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. . . . . » I I , , , , . • MAISONNEUVE FARK FORM CHART. 2 2 MONTREAL. QUE.. July 27. 1915. Sixth day.. 2 Maisonncuve Park ■!• key Clubs Inaugural Meeting ■ of 7 days. Weather clear. Preskliug Judge. Bd Cole. Starter, V. M. Mar-ray. Racing Secretary, Maniu Nathaneoa. 21914 rinl Race 8 1-2 Furlongs. Pane 1300. :: x year .Ids. SeUing. N. t vale..- to winner ?22o; second, 0; third, |23. lad. Hole. t. Fin. J.vkey. Op. CL z 317»lIOrmead 115 11 .1 Dominlck 1-2 1-2 81717 Mimico IM - w W Meehan 4 5 •il8«4 Bulger Ha - " Hinpliv 2 21 •: I H«» 1 Gold. Lassie 103 1- C Whymark 16 20 2l.!J kswan 112 51 1 Boland 1 s 2 1888 Skinny B. 115 1.- .1 Montour 10 12 21804 Clan James IOC 7 .1 Dawson S s ■ Time, 1:23-.,. Track last. Winn.!1 Mi J. Phillips hi. c, by Pillgrane — * Mi-s Kleischuiann trained by J. Phillips. Stan 1 1. ..ii handily; second ami third .lii lag. ■ 21915 Second Race About 5-s Mile. Parse S300. I- and upward. SeUing. Net ralae to win mr .25; second, fiO; third, S25. | lnd. Hone. wt. iin. Jockey. Op. CI. 21859 Ill 1- V Doyle I I - 21891 Odd loss in ink A Pickens 1 2 1 I SIBooPass On 113 ■* 1 Boland 21 I S 21S66 Breakers 113 4»* V Moore 7 I i 21865 Mars.imi ill ;,•• 1; Est. p 7 M I Z18S2 Capt. Klllotl 11- t V llinphy 10 U i Time. 593r.- Track last. I Winner — II. Neustadters b. in. 5. by Kuhie.m — i ienna trained by II. Neustadter. Start good. Won eaallj ; seeoad and third drivins. : 21916 Third Race- J 1-2 Furlongs. Purse .$::im. :; year-olda and npward. Selling. Net value t. win • nor 25; second, |50; third, f25. J lnd. ilor-e. wt. Tin. Jockey. Op. CL 21887-Trromi 115 v A Pickens I I 21771- Billv Stuart 112 2 AV Hinphy I I 21858 Ma ... r Belt 115 :"~ .1 Pendergast 1 1 • 21864 III Savin 103 N .1 McDowell 8 10 21830 Strange ;iti lOQ :."i- .1 Dodd I 10 1 2i83t 11. lio 106 $ .1 Dominlck 1 1 21830 ■ 1 : 1 v 1 1 nil 11 V 1 Boland 213and0 Maanrka 112 8 .1 Howard 3 1 Time. 1:22-,. Track last. Winn.:- M. Breechers eh. b, S, by Solitaire II.— Cui.l.i 1 trained by T. Lj an. . start, jo...:. Won easily; seeon.i and third driving. : 21917 fourth Bace Aboul 5-s Mile. Purse 00. 3- year-olda ami apward. SeUing. .Net alue to vviu-ii"i 25: second, S50; third, 5. lnd. Hone, Wt. Im. Jockey. Op. CL 21883t Jessup Bun M7 l|C Win mark 3 4 81860s Roseinai 113 2* J Pendergast 1 2 2 5 21S.iC Bulgar 112 S1 .V Pickens 1 4 ,21826k;. "i. aiell 112 ■!. .1 Montour 3 21791 The Lark 105 S ■ W Gargaa 5 I 217K Catb. Tuner 1112 t. av Hinphy 20 20 Time, 59Mv. Track last. Winner--J. W. PInkhams b. g, 9, by CoUectoc Jessup Carol. urn trained by J. W. Piiikhani 1 . Start good. Won easily; second and third drivins. 21918 fifth Bace — 1 1 l« Miles. Purse $:1HI. 3 year and upward. Selling. Net irabse t" w m 11. r s225: second, . •.: third. 5. lnd. Hone. Wt Kin. Jockey. Op, i. 2 IOCS = Imprudent 106 I* J Dodd 21 :: 21802 inila Jnson 107 2". A Pickens 4 5 21802 Mud Sill ill ■■- .1 Dominlck 1 1-fi 2IHH!! Delhi Mack 112 4". I Howard I 4 •.|-.!I7 Water Lad 107 6 C Why. nark 10 10 21M23Asa HerndonlvS 61 W Hinphy 1 S 2 1830 Malik 113 7* W Gargan t 10 ••1801 Miii. la 107 8 W Toung I t Time. 1:48V,. Track last. Winnii- .1. 8. Baldwins eh. m. 8, by Dick Welles — Lunelle trained 1 .!. s. BaUwta. Start good. Won easily: second and third drivins. 219x9 Sixth Bace 1 l-lfl Miles. Purse 00. 3 year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to win 11. r 25: second, 0; third, 5. lnd. Hone. Wt. Pin. Jockey. Op. CI. •IMlAnd. dHav 112 1 •• .1 Pendergast 1 1 2 1705 I. . Van /.amines 2- W llin|ih 2| 3 21825 I Hi :• 91 31 C Whymark I 1 21820-Masi, r Joe MM r .1 McDowell 7 8 2l80SsKavenal lit :■■■ .1 Dominlck 2 3-2 2 18!-; Aust llo S L Munro 7 s Time. 1:48V Track last. Winner i Holmans eh. g. 4. by Andrew Mack -v-Lighl of Dai trained by .1. B. Goodman . Start good. Won easily: second and third drivins. 21920 Seventh Race -About 5-8 MUe. Parse 00. 3- ear an. I upward. Selling. Net value to win-in 1 S22..: second, 0; third, 5. lnd. Hotae. Wt. liu. Jockey. Op. CI. •.*18 ; Tiger Jim 112 - 1i Bktep _". ;• 21827 ;l.i.. in. n Wise 112 21 W Doyle 3 3 2 177! U hta 107 2J .i Howard C. 2 IH2 ; ■ ar.i.uet 110 I1 .1 I ii.inini.k I i 81B3I Col i"i .1 MM H L Monro 8 10 21800 Ma-alo 112 Cj W Gargan 2| 2. 21820 Mortgyle US 7J A Pickens 2 3 2 1864 Irish Mary 97 81 C Whymark IS 30 2 1887 Janus 112 :• AY Hinphy t 7 21858 Varda B. 113 K .1 Pendergast 8 10 Time, 59- ... Track fast. Winner— T. Cheeks b. s. ! . by Bobert .ror Sister Mae trained by T. Cheek. Start good. Won easily; second and third driving. 21921 Eighth Bace 8 1-2 Furlongs. Purs,. 00. 1-year-otds and upward. SeUlag. Net value to win mr 25; --.eon, I, t : third, 5. lnd. 11. .r .-. Wt. Fill. Jockey. Op. CI. 818St2zBig Luraax 109 I A Pickens 3-2 1-S •el88»:ll. ialolia 104 2- .1 Dodd 1 1 2 1803 N..I.1 Grand 111 2- It Bstep 3 3 21801 Col. Holwayllt 4 .1 Pendergast 8 10 2 1829 Call:. 11 1 l:..v 111 5« J Montour C 7 21891 Yankee Lady 109 ii W Gargan 5 7 line 1:224;. Track fast. Winner-C. Bogans .h. f, 4. by Knight of the Thistle l.iiiuax trained by C. Boganl. Start so.. I. Won easily; see.. ml and third drivins.