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I J C i | . j j j ? J 1 • 1 | RAIN AGAIN AT HAMILTON CARBIDE GIVES A REMARKABLE DISPLAY OF SPEED IN THE NIAGARA HANDICAP. Joe Gaiety Has an Easy Task in the Steeplechase — Taka Inflicts a Surprise — Change in Con-naught Park Management Reported. Hamilton, lint., July :: ». — .T . S. Tines Carbide accounted lot the Niagara Handicap, the feature race of the card offered by the Hamilton Jim key Club this afternoon. He was ridden by l. Conner, set a pen, pace from the start and heat The Widow Moon three lengths at the finish. Ihe track was heavy, but despite this Carbide bowed 1 high flight of speed, going the tirst quarter in 2o:, and the half mile in tt%. Jo.- Gaiety proved an easy winner in the maiden steeplechase. Like Carbide, he went to the front when at the start and was never headed. F. A. Stone made a threatening challenge when going 1,, the seventh fence, bin could not get up and at the Inst .jump be stumbled and dropped "tit of contention. Jim O. healing him for second ptnee bv a half dozen lengths. Heavy rains this morning ruined whatever eliani e there was for a fast track during the remain ler Of the meeting. It was an ideal dav for the nnid runners, and horses that run heat in that sort of going had a big advantage. The Whitney lilly Taka proved a surprise in the second, in which she beat the odds on favorite, Bernico. in easy fashion. After Will Cash was beaten in the sixth race yesterday, three claims were put in for the colt ami in the draw C. E. llelines secured him fee 75. A. G. Blakeley has certainly heeii a target I r the halter nun in Canada. Two of the best two-year olds in his stable have been claimed from him in Bernlee and Will Cash. This is probably re-s|M.n-ib|e for his determination to ship to Saratoga, his horses will have here in the same car as will A. ;. Westons string t •morrow morning. Tom Ilanagan. one of the prime movers in the -loil-man benedt, collected over on the rare Special train that came from Toronto to Hamllloi thi- afternoon. Ibis amount will l»o added to the fund that is being collected to purchase machine guns for the allie-. Sam Leonard Started Hie sub script ion Willi a d -nation of 00. Lewis Garth received word from New York that hi-i father. William Garth, and W. L. Maupin of Virginia would be at Fort Brie on the opening day of that meeting and would remain in Canada for several days. News reached here today Of ■ hange in the management of the Connaiight Park Jockey Club. The resignation tendered by Albert Bobrhnck, as manager of the club, was accepted by the directors several days ago. There has been considerable trie tion in Ihe Connaiight Park Jockey Club ever since the inaugural meeting and. for the the good of the sport, it is hoped that the factions will now get together and that harmony will prevail in the future. Tin- fust departure from here for Saratoga came this morning when the It. B. Stelle stable, in charge of Charles J. Casey, left for the Spa. Frank B. Browns old campaigner, Donald Msedooald, left in the same car. Several other owners are planning to leave for Saratoga within the next few days. The stewards of the Canadian Baring Associations will hold a meeting at Fort Erie next Wednesday night, when several cases passed over from the last melding will be taken up for tinal action. II. I . Brown, who is at present in California looking after his extensive real estate interests in the vicinity of LOS Angeles, is expected east during the Saratoga meeting. The plans of the meeting to be held at the Havana track in Cuba will then be announced by Mr. Brown. News I run private sources in Cuba is that extensive improvements are being made to the track proper, which is being regraded and reneOed.