlen 5| t l:ll%hvy 1 107 S 7 4 2 2" J Smyth R Idiola. GoldcstGIrl, 4t.Chlcote 18647 Charlen 51 f 1:10 hvv 13 lu7 5 fi ". :. r.".I Smyth 8 Dr. Carmen, Valas, Boxer 18594 Charlen 5* f l:07%fast C 1 »7 7 7 7 7 7" J Smyth 7 J. B. rial ieii. Reflectloa, Encore ,TIM L., ch. g, 7 108 By Ben Strome — Blue Jacket A. Brent. 21661 Windsor ~ f 1 :iO%mud 22 105 fi 4 4 4 B« R McDOtt 8 MamaJohnson, MIssGayle, Kopje 21567 FortErie .: 1 l:22%hvy 71 113 3 fi 7, fi" • Q flrant S IaUence, Astrologer, Jim Baser 21488 FortErie 3-4 1:22 hvv 11! MS 4 4 2 l«k l*i 8 McDOtt P Toddling, Celelnrity. Font 21394 Hamton 2 I l:16%mud 16 110 2 4 4 6" :.:i .1 Clancy 8 Valas. Peggy I... Mi-s Waters 21261 Hamton 3-4 l:13%faat f-0 192 fi 9 11 12 12" It McDott 12 Miss Gayle, Brandywine, KateK. 15011 Conght 51 f l:0S-H,fast 12 109 7 5 5 73 7* G Gould 8 Birka. Sackcloth. McCreary 14981 Conght El f l:12%slow 15 104 10 9 8 62 5"i K Amhrosell Mordecai, M.Jobnson, Tbesleres 14964 Conght All 2 4:ii2.mud 20 135 5 2 Refused. S Wilson 7 Gun Cotton. L.-nt, The Alii. -an 141KT7 Conght Ab 2 3:f,4%fast 20 137i 7 7 Refused. S Wilson ! I.uckola. Velsini. Portarllngtoa COLUMBIA LADY. blk. f. 3 99 By Mexican— Midlight R. P. Dodson. 21878 Hamton 5 t l:08%slop 10 106 1 1 r, s 8" J Metcalf K Miss Gayle. M.Johnson, Kgmont ; 73 KingEd. 3 1 I I--.tast 6 :. 107 4 1 11* .T Pominick 8 Stabborn, Energetic. Dr. Cann 33 KingEd. Ab5-8 59%fast s 115 6 5 I 2*1 C Leak II Energetic, L. Capricious, S. Best 21509 Delmler Aid s 1 :-. 1,1ast 7. 105 4 2 1 lJ W Hinphy n Edmond Adams, Carious, Fri-id 21365 Delmler 61 f l:23%fast 5 105 3 1 II1 W Hinphy IO Blue Jay, T.Govcrnor. A.Hcrndon 21356 Delmler 61 f l:24%fast 2 1W 1 1 I 7*1 W Young 10 Raiders Best. Dr.Cann. Deviltry 15 BlueBon. 7-8 l:28%fast 40 87 15 Polled m . M McDott 15 Rcdland, lnqnleta, Burwood NEVILLE, ch. m, 5 101 Bv Star Shoot— Lady Vincent Capital City Stable. 17793 Hlllcresl A65-8 l:00%fast S 115 4 1 J 1 3*1 T Cuinngs 7 Lit tie .lake. 8. of Rocks. Sarolia 1 ,:s 1 lilici, st Aii.", 1 :.M".-| 20 113 1. C !• fi"- T funimrs 1; Ccneral. I. Mom Brandywine 17698 Hlllcresl Aba 8 1 : i- last 2 11+ 2 1 l:; Is T Cumnga S Sandman, DoraM.Luts, st Win 17013 Hillcrest Abo-s 1 aio-fast 20 113 a I I :J i" ii 9 Ft Monroe, Yncs, Liu- Lumax 16686 Conght 11 16 l:54%hvy 20 107 4 2 3 4 " A fi2 T Cnmngs 8 Serricence, York.Boy, C Buford 16499 Windsor r,7. f l:06%hvy 40 107 7 7 S S 8** T Cumngs 8 Miss Gayle, Astrologer, B.Qniuce 16431 Windsor 51 t l:10%mud 30 107 2 1 1 2". fi"1. T Cnmngsll Springmass, Rust. Brass, Itemlel 16252 FortErie 3 11:18 hvy 69 MS B I 4 4 r.= V Coleman r. Parlor Boy. Bolala, Sberw 1 W224 FortErie I I l:18%mud lfi 110 7 G 7 C* S« ,1 McDond s Richwood, Supreme, Snrecel LILLIAN KRIPP. b. f, 4 9G Bv Beau Ormonde — Little Gun E. J. Crawford. 21334 Hamton 3-4 1:16 slop 39 111 7, 4 5 fi- ."I. McAt ■ 8 KateK.. Reflection. Mamu Johns n 21207 Hamton 1 1:40 fast 20 103 fi 4 r. fi 7.1 7,rL Cooper 8 Squeeler, Encore, Barw I S0766 Dorval 1 l:43%fast 12 ]n9 1 1 1 I I* and•§ J Grot* i" Irislineart, Bogart LuekTGeorge 20724 Dorval lm70v l:4S%fast 25 1"! 4 3 1 1 4 r. ", W Hinphy 12 Durln. Penalty, Lucky George 20517 Electric Al ." s 1 :ii7-slov fi HO :,"■ V Mamhrs 7 Anavri. Phew. Deduction 7 is;: Electric Ab5-8 l:02%slop 7i 110 7:.v. A Pickens lf Hoocrelf, Pass on. M. Campbell 10083 H.deGce lm7«yl:45 fast 29 loo 2 1 2 3 2l 7*iL aftek II l.ll.iod. GoLCastle, L.Innocence Also elijiitile to start in order named should any of above tie seralched: DR. HOLZBERG. ch. g 9 103 Bv Eannockburn— Grand Shot R. J. Mulhall. Wdbine Vb 2 4:33%fast 11 140 3 4 4 4 4 I-.r Smith 1 Klngcasli, Y.Mpheus, T.African 20437 Wdbine Ab 2 C06%fast 71 Its 2 3 fl 7 • fi7 l 7 . Krnm. Bryndown, Mch Court 16618 Hillcrest 11-16 1:54 good 5 117, r, fi ■ • B*» C White :t i,. Lanh r. Leamence, O.Nngget 16562 Hlllcresl 6] t 1:30 hvv fi 117 I fi 3 23 1*1 C White » Swiftsnre. ThcSnuire, K.Radfd 16207 Dufferin 1 I ! 1:71 fast 5 In7 fi E B 2 ::7 17 Carter s D.Jackson. R. OneO. Chief Kee 1098S Dufferin 1 1-16 l:56%slow 12 UN 7 7 fi S* :."• W Kehtay 8 L.oKirkeald.v. Moonlight M.Joe MEELICKA. ch. f. 3 92 Bv Veelick— Glasswcod W. P. Fine. Ma iton 3 1 i:ifi«r.hv- 5 92 7. 5 :. P16HL. McAtee 8 Fascinating, AdaAnne, CaptBen 21839 Hamton 1 1:41 fast 6 M 4 2 2 3 6i 6«1 L McAtee 1" El re. Valas. Carrie Orme 21740 Windsor 5 f 1:01 fast :. !■.: 7 9 7 6 :.•■, 11 Stearns TO Venetta, Peggj 1... Lamrhorne 21683 Windsor 5 f 1:12 hvv 44-6 si S 5 3 3 2«j L McAtee 10 Venetta. Katharine G., Moscowa 1557 FortErie 3-4 l:22%hvy 17 95 2 r. fi " I L McAtee 8 T. Busybody, D. Pet, K. Worth 21394 Hamton S-4 l:16%mud fi 107 7 7 7 78 4" E Haynes 8 Valas. Peggy I... Miss Waters 21 83 Hamton 2 1 I:l4%faat 20 lo7 I I 3 4= 41? E Haynes 11 Cardigan, Crystal, Celebrity -111." Conght 3 4 l:15%good 20 103 4 3 3 34 3.. I Haynes 12 Stellata. JoaeOaaZarate, Bnterpe

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Local Identifier: drf1915073101_5_3
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